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BatchOutput DOCDiscount

BatchOutput DOC

Automate Printing and PDF Production from Microsoft Word

30% Off
$13.96 $19.95
for Mac  Download Trial
Platforms: Mac OS X 10.5-10.8
BatchOutput DOC ScreenshotWord Processing Software Screenshot

Microsoft Office users know that Word provides easy facilities for basic printing and PDF export. However, if you need to output dozens - or hundreds - of Word documents you're in for long hours of tedious and unproductive work. But now, you can do this barely lifting a finger, thanks to today's discount software promotion, BatchOutput DOC!!

BatchOutput DOC lets you automate printing and PDF production from Microsoft Word. With BatchOutput DOC, all you need to do is select files and adjust your output settings, then sit back and let the program do all of the heavy lifting! Skeptical? You can process hundreds of Word files in an overnight batch, coming in to pick up your newly produced PDF files with your morning coffee in hand! Your coworkers will think you slept in the office to accomplish such a feat, because they won't know that you had BatchOutput DOC in your arsenal of tricks!

There's a whole lot of flexibility to be found in BatchOutput DOC, too. For example, you can split Word documents into single page PDFs automatically, complete with variable file names based on page number, user name, current date, and other factors. PDF output can be optimized for web, print, and on-screen viewing, with the program actively working to reduce PDF file sizes. And, as expected from a program of this caliber, BatchOutput DOC lets you protect and encrypt your PDF files!

Review Written by Derek Lee
Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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