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Quick and Easy Note Taking

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$29.25 $39.00
for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
CintaNotes ScreenshotNotes Software ScreenshotCintaNotes, Notes Software ScreenshotCintaNotes, Productivity Software ScreenshotNotes Software, CintaNotes Screenshot

When you need to quickly jot down some information, what do you do? Reach for a sticky note, or a piece of scrap paper? And what do you do when that piece of paper ends up lost? If you've been thinking that there's no easy way to use a computer for quick note-taking, you're mistaken! Just check out today's discount software promotion, CintaNotes!

CintaNotes lets you quickly save and tag any bits of useful information, just by selecting text and pressing a hotkey. With CintaNotes, you'll never have to worry about losing bits of paper - every note you take is saved, along with the URL of the site that you clipped it from. Best of all, CintaNotes works with any application that can copy text to the clipboard!

When it's time to look up that piece of info, CintaNotes is on the case, bringing up matching results in real-time as you type! You can even search by title, URL, or any combination of tags. The tags can be organized into a tree, making the tagging system extremely powerful. And with tabbed sections it's easy to keep unrelated notes separate, while color-coding of notes helps in organization even further.

If you use online cloud services like Simplenote or Dropbox, you can sync your notes across multiple devices. With Simplenote you will have complete access to your notes on your mobile device, and not just for searching and reading, but also for writing! However if you're not that much into cloud syncing, CintaNotes works in offline mode as well. Small and powerful, CintaNotes can run completely self-contained off of a USB flash drive.

    CintaNotes PRO also supports:
  • - File and image attachements in notes
  • - Linking notes with each other
  • - Full notebook encryption and password protection
  • - Autotagging rules

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change
The Conversation
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Bo Grimes Great software but it does not have spell check
Jan 20 2014 at 4:36am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Hi Bruce, thanks for your comment and for supporting us! I'm glad you liked the software, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any problem, question or suggestion. Thanks!
Cinta Software - May 25 2014 at 12:01am Copy Link
Bjoern Hehmann Is it possible to paste pictures and charts?
May 29 2014 at 5:43am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Bjoern Hehmann: Unfortunately not yet, but we are already working on ability to attach images files to notes.
Cinta Software - May 29 2014 at 9:52am Copy Link
Paulo Correia Getting more and more expensive.
Aug 5 2014 at 1:15am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Paulo Correia: I've explained the reasons here:
Cinta Software - Aug 6 2014 at 1:18am Copy Link
SFuji Any plans for encryption.
Aug 19 2014 at 3:01am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Hi SFuji, yes, currently we plan to implement encryption by Christmas.
Cinta Software - Aug 20 2014 at 5:25am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Sorry for replying late, took me awhile to figure out where did the comments go after the promo ended!

@Jin User: Thanks a lot for your purchase! File and image attachments will be very inobtrusive - simply a paper-clip button in the note's title. If you don't use it, it won't be in your way.

@Heidi-Ann: Huge thanks for your kind words and for the recommendation! It's been a pleasure to have you as a customer! Sorry that it took us so long to implement the attachments. They will be released in the very next release ;)
Cinta Software - Mar 22 2015 at 11:35pm Copy Link
John Hood What version is this Alex?
Jul 25 2015 at 6:03am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Hi John,
it's the regular PRO license for the latest version being offered here.
Cinta Software - Jul 26 2015 at 10:44pm Copy Link
John Hood Great Software. Have been using it for years. Alex is dedicated, focused, and extremely responsive. Worth weight in gold for me in getting instant access without a lot of go-through gates. It is the first item on my routine backup list on my Laptop.
Apr 1 2016 at 4:42am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @John Hood: Thanks a lot, John! :)
Cinta Software - Apr 1 2016 at 9:43pm Copy Link
Klaus Joehnk This software is advertised for 25% off. However, this deal is not available on the vendor site "Coupon finish date is in the past".
May 25 2016 at 8:59pm Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Klaus Joehnk: Sorry for the problem and thanks for reporting! We've fixed this now - could you please try again? Also please note than for June 14th we've scheduled a 60% discount promotion here.
Cinta Software - May 25 2016 at 9:10pm Copy Link
Klaus Joehnk Thanks Alex, I checked the deal and it is working now fine.
But I'll wait until 14th June and use the 10 day trial key to check out Pro features.
May 25 2016 at 9:59pm Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Klaus: All right, if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask!
Cinta Software - May 26 2016 at 10:21pm Copy Link
Meg User Thanks for your response about keeping CN safe online and using simplenote, rather than Dropbox for that, although I do not see my original note and your response on here. Unfortunately, the offer available when I made the enquiry has now disappeared.
Jun 16 2016 at 5:56am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Meg User: Yes, the 60% promotion has ended in the meanwhile - it was time limited, this is BDJ. But don't despair: please drop me a line to, and we'll come up with a solution.
Cinta Software - Jun 17 2016 at 12:37am Copy Link
Meg User Thank you. If this is customer service on the web, that gives me hope that this is a GOOD piece of software that will do me well. Will email you. :)
Jun 17 2016 at 8:17am Copy Link
bvssunnydale Hi, is CN more of a (1) PIM or a (2) text editor type program? I'm hoping to save a set of notes on "A," "B,".. "XYZ" but only need them connected and searchable within their particular topics within CN. Also, can the files be indexed by an external program like Copernic (I guess I'm asking if they're saved as txt, rtf, or other common format? Thanks very much.
Sep 3 2016 at 11:48am Copy Link
Read MoreAlex Jenter @bvssunnydale: Hi and thanks for the question! CN is definitely more of a PIM. It helps you collect and manage information from various sources.

CN lets you link notes with each other using note links, and create searchable subsets of notes using sections and tags.

CN uses SQLite database for storing notes, so I think that most probably it is not searchable by programs like Copernic. But it comes with a very good built-in full-text search engine.

Hope this helps!
Cinta Software - Sep 4 2016 at 11:41pm Copy Link
Read MoreAdolphe I'm a user of the free version, and this is in many ways a very smart piece of software. Without getting into details, let's say that it does exactly what you'd like to do, it does it fast and it does not get in the way.

The Bits du Jour permanent offer is all the more welcome since, for all its qualities, Cinta Notes is priced too high. After all, it's nothing but a note-taking program. But it's as expensive as Scrivener, a fully-fledged word processor for professional writers aiming to replace Microsoft Word. Cinta Notes (I think) has a much larger potential market than Scrivener, so could benefit from a lower price.

Also, Cinta Notes is a light note-taking program. It's not Evernote or Microsoft One Note, by any stretch of the imagination. It does not accept images nor Web pages, which severely limits its usefulness nowadays. It does not lend itself to easy integration with other applications.

The free version is usable, but it definitely falls in the category of trial versions in disguise, as opposed to free versions fully doing the job, encouraging you to upgrade to paid-for versions if you're tempted by the extra functions.

The free version does not print, for instance. What free note-taking program does not print ? It does not link to files, it does not link to other notes, it does not export to HTML... (and the export options of the paid-for version are severely limited anyway).
Dec 18 2016 at 1:52am Copy Link
Read MoreAlex Jenter @Adolphe: Thanks for your comment! I must say we have tried lower prices and unfortunately they don't work: the inflow of customers doesn't get larger and the price point now is near the minimal point for the project to survive. You might not believe me but it's true: CN users are not that price sensitive, but their number is limited. Also please don't underestimate the complexity of the software, it has a lot of functionality under the seemingly simple interface. Just take the tag hierarchy and autotagging rules.

About the limitations of the free version: we do regularly pull paid features down to the free version. In the next version Simplenote sync will become free, for example. Also many people have told me that free version has more than enough features for them, but they bought a license just to support the project.

Anyhow, thanks again for your kind words about CN and I hope that it will get so popular that we can afford to lower the prices.
Cinta Software - Dec 19 2016 at 2:29am Copy Link
Read MoreAdolphe @ Alex Jenter,

I have now read the post you made on your site two years ago about your financials, and I was gobsmacked to see how little revenue Cinta brought in for you. I do hope the situation has changed for the better since then. What else can I say, except that your software deserves much, much better. It does get things right in a way almost no other software does, regardless of category.

Okay, just one more suggestion (not the main area of possible enhancements, but still) : bring preferences together in a single dialog box, with an Apply button, so that all settings can be adjusted in one go, and their results be observed before being confirmed, instead of the present back-and-forths which are necessary with the drop-down menus (View / Colour Theme and Options).

With my best wishes for success.
Dec 19 2016 at 3:37am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Adolphe: Sorry for replying so late, the comment system here on BDJ is weird - can't comment on Everyday promos when a 2-day promotion is running or being prepared.

Thanks for the kind words and wishes, we are doing the best we can to make CN better and to get more people to use it. Thanks for the suggestion, it is already planned for version 4.0 btw.
Cinta Software - Jan 5 2017 at 3:14am Copy Link
Read MoreAlex Jenter @Dan Amiel: I've suggested a solution, but need to know that you agree to it. Please contact me at support [at], we'll work something out.

@Adolphe: Yes, Simplenote certainly has limitations. What import format do you think would be the best to implement?

@John Hood : John, thanks so much for the praise, greatly appreciated!!

@Adolphe: Re limits: Yes, "barely acceptable" for many is probably not good enough. But this also depends on the hardware. And when people ask about limits, its difficult to tell what they really mean.
Also I thought that search performance is more important than saving performance, since usually you save a note one time, but search many times.
Cinta Software - Jan 5 2017 at 3:31am Copy Link
Dan Amiel @ Alex Jenter

I will, thanks a lot.
Jan 5 2017 at 8:12am Copy Link
Benjamin User Hi, don't you offert lifetime educational discount for your software? As a student, I always request a lifetime discount when I buy a new software and most of developer agree. That's why I am asking you this question. If you offer discount, then please send me a link where I can buy it at discounted price. Thanks!
Jul 23 2017 at 2:22am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Benjamin User: Yes, we do offer a 50% discount on all licenses for students and teachers. Please send a photo or scan of your student ID to, and I'll send you a discount coupon code. Thanks!
Cinta Software - Jul 23 2017 at 2:30am Copy Link
Read MoreMappi75 Very good program - small but very effective!

In the past i create every time a new .txt file and put a info in it.

But after a few months i had much text files and then i did not find the info i need or its lost forever.

Now open the app press the "insert" key on keyboard enter info, set tag or a link - finished!

There are other programs like RightNote or UltraRecall they can save a website and are too overpowered - thats not the main target of CN.

Definitely worth a buy!
Jan 19 2018 at 4:29pm Copy Link
Kelly Hamblin I have a license for version 3.1.4, and I like the app for keeping track of How-Tos and Where-to-Finds, but I have to say - Wow. Price has become far too high for this application's limited capabilities.
Jun 25 2018 at 5:21am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @RichU "Is CintaNote able to save the URL info for the location within the page, so that the user can go directly to the quoted text? "
No, I doubt it is possible

Is OneDrive supported? GoogleDrive?
You can store CN database file there, but there's no direct support.
Cinta Software - Jul 21 2018 at 3:29am Copy Link
Read MoreAlex Jenter @Ela S. "Really liked CintaNotes, but one needs to buy the expensive Lifetime Pro Version. Otherwise, after one year the automatic program update overwrites the existing serial number and resets the new version into the free version. "

CintaNotes doesn't have an automatic update function, it only informs you that an update is available. You yourself install the update.

I however have to admit that the installer doesn't check that you current key is not compatible with the new version. (Only when you go to Help/License, it displays the date of your key's expiration.)

We understand that this is not very user friendly and will address this is future versions. Thanks for drawing our attention to this problem!
Cinta Software - Mar 12 2019 at 7:38am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Amorphous Confused about this - Has anyone looked into this About CintaNotes:

This article is a lie aimed to getting you run their "Spyhunter" app. CintaNotes has never been an adware, or installed any unwanted toolbars etc.
Cinta Software - Aug 22 2019 at 10:07pm Copy Link
Steve User Does anyone know if this runs on Windows 10? The specs only mention upto Win7.
Jul 9 2020 at 3:54am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Steve User: Yes sure it runs on Win10
Cinta Software - Jul 13 2020 at 1:21am Copy Link
Read MoreAlex Jenter @ MojoMan, Rob, Adolphe, S User, bvssunnydale
Hello guys, thanks to all of you for taking part in the promo and for leaving comments! It's true that there hasn't been fresh releases of CN for quite some time, as now I can't unfortunately work full time on the program.
But the project is not abandoned, it is stuck between V3 and V4.
V4 with the big UI overhaul and migration to cross-platform framework is in the works. Although I now prefer not to give any promises concerning the release date.

About Rob's question regarding ability to get V4 using this promotion - well, why not? If V4 is released more that one year from now, write to support and I'll give a new key for free.
Cinta Software - Sep 29 2020 at 5:02am Copy Link
Dan Amiel Best software ever. All i can say.
Feb 1 2021 at 5:53am Copy Link
Alex Jenter Wow, thanks a lot Dan!
Cinta Software - Feb 1 2021 at 5:57am Copy Link
Mitchell User When was the last minor update?
Aug 15 2021 at 3:12am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Mitchell User It was long ago, yes. We got stuck with the major update and could only go so far with the minor updates. However the project is not abandoned, V4 is still being worked on, albeit the progress is slow.
Cinta Software - Aug 20 2021 at 2:26am Copy Link
Redstar333 I bought this a couple of weeks ago and have since been trying to register to be able to access the forums and find out more about its usage and features. Unfortunately it seems that someone needs to approve your registration and, despite several attempts, I have not had any response. Frustrating when you are trying to get going.
Jan 4 2022 at 11:09am Copy Link
Alex Jenter @Redstar333
Sorry for the nuisance! In order to prevent the forum being overrun by spambots we have to require manual activation of newly registered member accounts.
I've now activated your account and you can post on the forum!
Cinta Software - Jan 9 2022 at 8:42pm Copy Link
Niels Erik Karkov It is an excellent program. Always got great help, too, from the customer service. Recently it was a bit slow, but when contact was made they really made an effort in solving my problem.
Aug 7 2022 at 1:33am Copy Link
Benjamin User I have a mixed opinion for this application because I had bought it on BitsDuJour and despite my reminders, I had not received my license.

The first time I tried to register it I got an error message and then it was just a coincidence that I found the license in my archives.

When the application works, it does what it was created for and there is nothing to complain about its quality.
Jan 5 2023 at 9:28am Copy Link
Read MoreDaniel User Ooops, they did it again.

Another year is over without any updates to CintaNotes.

I think that a software that was not maintained for 4 years may be considered as "Discontinued".

Sorry, I was following this program over the years - the only thing that changed: The price for the very same version 3.13 went up. So now in 2023 I should pay $30 for an outdated WIN10-Software?

Usage on WIN11 only at your own risk ... not an attractive deal. imho.
Jan 28 2023 at 3:35pm Copy Link
Read MoreDavid F Usually I wouldn't comment on BitsDuJour, but I came to see if any updates or new versions. Yet, it's same version as I have had for a few years. And, as @DanielUser says above, it has not had any changes for quite a while.

And, to me, I am disappointed in the Developer of this application. Because there is so much potential with this application, and I see so many things that I hope they expand on or change / improve. Yes, it is functional, but it's lacking a lot of capabilities that will really make it much more useful.

No, I won't go into the list of them. Because the Developer has a website where they document the future of CintaNotes. But, it seems like they said that they were doing a rewrite a few years ago, and I haven't heard anything from them since.

Also, it looks like they'd send out a simple Newsletter, but they don't -- as far as I know. So, I somewhat agree that @Daniel_User is right, it's essentially DEAD SOFTWARE. Thus, if you buy it, you better be happy with what you're getting, because it's not gonna be improved, changed, modified, or made better.

And, if I am wrong, maybe the Developer will come on here and post something that differs with what Daniel or I am saying.

Anyway, that's my true experience from a User who is passionate about CintaNotes, even gave countless suggestions on the Developer's website where they have a CintaNotes' "Future Directions" forum discussion.

Thanks for listening and are reading & taking this into consideration. It's a great app for one person, but it's not the best if multiple people are trying to use it to get work done (like my Wife and I).
Read 2 More Posts By David F
Jan 29 2023 at 11:48am Copy Link
Daniel User Sad to repeat - but what is sold here for a still high 30 Dollars is a years old SW that does not even support Win 11. Therefore - NO deal.

PS: you should stop selling SW that is so much outdated.
Mar 22 2023 at 2:09pm Copy Link
Alex Jenter @David F , @Daniel - Sorry for the long period without updates. Hope to be able to release an update soon. However why do you say that CN does not support Windows 11? It runs under Win 11 just fine.
Cinta Software - Apr 5 2023 at 6:57am Copy Link
V M I wouldn't purchase this software. The developer of this software no longer cares about updates, so why should I pay for software that is out of date?
Read 1 More Post By V M
May 23 2023 at 5:28am Copy Link
Read MoreDaniel User Sorry, but it is still unsatisfying:
Latest version is 3.13 released in March 2019.

Means in more than 4 yrs not a single update
to the program, not even a maintenance update.

Very unhappy about this. ever bought a Pro licence
but I am not using the program anymore - not
feeling safe.
Aug 3 2023 at 4:26pm Copy Link
V M Don't buy this software. I also bought a pro license because I was initially impressed but I have been disappointed because Alex Jenter has not bothered to update and continues to try to sell this old software.
Aug 16 2023 at 6:43am Copy Link
Read MoreMappi75 Finally, a new update:
(I bought the Lifetime and never saw a new update):

CintaNotes 3.14 Released!

Monday, September 11th, 2023


Editor: selection selector could contain wrong section if section names shared common prefixes
Editor: fix paste RTF with new line symbol bug
Wrong CN instance could be picked when opening notelinks
Startup issue: possible “bad locale name” exception
Simplenote sync: fixed too many “delete tag” requests
Fixed possible crash after changing window docking settings
Fixed possible crash after unsetting the “Snap window to screen edges” option
Sep 15 2023 at 12:30pm Copy Link
Gunars Lucans In what way is it out of date? My CN 3.14 works perfectly, as always, including the useful sync to SimpleNote that lets me access items on my phone. Is there something not working that you needed fixed in a maintenance upgrade? Let's not be too needy and complain that the developer doesn't love us anymore. If it works for you, use it. If it doesn't, don't.
Aug 8 2024 at 2:33pm Copy Link

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