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Improve, Fix, and Protect Your Computer

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows ME, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7

*** We're Sorry, but there is currently a problem with this deal which means that we cannot bring you the reduced price! We're working on getting this fixed. Please check back soon. If we can't fix the problem we usually run the deal again. ***

Clearomizer ScreenshotRegistry Cleaner Software ScreenshotClearomizer, Registry Cleaner Software ScreenshotClearomizer, Software Utilities Screenshot

Just by using your Windows PC, it gets slower each day. It's not your fault, it's just the way that machines operate. Errors, corrupt data, and unnecessary files start to clog up the works like lint in a dryer, and before you know it, you're staring at decreased performance or even a blue screen. But cleaning your PC can be way easier than you think, especially if you get a copy of today's discount software promotion, Clearomizer!

Clearomizer lets you instantly augment, fix, and protect your computer, automatically scanning and repairing all of the issues that affect performance. With Clearomizer, your Windows registry is scanned and cleaned of any obsolete and corrupt entries, while errors and suboptimal settings are removed and tweaked to improve online performance and system speed. Got malware? Well, even if you do and you aren't aware of it, Clearomizer will actively scan your entire system for malware and remove anything it finds. The same holds true for spyware and other privacy hacks!

So spend that new PC budget on food or toilet paper, because you won't be needing to get a new computer anytime soon! Not when you've given your existing system a thorough once-over with the brilliant and oustanding application called Clearomizer!

After you purchase Clearomizer, it may be used for 12 months.

Review Written by Derek Lee
The Conversation
The Fine Print
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jerzy gruszecki excellent program to clean and repair the registry.
Feb 20 2013 at 1:00am Copy Link
LU Several links appear to be broken on your website.

Also, Is the purchase of this software a subscription based?

What version is the software and when was it last updated?

Thank you in advance.
Feb 20 2013 at 7:20am Copy Link
Ernesto Martins It is very important to me. My windows 8 and windows 7 are very very very slow...

Tank you, I am waiting the offer again.
Feb 20 2013 at 12:38pm Copy Link
Danny @jerzy gruszecki,

How do you know that or where you base that on?
Feb 20 2013 at 10:50pm Copy Link
BearPup @jerzy gruszecki,
Have you actually used this software, and if so, for how long?
Feb 21 2013 at 5:16am Copy Link
mihai burdulea io no lo usato ,ma intendo a usarlo se va bene ,non credo che elimina le chiave di registro , speriamo che fa un buon lavoro ,altrimenti un male feedback
Feb 22 2013 at 4:21am Copy Link
Danny Alex I tried to uninstall the trial and it requires to input a password? Why would it do that? I did NOT set a password...
Feb 22 2013 at 8:58am Copy Link
Scott Van Leeuwen What and why do I need a password to uninstall this software?
Feb 23 2013 at 12:37am Copy Link
donot crack thanks ;)
Feb 23 2013 at 1:45am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht It will run free for 15 days and thereafter it will ask for activation code.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 2:01am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Also the code to uninstall it is 'scan'.
Please drop a mesg here if u have any other issues. Thanks.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 2:02am Copy Link
Phil Tobin The developer claims to be a Canadian software company. Yet the website is littered, absolutely littered, with evidence that it's no more Canadian than I am.

Not only that: amazingly for a self-proclaimed computing specialist, the developer can't even put together a functioning website.

On which basis, I might just fork out $39.95 to keep Live Technician and its 'Clearomizer' well away from my computer. . .
Feb 23 2013 at 2:27am Copy Link
Miroir Deco To Phil Tobin : the developer is a Canadian... from India. And yes, we do speak or write English like he does.

For info, Canadian English, US English, UK English, Australian English and Indian English are different. It"s the same for French from France, French from Belgium and French from Quebec.
Feb 23 2013 at 3:04am Copy Link
JesusInsideMe 01) Phone license activation required with a 02) hardware footprint 03) and password to uninstall?, nop thanks, I like an easy going software (as are my other 479 installed softwares), this time... I pass over this offer, God bless you, bye.
Feb 23 2013 at 3:13am Copy Link
Read MoreKen Buchholz Phil Tobin - I agree fully with you. Claims to be a Canada-based company, but everything points toward India. On the Careers page, it refers you to:

Executive Name: Neha/Mayuri
Contact Number: +919811372993 & 01206990011

which are India phone numbers. Site also talks about "walk-ins", but gives no physical address. Makes me highly suspicious as to why a company would profess to be of one nationaliity but actually reside in a different country on a different continent. I would challenge this company to provide physical Canada and USA addresses. I have no problem dealing with companies in India; I do have a big problem in dealing with a company in India which is less than totally honest about where they are located. Given these concerns, and the very nature of this sort of software and it's potential to cause severe damage to your system, I would not install this software if I were paid to.

Also, reading the Fine Print tab here yields a lot of valuable information. The restrictions on this subscription-based product alone are enough to make me stay far away from it. I have several computers here at home, and I only buy applications software that is sold on a per user, NOT per machine, basis.
Feb 23 2013 at 3:16am Copy Link
DrTeeth The domain owner's details are masked. I do that for my personal sites but would not do that for a site that needed credibility, viz a commercial site.

You could not pay me enough to install this.
Feb 23 2013 at 3:36am Copy Link
Scott Van Leeuwen Why is there a password need to unibstall the software and why is it not given. Sounds like they want to lock it in until you pay for it after 15 days. Spamware if you ask me.
Feb 23 2013 at 3:54am Copy Link
Read MorePhil Tobin In response to Miroir Deco: you might like to brush up on languages before claiming that 'English' somehow becomes a radically changed language when not written, or spoken, by the English. Locational vernacular and spelling may and do differ (hence the old joke about how Americans and Brits are good friends divided by a common language.) But no differences are ever tantamount to the strangled literacy on the dysfunctional website of this, er, 'Canadian' developer.

Like Ken Buchholz, above, I couldn't care less where a developer is located. Nor, or so it seems to me, do any opther Bitsters. What we care about is honesty in a developer and transparency, this being a fundamental pre-condition for the purchase and usage of *any* software -- because if you can't trust the producer, then you ain't ever going to be able to trust the product.

Ken's post, which I'd recommend you read, says all there is to say about a developer based and operating in one country pretending to be in another. There's no need for this kind of deceit; it insults the intelligence of prospective customers and, in dissauding rather than persuading, is as commercially self-defeating as it gets.
Feb 23 2013 at 4:13am Copy Link
Stephen Kreyling Thanks for checking this out guys, I will pass.
Feb 23 2013 at 4:46am Copy Link
BearPup I, too, am going to pass. The risk from this type of software is too great to chance an unknown / untried piece of software (no one claims to have been a user who has actually tried the software).
Feb 23 2013 at 5:11am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Guys we have sold 1 lac licences till nkw and we just want you to try it . We are not charging anything on here.

And yes we are located in india however our head office is in Canada.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 5:23am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht And no activation is required aa such.. when u dowload the software you get 15 days trial and then you need to enter the activation code emailed to you.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 5:25am Copy Link
dale Geyer Total scam-called the live tech number listed on the software and the tech told me the product is not free and said I would have trouble now with my pc. Any company that doesnt give you a clear cut way to register their product watch out. To bitsdujour-you guys are doing a lousy job of screening these giveaways.
Feb 23 2013 at 5:26am Copy Link
judi bunner I would NEVER buy software that automatically cleans the registry. It could render your pc unbootable. Screenshots didn't show how this was implemented but most techs who are experienced frown on even editing the reg not alone allowing a piece of software to do this automatically.
Feb 23 2013 at 5:28am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht It creates a restore point before removing junk from registry.
So dont worry !!
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 5:31am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Dale - Yes software is not free .. it cost 39.95 however here u are getting for free.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 5:33am Copy Link
Emily Riley @Samay --- so are you supposed to download the software and install within 12 days.....

then 15 days later it will ask for the activation code we were provided by email from BDJ......

Will those time frames work?
Feb 23 2013 at 6:37am Copy Link
Robert Bargiel I`ve installed Clearomizer today.Now, after few minutes I can`t uninstalled this program using password they send to me, program says "wrong password". I can`t even register this program because registering dialog window appears only when I try to uninstall this program.Whats going on here?I don`t know.Somebody got the same problem with it?How to register this program.May be it says "wrong password" because I can`t register it.After installing it never ask me about password.Please somebody help me,Thanks...
Feb 23 2013 at 6:38am Copy Link
Aquarius Gabriel CCleaner is free and more than enough for all these tasks that this software claim to do.
Feb 23 2013 at 6:39am Copy Link
dale Geyer then why am I unable to register
Feb 23 2013 at 6:40am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Robert - Once u install the program it works free for 15 days after that it asks for registration code which is mnetion in the email to activate ot.
To yninstall.. password is 'scan'.

Let me know if u face any other issues.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 6:42am Copy Link
shadow0384 Extreme caution is advised:
Feb 23 2013 at 6:43am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Dale.. did u enter the the code u received in the email from bitsdujour. Let me know ur email id I will send u another code if that does not work. Generally it should work.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 6:44am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Ccleaner does not protect and removes Malwares.
Clearomizer does it.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 6:54am Copy Link
Jeff Coleman Registering software. Paste from e-mail

Use this registration information to unlock the software after installation. You must install/register the software within 12 days, and cannot do so afterwards.

Please explain. Also called Live technician @1-888-317-7256 Never heard of Clearomizer. Called number from website they wanted a fee before they wouldn offer any help. I want to register. No never mind I want to uninstall will scan work as password.?
Feb 23 2013 at 7:02am Copy Link
DrTeeth I wonder how much vetting BdJ does before a program appears here? A few dubious offerings have appeared. Maybe they should appoint some sort of trusted panel to vet programs, not all, just those that they do not have the time to check themselves. The 'reward' could be points to be used as credits for purchases.
Feb 23 2013 at 7:02am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht @jeff - Basically we (Live Technician) is a tech support company and we charge for providing the remote support. However any help for CLEAROMIZER is free, but if you have any other concern then agent might tell u about the charges.

And Jeff no need to call anyone for activating the software, Bitsdujour have already emailed you the activation code which u can use to activate the software.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 7:18am Copy Link
Read MorePhil Tobin @ Samay Vashist: If you haven't seen shadow0384's post and link, then you might like to do so now. If you're entirely unaware of complaints that continue on up the present about this 'developer' -- though I'm even beginning to wonder if has developed anything, ever -- then go here:

As to your assertion that's "head office" is most definitely in Canada rather than India, I've just had a stroll along Nimpkish Place, Duncan, British Columbia, courtesy of Google Map's Strreetview, and am not at all surprised that nothing in this residential avenue is registered with the Better Business Bureau:

Whatever business LiveTechnician is in, it seems to me that on the basis of everything so far discovered about this company by other Bitsters, that the betterment of customer welfare may not be one of 'em.

I don't blame BDJ in any way for this. But, like Dale Geyer in his post above, I'd hope not too many more like Live Technicians slips through BDJ's normally excellent net.
Feb 23 2013 at 7:19am Copy Link
Samay Vashisht Phil - We are offering free software and this is for making good name nothing else. You might not like the software but we have spent several days and month developing it, and on the top of this we are not charging anything for this.

We are not asking anyone to put negative comments for the company but any negative feedback for the software is a "FEEDBACK"for us and we will try and improve on those.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 7:24am Copy Link
Danny Sorry, I do not believe in ' free '! Often is that but a limited installation license or old version or promotion spamming or.......
Feb 23 2013 at 8:09am Copy Link
Read MoreLittle Bear This program is a complete waste of time! Even though the software vendor offers a password to remove the program, such activity is called Ransom Ware. You have to pay to have it unlocked. Otherwise it is stuck on your computer forever. And the developer says they are not asking for negative feedback here but rather offer positive feedback to develop the software. If you want positive feedback, please don't make this particular piece of software a shady operation by requiring an unlock code just to remove the program.

(Okay so the program is free today. It does not make it any different then Finally Fast or My Clean PC. )

There are too many free excellent alternatives such as Advanced System Care Free which works a whole lot better and actually has wonderful support mediums (quick customer support turn around times)
Feb 23 2013 at 8:34am Copy Link
David Pressman Tried on Windows 8 and found no Register link; several links did not work. Issues report gives no details and only choice is to fix everything found with no idea what would be affected. The support link on the website does not work, although a phone number is displayed on the header.

Viewed as highly suspect and dangerous and removed. Removal hung, but it had been removed once I forced a signout and then signed back in.
Read 1 More Post By David Pressman
Feb 23 2013 at 8:38am Copy Link
dale Geyer Any Issues related to sales or the valuable feedback can be shared at the link below.

number out of service!! SCAM stay away from this product!!!!!!
Read 1 More Post By dale Geyer
Feb 23 2013 at 8:39am Copy Link
Read MoreSoftware Babe ANY software that has this many questions and UNEXPECTED features is suspect to me and I AM A SOFTWARE ENGINEER.

Although the software is tempting, I will have to pass.
@Samay Vashisht: you may want to RE-DESIGN your web site. It looks like a copy of CNET/ZDNET

Also, you may want to put out a TESTING BETA before you start selling this item, especially since you have a SURPRISE feature when trying to remove the software (password).

Feb 23 2013 at 8:47am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Hmm... we're going to halt this promotion for the time being until we get to the bottom of things.

Sorry for the inconvenience folks!

BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 23 2013 at 8:59am Copy Link
Read MorePhil Tobin @ Samay Vashisht: Samay, no-one in the Bitster community -- which is a big one, an informed one, and a civilized one -- raises questions about a software developer if they've no reason to do so.

Here, though, there's every reason to do precisely that. Why? Well, it sure as heck has nothing to do with where the developer is, or is not, based. It's to do with the nature of the software -- software which isn't a paint program, an image viewer, a burner, player, trimmer, splitter etc but. . .

A Registry 'optimizer'.

As you very well know yourself, the registry is crucial to the operation of a Windows computer. On which basis, software which a user allows to get anywhere near the functioning core of her / his computer *must* be trustworthy -- and for it to be trustworthy., then the developer must be patently trustworthy, too.

Nothing I've seen of the developer of this software inspires any trust at all. And I'm not speaking merely of the website, either: the requirement that someone actually has to have a *password* to uninstall isso unusual, so bizarre, as to make one wonder just why it even exists. And that kind of. . . wondering is unsettling.

Nor is that all. Registry back-ups aren't infallible -- as, again, you must surely know: one that's damaged so badly by faulty 'optimization' may very well not be accessible / amenable to roll-back.

As to creating a Windows restore point, aw, come on: this software is supposed to be from specialist PC technicians. In which case, they'll know, as you surely will, that counting on a Restore Point in Windows is like punching feathers: a lot of effort, but so very, very often, no effect at all.

For you or anyone else to ask a user to take a software on trust on the basis that well, there's no problem, the computer can easily be restored, is downright silly.

Had this software being anything other than something which -- *by its very nature* -- has the co-equal potential to do both good and harm to a user's computer, then I doubt anyone here would have hesitated about taking advantage of the offer and trying it out, after which they'd have come on here to talk about the software rather than the developer.

But because that potential for good or harm exists, then people have, very sensibly, looked for reassurance about the source of this software *before* installing and using it . . . with results you've now read for yourself.

Apologies if you're upset in anyn way by the comments here, but people are simply exercising basic commonsense.
Read 1 More Post By Phil Tobin
Feb 23 2013 at 9:21am Copy Link
Antonio moreno buen programa
Feb 23 2013 at 9:54am Copy Link
Phil Tobin Good call, BDJ. How any outfit deals with the occasional bump in the road is always a better measure of its worth than when everything's a smooth ride. BDJ proves itself yet again as one of the good 'uns.
Feb 23 2013 at 9:54am Copy Link
DrTeeth @ Danny Thys

"Sorry, I do not believe in ' free '! Often is that but a limited installation license or old version or promotion spamming or......."

To be fair to BdJ, many of the free offers have been just that, with no strings attached whatsoever. I may get the odd email, but one can opt out. TBH, if a software company has done the right thing and given a full prog away, the least I can do is read their emails
Feb 23 2013 at 11:00am Copy Link
Danny @DrTeeth,

Okay, agree! But I mean to say: that ' free ' version is not the same than purchased! ;-)
Feb 23 2013 at 11:26am Copy Link
Read MoreHardy Smiff I installed this Clearomizer and then without even using it I decided to uninstall it because it did not look particularly appealing to me once I had started it up.

I have tried to uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller however my Revo Uninstaller will not open now, which is weird as I only used 10 minutes ago.

So I went to one of my fallbacks "System Restore" only to find that my System restore is disabled and none of my Disks/partitions are configured anymore to be saved by System Restore

PLUS I can no longer reconfigure my discks/partitions within System Protection because the radio button and the sentence "Restore system settings and previous versions of files" is greyed out for all disks/partitions AND all my System restore points are gone including the one I made just before I installed Clearomizer

Now I am not saying anything against Clearomizer!

You can all decide for yourselves as to be absolutely fair it might all have been caused by something else but I guess you are all pretty good at adding 2 and 2 together and reaching your own answer.

Incidentally would any Bitster please happen to know how to correct this greyed out problem or maybe know of an online tutorial covering how to restore System Restore with this kind of problem?

Yours in warm appreciation of all the good deals (free and paid for) I have had from Bitsdujour.
Read 1 More Post By Hardy Smiff
Feb 23 2013 at 11:38am Copy Link
Danny Honestly: what I read here, what am I glad I installed it does not have!
Feb 23 2013 at 12:04pm Copy Link
Heidi-Ann Kennedy-Fourkiller You might also want to know this site is on several blacklists. Known to distribute malware.

Also blacklisted by HPhosts.
Feb 23 2013 at 12:51pm Copy Link
zaq qaz this is the worst promotion ever. im uninstalling without delay. im cleansing my computer now. 12 days of stress......
Feb 23 2013 at 1:16pm Copy Link
Read MorePhil Tobin @ Hardy Smiff: Very sorry to learn of your current problems -- and especially if the 2+2 you mention are indeed adding up to 4.

The failure of registry restores after a registry has been damaged, and the utterly undependable nature of Windows Restore itself, is well known and was why I took issue with the vendor's statement earlier about how this software -- now withdrawn from BDJ -- 'creates a restore point before removing junk from the registry'. That kind of reassurance is, in truth, no reassurance at all.

Assistance with your situation isn't necessarily going to be OS-specific, i.e., XP, Vista, Windows 7 or 8, but it may well be that specific user forums for specific OS's are a good place to head.

I'd recommend a quick Google for whichever user forum is appropriate to your operating system and proceed from there -- you'll have to register, but that's not an issue.

Good luck!
Read 1 More Post By Phil Tobin
Feb 23 2013 at 2:09pm Copy Link
Read MoreMiroir Deco Thanks

- Phil Tobin (the developer is not a real Canadian software company, as we can see on there is no such company at Nimpkish Place, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada, but it's working in fact in and from India.
- Like you, I don't care where a developer is located, but not being totally honest is not a good way to trust them),

- Ken Buchholz (they have no physical office address in Canada, and their phone numbers on are in Uttar Pradesh, India, in the same state as their webmaster Netfunda Technologies,

- Danny Alex and Robert Bargiel (uninstalling the software requires to input a password, which is not a good commercial practice),

- Jeff Coleman (Live technician @1-888-317-7256 never heard of their own product, Clearomizer, and moreover asked for a fee to provide help),

- Dale Geyer (the support phone number 1-888-216-8304 is out of service),

- Judi Bunner (a software that automatically cleans the registry without any notice is not good, even if it creates a restore point before removing junk from registry),

- Lifetime Upgrades (some links are indeed broken on their website, such as and,

- DrTeeth (all the domain owner's details are masked, as we can see on http://who.securepaynet.n...og_id=DASS the domain name www.LIVE-TECHNICIAN.COM was registered on 11-Oct-11 through by a private registrant based in United States),

- Hardy Smiff (impossible to uninstall Clearomizer, Revo Uninstaller does not open now, "System Restore" is also disabled, etc., sorry for all your problems),

- and all the others, and eventually...

- Samay Vashisht. You said that after runnning for *15 days*, the software will ask for the activation code provided by email from you via BDJ, but that email says that we must install/register the software within *12 days* and that we can not install/unlock it afterwards. So what do we have to do ?

As we can not uninstall it without entering a password, we are hoping that nothing bad will happen to our PC, and that we did not use a disposable e-mail address.

Strange enough, and without any relation with the company, I received a phone call from a man telling me that I have a big problem with my computer. As this person said he is living in Canada but has a masked phone number and has a strong Indian
accent, I made a research on Google to check it out. I discovered that it seems I am not the only one to receive such scam

See video on
Feb 23 2013 at 5:23pm Copy Link
Robert Bargiel Samay Vashisht - thanks for answer. It can`t repair anything,it shows over 700 errors but it doesn`t want to repair it when I click on remove button.It shows information that "problem caused the program works correctly and windows will close the program and will send the solution for me..." nothing happened later. After opening it is scanning for errors but doesn`t repair .
Feb 23 2013 at 6:54pm Copy Link
Murat Szn thank you
Feb 23 2013 at 6:56pm Copy Link
Robert Bargiel Samay Vashisht : I`ve uninstalled program using password - "scan" as you said. Everything is ok. Thx and all the best.
Feb 23 2013 at 6:56pm Copy Link
Peter Bennett This is one big scam. I didn't like it as soon as I installed it - it installs itself into a folder Called "Microsoft" for starters. No way to register, poor user interface - goodness knows what it is doing to the computer. When I tried to uninstall, I got the "password needed" to uninstall message. I went to the website and activated live chat. After receiving the message "wait" and waiting I finally got a single typed line - "866-408-4349 sir you need to call on that no"

I called the number and was told they will be happy to help me, but it is paid support so there would be a charge! Long story short, they were still giving me the runaround when I saw the password on this page. Worked I'm glad to say. Stay away from this company, they are bad news!
Feb 23 2013 at 6:56pm Copy Link
Read MoreHardy Smiff @Phil Tobin: Thanks for the advice. I've not been computing for very long and I have justl learned not to snatch at every free deal that comes along. If push comes to shove though I do have a backup that I made yesterday on an external harddrive

@BitsdujourI am just so sorry this has happened around Bitsdojour because you have a great reputation and have been a great help to me with all your great deals on programs that I have needed to do things with and learn about computing.

If it wasn't for Bitsdujour's deals and freebies I would not have been able to do or learn half the things I have as I'm retired and unable to splash out too much cash except on real necessities.

So Thanks again Bits for your great service to us.

I will be sticking around though because you'll not be getting rid of me that easy just by accidentally promoing a dud piece of software for us every couple of years or so.

It's things like this that make our lives a little bit more interesting and not so humdrum.

Once I've got my PC sorted out this will be put at the back of my mind and chalked up as another positive lesson learned reminding me that I need to stop and think before I leap.

My Missus is always telling me that if I don't slow down I'll get to where I'm going before the car is out of the garage
Feb 23 2013 at 6:57pm Copy Link
Mark Feeney I don't trust it. The registry cleaner tried to delete a .dll file from Norton Internet Security 2013.
Feb 23 2013 at 6:58pm Copy Link
Scott Van Leeuwen I ran the software and it cleaned my registry, so I thought. Now several of my Microsoft programs will not run bcause of missing .dll files.

System restore did nothing. It is just geting worse. The only way I could uninstall it was when it asked for the password, I went into taske manager and killed an app that was uknown to me. That then unibstalled it.

Horrible experience with the first free program from here.
Feb 23 2013 at 7:58pm Copy Link
AJ Its says 4 hours left why I can't able to download ?
Feb 23 2013 at 8:52pm Copy Link
Samay Vashisht We have revoked the offer due to some basic cahnges like it ask for password while uninstalling.... we will come back again soon.
Also it will ask for registratiin code immediatly after installing.

Thanks for showing interest.
Clearomizer - Feb 23 2013 at 8:55pm Copy Link
Read MoreMichael Johnsson @ AJ

AJ did you even bother your self to read any of the posts, or the big BOLD text, basic at the top of the page?

*** We're Sorry, but there is currently a problem with this deal which means that we cannot bring you the reduced price! We're working on getting this fixed. Please check back soon. If we can't fix the problem we usually run the deal again. ***

This software is classed by me and other members here as a Ransom Ware, trust me, YOU DO NOT LIKE TO HAVE THIS ON YOUR COMPUTER.
Read 2 More Posts By Michael Johnsson
Feb 23 2013 at 10:36pm Copy Link
sat fast i ll be waitting for this Program, THx dear : bitsdujour
Feb 23 2013 at 11:05pm Copy Link
Danny @Michael Johnsson,

After all these disgruntled comments here, I think he no longer gets the chance to come back.
Feb 23 2013 at 11:10pm Copy Link
Samay Vashisht There is nothing wrong in the program.. it works really well and efficiantly.. only concern is it ask for passworr while uninstalling and we have corrected that problem.

Also there are few guys here who are selling optimization software for some 40 dollars and they are not happy with the free deal we are giving. And I totally welcome their comments as feedback from competitors...

Thanks guys for all ur support.
Clearomizer - Feb 24 2013 at 1:37am Copy Link
Phil Tobin This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Feb 24 2013 at 2:02am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Please note that user "Phil Tobin" has been banned from the BitsDuJour community.

We have a zero, repeat ZERO-tolerance policy for racially charged nonsense.
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 24 2013 at 8:22am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Note: comments are officially closed for this promotion.
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 24 2013 at 8:23am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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Oh no, looks like there's a techy problem with today's deal!

We've got our best people on it, rest assured that will have it up and running ASAP.

If for some reason we can't get things sorted before the clock runs out, we'll work with the vendor to reschedule the promotion as quick as we possibly can.

Make sure to click the big, green 'I WANT THIS' button to get a personal email as soon as we reschedule.