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Hot Alarm ClockDiscount

Hot Alarm Clock

Transform Your PC Into The Ultimate Alarm Clock

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
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Are you still using that old, battery-powered alarm clock that you snoozed endlessly in college? It's time to wake up to a whole new generation of alarm clocks, ones that leverage the power of your computer to satisfy all of your alarm needs, and so much more. Nothing fits the bill more perfectly than today's discount software promotion, Hot Alarm Clock!

Hot Alarm Clock offers a full spectrum of clocky functionality that includes alarms, timers, to-do lists, stopwatches, countdowns, and reminders! With Hot Alarm Clock, you'll be able to wake up to your favorite music file, or whatever's playing on an online radio station of your choosing. For folks who have a hard time getting out of bed, Hot Alarm Clock can be programmed to have increasing alarm volume, guaranteeing you'll never sleep through an important appointment. How flexible is Hot Alarm Clock? You can set recurring daily alarms, multiple alarms on different days of the week, alarms by calendar day, and more!

More than just an alarm clock, Hot Alarm Clock can also be configured to launch apps or open websites, and can even power-manage your PC by bringing it out of and into sleep mode as needed. Need to track time in other time zones? Hot Alarm Clock makes it easy to configure additional clocks to display other time zones. And more than 27 included skins means your Hot Alarm Clock can be customized to fit your own quirky sense of timekeeping style!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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The Fine Print
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George Cohen Can the program send a reminder via an SMS message?
Oct 26 2013 at 3:22am Copy Link
Sergey Koshkin No, only email messages.
Comfort Software Group - Oct 26 2013 at 3:32am Copy Link
Niraj Doshi @George Cohen.. you can check out Contact Manager.. to send set Reminder and Send Out SMS for Reminder
Oct 26 2013 at 4:25am Copy Link
George Cohen Niraj
Thank you. I will do that now. Most appreciated. George
Oct 26 2013 at 4:32am Copy Link
Cassiano qs does it talk the time?
Oct 26 2013 at 6:14am Copy Link
Sergey Koshkin Yes, Hot Alarm Clock talks the time and other text, if you set it.
Comfort Software Group - Oct 26 2013 at 6:33am Copy Link
Read MoreSven Åke Carlsson I tryed to do an automatik backup inside program but culd not find a way to do that
For meit's a must to have automatik backups (Alzheimers)
Is this missing?
if YES what files need to be backuped for a recovery or move to new pc

Sven Åke (this name is NOT allowed to use then buying, special character)
Sven Aake
Oct 27 2013 at 3:24pm Copy Link
Sergey Koshkin You can backup and restore database in window "Options":

Or you can backup and restore files from subfolder "Data":
Comfort Software Group - Oct 28 2013 at 3:04am Copy Link
Sven Åke Carlsson Yes I know that button
But if I forget to do that and my disk crash what can I DO ?
Sven Aake
Oct 28 2013 at 4:02am Copy Link
Sergey Koshkin Move files from C:\Program Files\HotAlarmClock\Data to the new PC.
Comfort Software Group - Oct 28 2013 at 4:37am Copy Link
Read MoreTortuga @Sergey, Hello
Thinking of buying this, as I have been on a long arduous quest to find a substitute for the very excellent Chameleon Clock. Have a few questions
•1) The 'Fine Print' says »... it may not be used at exactly the same time on each of them. I don't know how this is possible. I open all my computers in the morning [PC, 2Laptops, Lenovo tablet] & they remain opened all day, and Hot Alarm is set to run at start up.
How can they not be used at the same time?
•2) I tried v2.0 bk in 2012. On that version I was unable to set it to chime every hour on the hour, the number of hours, e.g. to chime 4x at 4 o'clock, 9x at 9o'clock, etc as Chameleon Clock does. Is this possible now, or is it something you may consider adding? Read some of the 'Help' on your site, but haven't found a reference to it.
•3) Was looking for the changelog as I see lots of improvements made since 2012, but was unable to find it on the site. Could you post the URL for that?
Thank You
Oct 29 2013 at 4:27pm Copy Link
Read MoreLito I just bought it, and there seems to be some things that I think are missing. The Analog clock are missing some features. The clock face has no skin that have the numbers on them. It's not really necessary, but to me it looks better if the numbers are there (to match the clock gadget I am currently using). Also there is no way to disable the second hand. It's nice having it there sometimes, but honestly it's not necessary to be there and probably eats extra resources for no real reason. There is no way to customize the face of the analog file text/caption.
Show caption only shows the time in AM/PM format. I'd like it to be customizable so the face has the Date in there along with the day of the week. So something like : Tues. 10/29/2013 would be more useful.

The stopwatch floating panel doesn't seem to show what I selected. I chose the hh:mm:ss.zz layout but the floating stop watch only shows hh:mm:ss
Oct 29 2013 at 9:38pm Copy Link
Read MoreMichael R. I would like to have a timer, to be able to be used comfortably with my ebay-wishlist. Therefore it should idally be able
- to allow more than one date/time
- to enter the auction termination date/time as abs. value and let it display it as remaining time until this time is reached
- to let these entries to appear on the screen some hours ago (instead of displaying permanently over days)
- to find out, if the computer is restarted or woken up after a standby and display all remaining entries at once (or e.g. the next entries, which take place in the next (e.g.) 24 hours)
- allow acoustical signals (e.g. starting some minutes before the termination time is reached)
- display these times in a row (so they do not overlap and can be overseen, and are not over the whole screen)

Can HotAlarmClock do (some of) these features?
Oct 29 2013 at 11:09pm Copy Link
Tortuga Well, bought 2 licenses, which was probably not necessary, but I'm still waiting for a response from the company ...
I'll give the 2nd license to a friend
Can't install right now, so in addition to my previous questions, would like to know:
•4) Can the time be modified to show 24hr cycle, instead of AM/PM?
Oct 29 2013 at 11:22pm Copy Link
Bruno Verschraegen @Tortuga

Mine (just bought 3 licenses for our team) showed 24hr cycle automatically. Go into Options (menu button left of Main Menu button Time Format select either System, 12 hours, 2 hours
Oct 29 2013 at 11:30pm Copy Link
Tortuga @Bruno :)
Many thanks for your reply/help
Still hoping the company responds to all the questions from all its users !!
Oct 29 2013 at 11:47pm Copy Link
Sergey Koshkin @Tortuga
1) This is a wrong section.
2) Option "Repeat-As Chimes (by hours count)"
3) Changes:
Comfort Software Group - Oct 30 2013 at 1:39am Copy Link
Sergey Koshkin @Michael R.
Yes, HotAlarmClock has all these features.
Comfort Software Group - Oct 30 2013 at 1:42am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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