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SpeedConnect Internet AcceleratorDiscount

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator

Speed Up Your Internet Connection!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator ScreenshotPC Optimization Software ScreenshotSpeedConnect Internet Accelerator, PC Optimization Software ScreenshotSpeedConnect Internet Accelerator, Software Utilities ScreenshotPC Optimization Software, SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator Screenshot

The speed of your network connection doesn't just depend on the speed of your hardware. Windows is designed to work on a variety of different hardware and network setups. Because of the abstract nature of the operating system, it simply can't be optimized for every user-specific hardware setup.

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator is a powerful Windows application designed to optimize your network connection and speed up all of your internet activities. This translates into a faster internet connection, faster browsing and email, faster downloads, and faster online gaming.

By changing the System Registry and optimizing the TCP/IP parameters, SpeedConnect can fine-tune the values and let you take advantage of more reliable, faster Internet connections.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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ryl User bien
Jan 16 2016 at 12:19am Copy Link
joji sawhney Thanks for this Giveaway. Good software.
Jan 16 2016 at 12:32am Copy Link
John User bien
Jan 16 2016 at 3:07am Copy Link
Mohamed User bien
Jan 16 2016 at 3:24am Copy Link
????? ???????? Good!
Jan 16 2016 at 7:46am Copy Link
df User i like
Jan 16 2016 at 10:20am Copy Link
ryl User Jai rien piger ton accélérateur chepa si sai bave
Jan 16 2016 at 8:12pm Copy Link
khaled User hanks for this Giveaway. Good software.
Jan 17 2016 at 12:52am Copy Link
Pascal User trop cool
Jan 17 2016 at 12:59am Copy Link
erdinc pektas thnx
Jan 17 2016 at 3:30am Copy Link
John User I have seen so many "accelerators" in the last 20 years that I honestly doubt it works as they claim.
Jan 17 2016 at 6:42am Copy Link
rabah User thnx
Jan 17 2016 at 10:12am Copy Link
ebrahem mawad thanks,
iam waiting for serial but not receive it
Jan 17 2016 at 2:21pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @ebrahem mawad, The promotion hasn't started yet but it will in the next few days.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 17 2016 at 2:30pm Copy Link
Robert Gibson I got the trial offer when can I get the software???
Jan 18 2016 at 5:17am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Robert Gibson, The promotion hasn't started yet but it will in the next few days.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 18 2016 at 6:42am Copy Link
Adrian Miller After 35 years in IT i can tell you that none of these utilities will do anything, all internet speed tweaks died after dialup usage was the norm, and even then, at their best the effect was marginal at the extreme very best.
You stand more chance of slowing your internet down, if anything, using this stuff.
In other works, snake oil. If youre on broadband of any kind, just use your internet and leave this alone. Most of the settings will do nothing, particularly MTU, as its usually set by your ISP, and at a PROPER factory setting in most routers, changing it on your PC will do exactly nothing. Snake oil.
Jan 19 2016 at 1:28am Copy Link
PatrickB my connection is slow, so I wanted to test the app.
I measured without "speedconnect" Result: 3.75 Mbps / 0.78 Mbps
Installation speedconnect, boot Pc, result: 3.32 Mbps / 0.63 Mbps
Made several measurements (values are averages)
As I suspected, it's disappointing and I uninstall.
Sorry for my English even less efficient than this app! :-)
Jan 19 2016 at 2:47am Copy Link
Mugu thanks
Jan 19 2016 at 3:32am Copy Link
InsaneXade edited
Jan 19 2016 at 3:50am Copy Link
Serious Noize I am a bit confused about the "Optimization Modes" there is an Automatic choice and then a 1,2,3,4,5, but I cannot find any documentation as to what the different choices do? Nor do I see any changes in the settings by choosing a different number setting for optimization.

Just wondering how the "Optimization Modes" work and what exactly they do?
Jan 19 2016 at 4:49am Copy Link
InsaneXade Nice, my internet is a lot quicker. Thank you! The previous post was wondering how to activate it. .
Jan 19 2016 at 5:00am Copy Link
steve collins I tried this today. Actually degraded my numbers. I always use TCP optimizer from speed test. net FREE and the best speeds come from their settings. in my opinion.
Jan 19 2016 at 8:02am Copy Link
g hudak no way to register! email provided is invalid.permanent error!
Jan 19 2016 at 8:10am Copy Link
Steve Tetrault Terrible program! I installed it, ran it and re-booted as required. Then I ran a speed test using "". Speed was LESS THAN 1/2 of what I was getting before the "tweaks". I quickly uninstalled the program and had to do a system restore to get back to where I was before I installed the program.
Jan 19 2016 at 8:12am Copy Link
Mugu does anyone have problem installing this software ?
Jan 19 2016 at 8:23am Copy Link
steve collins TCP optimizer can be found free at
Jan 19 2016 at 8:24am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @g hudak, I just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 19 2016 at 8:25am Copy Link
steve collins and download tcp optimizer. to get speed.
Jan 19 2016 at 8:25am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Mugunthan User, I've just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 19 2016 at 8:26am Copy Link
CFGuy I am getting error message "Sorry but we couldn't make that purchase, some items in your cart need to be modified! You have not been charged. Please check below and try again." No matter how many times I try. :-(
Jan 19 2016 at 8:28am Copy Link
Mugu @Constantin Florea, actually this software require .Net Framework 3.5 and im using window 8 and higher version .Net framework that why i can't run this program
Jan 19 2016 at 8:42am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @CFGuy, I have just forwarded your receipt email. You can also do this from your Purchases page.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 19 2016 at 11:20am Copy Link
Serious Noize @Steve Collins, Thanks, I tried speedconnect and multiple test, no difference and actually seemed slower, also tried Ashampoo's internet accellerator and no difference with that one either.

I tried TCP Optimizer as you suggested, and after testing the results of the speed test showed basically the same, but I do have a really high speed internet connection, there was one exception that I noticed using TCP Optimizer compared to the the other two I mention, while the speed test didn't show an increase in the upload or download transfer rates my browser page loads have an obvious quicker load/display time and seem to be loading a lot faster, so yes, TCP Opt. does work and it's a dfiference I didn't see with the other two optimizers I mentioned. Thanks again...
Jan 19 2016 at 1:50pm Copy Link
Adam Bridge Perhaps the Software publisher could explain here why people are getting slower speeds after installing this than they were before ? I won't bother installing given the issues people are experiencing.
Jan 19 2016 at 2:02pm Copy Link
steve collins Serious Noize--- I have an older system slower Ip here. My brother has a 5ombs connection he tried tcp optimizer, it did nothing for him either, but maybe it works better on old slower hookups?? I don't know, but it helps me.
Jan 19 2016 at 2:07pm Copy Link
Free Ride Could someone please send the receipt to me manually? I'm unable to get the first one from the purchase, the second attempt forwarding it after purchase hours ago still hasn't arrived until now. Thanks in advance. =)
Jan 19 2016 at 2:11pm Copy Link
Read MoreSerious Noize @Steve Collins, I actually am using a very new PC, it's a Dell XPS 8700 with 16 GB's of ram and a 4th generation i7 processor. I know it's not the latest generation of i7 processors, but I have only had it for like a month and a half or so and bought it new.

One big thing about TCP I noticed was that you need to make sure you select the proper device to change or optimize, in my case I have blue tooth/wifi and ethernet, if you don't do that or make sure from the start then nothing will change for what you use.

I can tell you this much, I go to a lot of sports forums and I am currently using Google Chrome 64 Bit, when I would load Videos "Before using TCP Optimizer" I could start watching them and it would start out kinda blurry with the connection for about 40-50 seconds and then go into HD with this browser. Now after using TCP it goes straight into HD when viewing those videos. So there was a definite change in that aspect. Like I said earlier there really was no speed change but I am using a high speed fiber connection, the only change with TCP was the fact that it opened up speedy changes with video connection loads and page viewing load times. As for accessing sites, that would be a DNS issue. Page loading times are not necessarily a PC issue in my point of view, see, my settings were limiting the amount of data "A safe settings setup" that could be processed at one time, using TCP it opened up the stream for the page loads. At least that is the best explanation I can give, although I am no tech or nothing like that, I just know it helped me out a lot.

Thanks to Bitsdjour for this offer, but there are several things I don't like about Speedconnect, first and foremost is the fact that it adds an entry to your startup to where it is loaded as a process but that process is not apparent to those who don't check. I would say it shows promise, but considering it's primary motive is money then NO, it does not. TCP Optimizer is the better choice, but like I said you have to understand that your internet will not magically get faster, your video settings such as mine might be change to open them up so they can process faster with a newer system, or your page loads times might increase, but as for making "THE INTERNET" faster that ain't never going to happen.

Just a few of my opinions. Thanks again Steve Collins, that really helped me out and I hope I explained how so.
Jan 19 2016 at 2:51pm Copy Link
Uzmandoktor User Eeee hani..Bekliyoum lisansi gelmiyor...Agaç oldum iki saattir bekleye bekleye...
Jan 19 2016 at 3:45pm Copy Link
Que La @Uzmandoktor User, I have just resent your receipt email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 20 2016 at 12:04am Copy Link
Que La @Free Ride, I have just resent your receipt email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 20 2016 at 12:05am Copy Link
brian User yester u said it was coming soon,today it says its 100%off,then you show me a page withdeal expired try this frre trial,no thanks i dont need the agravation of people who mis represenrt
Jan 20 2016 at 4:27am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @brian User, I am sorry for any inconvenience. This promotion ran for 24 hours starting with 3 AM EST (00:00 PST or 8 AM GMT) on 19th of January 2016. It ended approximately 6 hours ago (approximately 5 hours before you posted your message).
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 20 2016 at 6:09am Copy Link
Read MoreEla S. Terrible program, terrible sounds, terrible experience:

After installation and running automatic optimization, internet connection has become SLOWER then before.

License date shown in the program window is 1998-2010 (!).

De-installation does not reset the original computer settings.

So one has to re-install the program again to set the former settings.

Then program needs to be de-installed again.

Each installation / de-installation requires a reboot of the computer.

After finalization, a cleanup of the registry is strongly recommended.

Time cost 45 minutes for nothing - maybe Windows restore would have been faster.

Phew, this is not funny - good luck for all.
Jan 20 2016 at 12:46pm Copy Link
ebrahem mawad please, can any body help me to registration program because when i put my info

registration code its tallied me in active
May 23 2016 at 12:29am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @ebrahem mawad, I have checked and noticed you did participate in the January 2016 giveaway promotion we had for this product. I assume you are trying to register the product using the registration information you received from that promotion. If so, please notice that the January 2016 promotion ran with the following condition:
"You must install/register the software while the promotion is active, and cannot do so afterwards."
BitsDuJour Admin - May 23 2016 at 2:53am Copy Link
ebrahem mawad please please i beg you if you can upload this version because lost it and thanks
May 23 2016 at 7:45am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @ebrahem mawad, You can download the product by pressing the Download Trial link at the top left of this promotion page. So the installer is already available.
BitsDuJour Admin - May 23 2016 at 9:47am Copy Link
ebrahem mawad thanks, for answer to me but i installed it and still field active
May 23 2016 at 6:44pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @ebrahem mawad, We (BitsDuJour) cannot provide you with a new registration code because we have no control over the registration codes of this product, only the vendor has.
BitsDuJour Admin - May 24 2016 at 12:44am Copy Link
ebrahem mawad i know the activation code already with me i need only software in same pormotion date thanks
Read 1 More Post By ebrahem mawad
May 27 2016 at 3:45am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @ebrahem mawad, The software installer we used on 01/19/2016 (the promotion in which you participated) can be downloaded by pressing the Download Trial link at the top left of this page. For easier reference, here is the URL from that promotion:

Also, please notice that the 01/19/2016 promotion ran with the following condition:
"You must install/register the software while the promotion is active, and cannot do so afterwards."
which can be seen in "The Fine Print" tab in this promotion page. This means that the code we used at that time is no longer valid.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 7 2016 at 11:36am Copy Link

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