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Simply Being

Simply Being

Simply Being

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RECOMMENDED BY THE NY TIMES, SELF MAGAZINE, YOGA JOURNAL, the HUFFINGTON POST and more. Meditate easily with this elegantly simple App. Enjoy the deep relaxation, stress relief and benefits of meditation without prior experience. The Meditation Oasis® Simply Being app has been developed by Richard and Mary Maddux, creators of the popular Meditation Oasis® podcast. It allows you to choose from 4 meditation times and gives you to option to listen to the guided meditation with or without music or nature sounds. You can also listen to the music or nature sounds alone. In addition, you can choose how long to listen to the music or nature sounds after the voice guidance finishes. "Let the voice-guided Simply Being app talk you through a relaxing 5- to 20-minute meditation session. 'Other apps offer pretty nature sounds but no instruction, which left me bored,' a tester said. 'With the voice guidance, five minutes of meditation flew by.'" Self Magazine, April 2011 "Very relaxing and a good way to fall asleep." "...the best guided meditation I have ever found." "Extremely soothing music..." "My stress level has dropped, I have more patience, and I am more relaxed before going to bed." With this App you can: - Meditate easily as you are voice-guided step by step - Choose a meditation length of 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes - Listen to the meditation with or without music/nature sounds - Read instructions to support and enhance your meditation - Listen to music or nature sounds alone - Choose how long the music/nature sounds will continue after the meditation ends - Relax deeply and experience the present moment completely - Enjoy the benefits of meditation easily - Links to support on the Meditation Oasis website The Simply Being meditation is useful for beginners and experienced meditators alike. _____________ Created by Mary Maddux, MS, HTP and Richard Maddux, best known for their popular Meditation Oasis podcast and and CDs. Mary and Richard bring over 30 years of meditation practice and teaching to the creation of their guided meditations and music. In addition to teaching meditation, Mary has worked in both conventional and alternative settings as a counselor and healing arts practitioner. Richard has played and composed music all of his life. His music is composed especially for meditation, relaxation and healing.

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