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12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas OfferDiscount

12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas Offer

The Best ActiveX Controls, In One Package

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7
12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas Offer ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software Screenshot12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas Offer, Development Tools Software Screenshot12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas Offer, Development Software ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software, 12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas Offer ScreenshotDevelopment Software, 12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle - Christmas Offer Screenshot

Programming a successful application is kind of like running a marathon - at first, your idea propels you forward, and you bask in the glory of planning and coding all of the great features that you've invented. But then, just like in a marathon, things start to get boring and painful - in programming, this occurs when its time to program application interfaces! Buttons, progress bars, splash screens, layouts - it all gets to be so time consuming. Why not treat yourself to a holiday gift with the 12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle Offer?

The 12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle Offer gives you the fully licensed versions of 12 of the most popular Sonic ActiveX controls, saving you valuable programming time and resources! Installation of the controls is super easy -- just drag and drop the ActiveX Control into your IDE's Components Panel or Toolbox, and you're good to go!

Everything that you create with the using a Sonic ActiveX control can easily be used in your other application projects. With just a click, you can save your settings to an external file or string, making them available to other projects, or giving your app users the freedom to switch up settings on a whim! New support for product registration and activation means you can distribute trial versions of your applications that use Sonic ActiveX controls without worry!

Here's what you get:

Sonic Click: Add contemporary, professional web-style buttons to your applications. Features include:

  • 3 stage, 24-bit image buttons
  • Tranparent or opaque background
  • Smooth up-down icon motion
  • Customizable button text
  • Color tint and tint brightness options

Sonic Progress Bar: Update your application's dated, boring progress bar with a slick, stylish, and fully-customizable one! Features include:

  • 9 Standard Styles including Windows XP format
  • Unlimited user defined styles
  • Easily adjust block size, gap, and feather
  • Changable foreground & background colors
  • All standard events (Click, DblClick, etc) are supported

Sonic Alpha Style: Give your applications a cool glassy transparent look & feel. In addition, use it to load your splash screens with high quality animations! Features include:

  • 255 Steps alpha blending option
  • Multi-Style application loading (fire, glow, lightning, etc)
  • Apply glass effect to any number of forms with a single line of code
  • Easily create custom defined form animations

Sonic Skinner: Skin your Applications easily with a few simple steps. Apply any user-designed skins and eliminate the old boring styles. Features include:

  • Skin your applications without a line of code
  • Apply skins with high quality GIF images
  • Simple control tool box
  • Create any kind of shaped forms

Sonic Frame: Easily apply additional styles to your applications. Arrange and bound the controls simply by selecting the suitable design and colors! Features include:

  • Seven built-in styles (WinXP, SuperBlack, PlasticPad, Etc)
  • Alignable, shadowable caption text
  • Customizable borders (size, shape, color, etc)
  • Adjustable rounded corner
  • Gradient style background fill (horizontal, vertical, radial, etc)
  • Background picture support
  • Supports system colors

Sonic Calendar: Provide your users with a high-quality, clickable calendar interface! Features include:

  • Seven built-in styles (WinXP, SuperBlack, PlasticPad, Etc)
  • Easy navigation between months (high and low speed)
  • Default value provides both the system date and time
  • Gradient style background fills
  • Supports system colors
  • Low memory and space consumption

Sonic PNG Skin: Create professional PNG Skinned applications complete with smooth shadows and semi transparent backgrounds. Features include:

  • Utilize 32-bit PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG and TGA images
  • Supports smooth shadows and semi-transparent images
  • Extremely fast 32-bit graphics processing with alpha mask rendering
  • Easily magnify the skin to your desired size

Sonic Scroller: Replace your tired, overused scroll bars with beautiful, , slick, smooth ones. Features include:

  • 12 Built-in themes that coordinate with the Sonic Skinner control
  • Add your own image as the Scroll Bar skin
  • Customize the size and shape of your scroll bar according to the needs of your application
  • Supports am unusually large range of values: from -1,000,000 to 1,000,000
  • Adjust scrolling speed as desired

Sonic Color Picker: Provide your users with an easy way of selecting colors! Features include:

  • Easy selection of colors from a standard color palette
  • Use in icon/compact mode for effective usage of available screen space
  • Allow manual RGB color value entry
  • View old, last and current colors side by side

Sonic Text Box: Provide your end users with a pleasant typing experience by replacing the standard text box control. Features include:

  • Unlimited user defined styles
  • Supports single and multiline text
  • Change border style, size, and colors
  • Save and load themes from external files

But that's not all! The 12 in 1 Sonic ActiveX Bundle Offer also includes the following:

Button Mega Pack 3000: The Button Mega Pack includes over 250 different sets high quality, 3-stage (Normal, Over & Down) button images. That's more than 3,000 images! Each button comes in four different sizes (60x20, 75x30, 100x30, 150x60) and can be used with Sonic Click Super, Mega and Ultra versions of the Button ActiveX control.

Sonic VB Suite: The Sonic VB Suite combines 6 different Sonic ActiveX componoents (Click, Progress Bar, Alpha Style, Skinner, Frame, Calendar) into a single control.With fast performance and easy deployment it's the perfect visual control suite for your applications and offers easy integration to the Visual Basic IDE.

Review Written by Derek Lee

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Michael R In a former BDJ-offer I bought single components included here too and it is registered to my name and also 2 computers.

I am thinking about the possibility to take this offer, even if the ActiveX-components I bought seem the most important for me.

Are these old licenses allowed to be transfered to another user and how easy is this procedure?

Which components will run with Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero and with which versions of this compiler you have explicitely tested them?
Dec 16 2009 at 6:19pm Copy Link
Walter Jayanth We'll transfer the licenses to another user only after we deactivate your current license. That is we have to cancel the given Activation Codes before we issue the new codes. We need your new user's name and email address as well. Please contact us at for further details.

We have tested the controls in Borland 7 only. We never had a chance to test them in CodeGear or Embarcadero environments. We provide fully working ActiveX controls with the Demo Studios. So you can freely test the controls in those environments and if they support the controls, then it's a simple matter to Activate the products.
SWJ Soft - Dec 16 2009 at 11:07pm Copy Link
Read MoreStefan Hauber I am new in Active-X handling.

How does it work if an exe-file is created, which uses an Active-X control and I want to give it to a customer or publish it in the web? Is it enough to copy the appropriate single .ocx-file into the same directory as the exe-file or are there other files I have to copy too? Does the end-user need to register the active-x-file somehow in this system first? (Or can I do this step within my software using it?)

Is the distribution of the .ocx-file (and all necessary other files, if any) complete free for the registered software-developer?

I suppose, when registring, the ocx-file (of the demo) is patched and contains somehow my S/N. What if another programmer created a program with the same sonic active-x component? Can the two different programs run in parallel (perhaps with one .ocx-file) or do they interfer in any way (e.g. not two 'same' active-x-components can be registered in the system, the one ocx-component being registered does not fit to the program of the other program).

Thank you in advance.
Dec 20 2009 at 5:43pm Copy Link
Read MoreWalter Jayanth Stefan, Your question is very impotant as well as useful for all other developers who are interested in Sonic ActiveX Controls.

The location of the .ocx file doesn't matter as long as you register the control on your client's machine manually or automatically using an Installation Wizard (ex: Inno Setup Maker or Install Shield). Normally all .ocx file are copied to the client's System Folder (ex: C:\Windows\System32\ ) and registered. If you anticipate there will be a version conflict among the controls then you may keep them inside the application folder and register the control.

Version conflicts are very rare with Sonic ActiveX Controls at the moment, but it'll affect the application only after a Major version change (ex: If the current version is 4.0.0 then the major version change will occur at 5.0.0) in the current controls. Our activation system registers your compiled application (.exe file) with your serial number if the control is activated on the developer's (your) machine properly. It doesn't do any modifications to the .ocx file so even if any one elses application is using the Sonic Controls, is installed on to your client's machine they both can run on the same .ocx file without any troubles. In all minor version changes we strive to provide compatibility with all previous minor versions so if anyone installs a latest version of the .ocx file over yours then definitely your application will improve and benifit from the newer version and will work without a trouble. But we advice you to always keep your applications updated with our latest controls since all the minor versions and bug fixes are completely free. To update your projects with the latest controls just download the Demo Studio program of the required control and install it on your machine (developer's).

The distribution of the .ocx file with your projects to your clients is completely free, since unless you give your Activation Code to your client, he/she cannot activate the component on his/her machine. Also if you have used your Activation privilages earlier (i.e. activating on 2 machines for Single Developer License, 10 machines for Group License and 100 machines for Enterprise Edition.) no one else can use your Activation Code and activate the control on their computers.

Please contact us at, if you need any further assistance.
SWJ Soft - Dec 20 2009 at 7:29pm Copy Link
Peter Wallace You might want to spell check this before it goes live - there were about 6 misspelled words and that never looks good - and there are a few others that should be hyphenated. Just FYI....
Dec 21 2009 at 6:18pm Copy Link
D T Is demo 7 (app 4) of the Sonic Click Demo really meant to be religious proselytizing? It's kind of a showstopper for me.
Dec 24 2009 at 5:26pm Copy Link
Walter Jayanth Hi D T,

Will it proselytize you, if you just look at it ? If not please consider it as one of the billion websites on the internet.

SWJ Soft - Dec 24 2009 at 9:01pm Copy Link
D T I don't care what your religion is. I do care when you try to inflict it on me. I don't care for people who do that, especially when they backpedal as you just did. Since you choose to impose your beliefs on others, you should have the integrity to own up to it when asked. I was already leaning away from this offer based on the value and quality of the objects, but your proselytizing really sealed the deal. An example of one issue I had with the code itself; your calendar control has poor functionality. Many of the newer ones allow the user to zoom out from the month view to the names of the months, and then zoom out again to change years with a single click. Your high speed scrolling method is very awkward.
Dec 25 2009 at 3:16am Copy Link
Read MoreWalter Jayanth We do not sell scrap products as just you've described above. We have loyal customers all around the world and about 400 small and medium companies are using our products with satisfaction. We believe our control is best at the market when compared with the prices and features we offer. The same offer we are giving today, we were selling it for $99 all these months. As you said above we never imposed any belief on you or infact we don't even know who you are. So if you think the website has provoked you of your own conscious and have frightened you then we're glad that it did. We even do not care if you or any others who do not want our quality and useful products purchased for low price as of today. We have our regular customers who are morethan willing to pay the full price for each individual controls. And for your record the lack of functionality you've mentioned was not a good example. We have done our best with the controls. The only thing we can understand about you is that you're a troubled man in both life and work. So do not bother other people who doesn't pull the ears of a street dog like you did.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
SWJ Soft - Dec 25 2009 at 4:12am Copy Link
D T Boy, I really pushed your button. What a thin skin you have. Stop peddling your religion inside your product. It doesn't belong there. Your holiday greeting comes across as petty, sanctimonious and disingenuous.
Dec 25 2009 at 4:27am Copy Link
Read MoreWalter Jayanth First of all we never asked you to download our products. Then we never asked you to run the 7th demo of the Sonic Click product, and we never asked you to read the content in the web page there. And we never asked you to start a non relevant discussion as you did here. You're so ingenious that you have done everything above by yourself and complain on us. I could just ask the site's admin to remove every negative thread on this page and ban you from posting anymore. But I always welcome criticism from atheist people like you, who think they made themselves. So brother (may be a sister) thank you for posting the comments above. As you may know, there is no such thing as bad publicity. And I'm glad that you have given some information which many do not know where or what it is.

Thanks again.

And I also thank those who were silently following these threads.
SWJ Soft - Dec 25 2009 at 5:00am Copy Link
D T Hey, I just asked a question. You could have answered "Yes" and I would have accepted that. Instead you showed don't even have the strength of your own convictions to admit your intent. And unless you accidentally put your software up here do download, or built demos to run, or to have the user look at the content, then YES, you did ask me to do this. You can't have it both ways. If you proselytize, then you meant to do it, and the consequences of people's reactions are on you. Plus, as to the quality of your code, it misbehaved pretty regularly on my Vista laptop, both during installation and in execution. That may speak more against Vista than your code, but it does have runtime problems you should look into. As well, we're in the 21st century now. Your look and feel is very 1990s.
Dec 25 2009 at 5:17am Copy Link
Norbert Snodgrass I am no programmer, but am almost moved to purchase to support Walter in the dignified way he has conducted himself when faced with somebody who clearly has issues.
Dec 25 2009 at 9:44am Copy Link
D T My only issue has been that I asked a question that still has not been truthfully answered. In all my posts, I've been respectful to him and his beliefs. As to Walter's "dignity", he has instead chosen to misquote me and call me names. He denies imposing his belief with his proslytizing, suggests that I'm frightened by the unverifiable religious claims in the offending webpage (and admits the thought of which pleases him), falsely claims I described his product as "scrap", claims to know that I'm troubled in "both life and work", accuses me of "pull the ears of a street dog" (whatever that means) and then hides behind another false claim that he never asked me to download his products, when there is a big green button at the top of this page that reads "Download -- Try before you buy". He doesn't seem to think that an evaluation is explicitly stated there. But, if this meets your definition of "dignified", by all means, click on the "Buy Now" button with my blessings. But I stand by my initial point, which is it is not appropriate for him to use his product to peddle his religion.
Dec 25 2009 at 10:34am Copy Link
Read MoreWalter Jayanth If I said 'yes' to your question it would have been foolish to accept what you have said about proselytizing using the software. It's not true and why would I put something inside our software which will drive away our potential customers such as you. The website was special and one of a kind, and I have come across it accidentally. I have put it there instead of putting a well known website like inside the browser. Of course I am a Christian and I like to harvest souls for GOD. I am not a little bit afraid to confess it. But that is something irrelevant here. I didn't want to discuss my believes here since it's not suitable in a public post like this ( it will be as using GOD's name in vein). I take full responsibility for putting the website on the demo application because it's my own software and I can put whatever I want inside. But the intention of mine is pure and just to acknowledge the people who have never heard of such things mentioned in the website. Certainly the website is not a pornographic or a racial one. If you don't want to agree with the believes then please ignore the website, but what if the things were said in the website are True ? Are you ready to goto hell or even heaven ? I am going this far only because I could see you as a Christian backslider, who once believed in GOD and now lost it assuming they're all myths and stories. I came to this conclusion because you have understood the website and its purpose much better than many have. I had released the software almost one year before and was worried thinking no one ever noticed the website. But finally you have, and I am happy for that.
SWJ Soft - Dec 26 2009 at 1:52am Copy Link
Read MoreRoger Thomasson Folks, this is absolutely, positively the wrong forum for this conversation. Please curtail it. After 3 straight days of cancelled, delayed, and re-routed flights, I'm not in the mood to start deleting comments which are clearly inappropriate and grossly off topic.

But I will.

Please, do us a holiday favor and take a breather from this conversation.


BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 26 2009 at 12:58pm Copy Link

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