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20 Handwriting FontsDiscount

20 Handwriting Fonts

Create Warm, Personal, Handwritten Documents

for PC 
Platforms: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Linux
20 Handwriting Fonts Screenshot

Handwriting is a lost art. Our dependence on computer keyboards, text messaging, and click screens has utterly killed our ability to write in longhand. Don't believe me? Try it, right now.


Yet, handwritten text, like that found on an invitation, is a welcome touch, and one that will surely be remembered by the recipient. Instead of subjecting them to your unintelligible scrawl, you should seriously consider 20 Handwriting Fonts!

20 Handwriting Fonts lets you create documents on your computer that look like real handwriting. Imagine being able to create announcements, invitations, and correspondence using one of 20 different TrueType fonts, all designed to look authentic.

What's more, 20 Handwriting Fonts contains the Euro currency sign as well as all letters required for English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Finnish. So you'll be able to impress your international friends and family, too!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Tomasz Lisowski There have been many font deals on Bits du Jour, but I haven't found one yet, which would offer support for Polish characters :(
Oct 15 2014 at 2:51am Copy Link
Miroslav PAVLIK Sory, cannot downloading this. I am from Czech Republic and Registration for download is strictkly . Germany. FB account have not.
Oct 15 2014 at 2:51am Copy Link
Adrian Miller i give up, ive been through the process, and gotten 1 email

Where the heck are the fonts?

Another email grabbing exercise for future marketing? Looks like it so far....

Not a font to be found.....
Oct 15 2014 at 2:52am Copy Link
Halasi User Ok, I get order, but download link is nowhere... :-O How can I get it?
Oct 15 2014 at 2:52am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla We had problem with the mail server this morning, but it is now sending out the download e-mails.

No, this offer is not restricted to German customers. It is offered worldwide.
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 15 2014 at 4:32am Copy Link
Jeff Clarke So, where is the download?

Have clicked through to confirm my intention to download these fonts, completed customer details (am already a registered customer of SoftMaker), received confirmation of order but no link to download!

Is there a problem with SoftMaker server? Am also attempting to download the beta of their SoftMaker Office HD software but receive a server error message.
Oct 15 2014 at 5:20am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla Jeff, we have sent all out pending orders. Please check your spam folder. Failing that, please simply "order" the free product from the shop again.

What error message do you receive when registering SoftMaker Office HD?
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 15 2014 at 5:23am Copy Link
Erwin Apao I've got the download link via email along with other 2 emails regarding registration info and order receipt#...
Oct 15 2014 at 5:25am Copy Link
Silvano Quattri I have only the number of the order
Oct 15 2014 at 5:25am Copy Link
Halasi User Thanks for quick help, link has received. :)
Oct 15 2014 at 5:25am Copy Link
Miroslav PAVLIK Link received, no fonts. Have Payment, have acount by SoftMarker, cannot veriify, no Fonts have. 8x Bulletin received, no downloading Fonts. :-/
Read 2 More Posts By Miroslav PAVLIK
Oct 15 2014 at 6:40am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla Please be a bit patient. The shop system sends out several e-mails, and sometimes they might be a bit delayed or your e-mail program places them in your spam folder.
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 15 2014 at 6:44am Copy Link
feral1 This download process for a few free fonts has turned into a harvesting of personal information. I am disappointed in the ability to be introduced to a software vendor being turned into a absolute mining of personal information before one even has the opportunity to explore the quality. There is a big no thank you for this "deal" from me especially when there are so many like fonts for absolutely free. Please not do this.
Oct 15 2014 at 8:19am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla feral1, sorry I can't follow you. We are offering a product for free by discounting it in our web shop to zero Dollars. Yes, the shop requests your name and address because every web shop does this. But we don't give, sell, or lease any personal information to third parties.
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 15 2014 at 9:16am Copy Link
BearPup Hi,
Just want to put my two cents in for some 'backhanded' fonts. My cursive writing slants backwards and to the left - think of it as italics applied to the left instead of forwards and to the right.

Oct 15 2014 at 10:22am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla BearPup: We have such fonts in our commercial packages -- see and
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 15 2014 at 10:30am Copy Link
BearPup You really should include at least one in the giveaways for all the lefties out in the world - don't discriminate!

FYI, the first link you gave me resulted in a Page 404 error.

Oct 15 2014 at 11:27am Copy Link
feral1 Thank you for your response. As you know you are working through BitsDuJour, who has our email address and is extending your promotion for our review and possible interest. I am not wanting to sign on to your registry or register for your promotion through Bits. That is why I signed on with this one "publisher". If I do like your promotion and product I will then establish a relationship with you all at that time. Right now, no. I am not repeating all this account registration process.
Oct 15 2014 at 12:59pm Copy Link
Read MoreLee Pumphrey To anyone still waiting for your e-mail with the link to download the fonts...


I ordered the fonts very early this morning and checked my e-mail many times throughout the day and was frustrated each time.

I checked the comments an hour ago and read the suggestion by Martin Kotulla from Softmaker, to try checking the spam folder!

I felt like a dummy for not thinking to check there.

In my case, it had been sitting in my junk folder since early this morning—approximately 1 hour after the order was placed.

Mister Lee
Oct 15 2014 at 4:15pm Copy Link
Down Theshore Order processed through without a problem, link to download the zip file was waiting in my email. Installed on Win 8.1 without a problem.
Oct 16 2014 at 5:22am Copy Link
Read Morerodken Great giveaway!
A bit of a run around but well worth it for these. Did have to check the spam folder.

Saved me 100 hrs it would have taken to make these. Some people don't understand all the work that goes into creating Quality (even bad quality) Fonts. FYI there are two backslant fonts with this giveaway.
Higher Quality not like the free ones being offered everywhere.

Thank You Softmaker for your generosity, you will be seeing more of me.
Also think about bringing InfiniType 3 to Bits at a discount (not free). That is a great collection!!
Oct 16 2014 at 5:22am Copy Link
Jim Stone Are the fonts licensed for noncommercial use only?
Oct 16 2014 at 5:23am Copy Link
marci dresser I have the fonts but am unclear where to put them for WORD to make use of them.
Was this stated anywhere in the download directions?
Oct 16 2014 at 5:24am Copy Link
The Big Fat Man Hallo Martin,
ist das die gleiche Version wie beim vorigen Giveaway?

Mit freundlichem Gruß
The Big Fat Man
Oct 16 2014 at 5:24am Copy Link
lemonade soda I got the fonts, they come in TTF and OTF. Installed without problem. Some of them I like, and I have used one in a document already. Recommended.
Oct 16 2014 at 5:24am Copy Link
Jan Kuhn Worked for me now. 1mail to confirm the deal, without downloadlink, and 1 mail in spam WITH downloadlink. Got it in seconds.
Thank you
Oct 16 2014 at 9:03am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla 1. The fonts can also be used for commercial printing and PDF files. You may not give the actual font files away or use them as webfonts (which is technically the same thing as giving them away).

2. You install the fonts by right-clicking on a font file and selecting "Install font". They will then be available in all Windows apps.

3. Yes, this is a repeat offer from the previous free offer.
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 16 2014 at 11:10am Copy Link
Oct 16 2014 at 11:22am Copy Link
Roderick Nicolson Have received no email for fonts.
Oct 17 2014 at 12:52am Copy Link
Központ User
@Tomasz: Yes, Hunagarian too. And any "ékezetes" letter :(
Oct 17 2014 at 12:53am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla Roderick, please check your spam folder.
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 17 2014 at 12:57am Copy Link
Hawkeye After clicking on the link, it asks what Country and then I get a list of software. The featured item is not on the list and I have no idea what to do next.

I'm using IE9. What is needed to get this. This is very confusing.

Oct 17 2014 at 1:12am Copy Link
Quill Pen I squeaked in with only about 15 minutes to spare, fearing the worst both because the BDJ order process often displays blank pages and because today's thread contained a lot of confuseled/frustrated posters.

Bits didn't bork and while Softwaremaker's registration hoops are a bit contorted and way to "dataminey" for my tastes, I persevered and am sooo glad I did!

I'm a PICKY fontaholic and thus am often disappointed, but right out of the virtual box I found two fonts that have already become favorites, just in time for holiday notes! Of critical importance to me, they're compatible with Photoshop.
Oct 17 2014 at 1:13am Copy Link
Martin Kotulla Hawkeye, please contact us at info (at) and we will e-mail you the fonts.
SoftMaker Software GmbH - Oct 17 2014 at 1:15am Copy Link
Read MoreQuill Pen @BearPup, I could be mistooken as I'm unsure what minor serifs and flourishes give away a true leftie but the Giovanna and Roxana font (included in this offer) appeared slightly leftist.

Maybe try my favorite in the package - Agnieszka - could pass if you know how to skew a font with Photoshop or similar software. I skewed a test line using Agnieszka and thought it looked left-handed.

Another suggestion (no guarantee of quality or full compatibility) would be to google this search string --

+"FREE FONTS" "left-handed"

Top result is good old FONTSPACE's Free left-handed fonts -
"Download 4 free fonts in the left-handed category for Windows and Mac"
Oct 17 2014 at 2:34am Copy Link
Roderick Nicolson Thanks Martin. Found the email lurking in one of my Outlook folders. Probably because I already have an account open with you.

Sorry for the false outcry, and thanks very much for the nice gift of excellent fonts.
Oct 17 2014 at 2:34am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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