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5 Icons IncomeDiscount

5 Icons Income

Track Your Income Visually on a Calendar

v1.0 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or higher
Check it out folks, you can also get

5 Single License (1 PC) with Lifetime Upgrades
5 Personal License (3 PCs) with Lifetime Upgrades
5 Home License (10 PCs) with Lifetime Upgrades
5 Icons Income ScreenshotPersonal Finance Software Screenshot5 Icons Income, Personal Finance Software Screenshot5 Icons Income, Business & Finance Software Screenshot

Does using a spreadsheet to track your income put you to sleep? Are you one of those people who just perform better when you can easily visualize information, even if that information is based on numbers? Well, if this describes you, then drop everything and jump on today’s discount software promotion, 5 Icons Income!

5 Icons Income lets you visualize your income in a calendar view, letting you see exactly how much money you’ve got coming in each day, week, and month. With 5 Icons Income, you’ll be able to easily and intuitively understand just how much money you can expect to make, and plan your life accordingly. 5 Icons Income even takes care of situations where you lose income, and will adjust its forecasts accordingly.

It’s easy getting started with 5 Icons Income. Just input your anticipated monthly income, then let 5 Icons Income go to work, calculating each day’s income and assigning an appropriate icon. For any given date, 5 Icons Income will show you just how much monthly income you have accrued as a percentage. And with support for all global currencies, everyone can use 5 Icons Income, no matter what part of the globe you call home!

This promotion includes the following:
5 Icons Income v1.0 ($29.99)
5 Single License (1 PC) with Lifetime Upgrades ($49.99)
5 Personal License (3 PCs) with Lifetime Upgrades ($69.99)
5 Home License (10 PCs) with Lifetime Upgrades ($119.99)
Review Written by Derek Lee
The Conversation
The Fine Print
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_*_ *sigh Another "Email license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint".

So silly to allow for one install on a computer and then once the user changes something deemed a "new" system by the software it will not run.

$10 for a lifetime license, or for free with a 1 install limit it is a no go, and I will pass. I rather not even install free software with such limitations.

And, by-the-way, if your giving it away for free does it really matter how many times a person installs it on their own computer(s)?
Apr 24 2015 at 4:32am Copy Link
TSS Support Re,

This is 100% free for the Single License (1 PC), so you can use it only on your own 1 PC.

Please read the License Introduction segment at its order page on:
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 4:57am Copy Link
_*_ @Qiulin, I have no issue with 1 computer, what I have issue with is the 1 install limit on a person's computer and they cannot change out their hardware.

By-the-way, there is a contradiction.

The link you gave and your response speaks of one install on one computer.

The link states, "Single License (1 PC): licensed to yourself, you (individual) can use the licensed copy on your own 1 PC at most."

However, in the Fine Print here on Bits it states, "Each license allows installation on a single computer and a laptop."

Is it one computer without exception, or one computer and a laptop?

Not that it matters to me, as I have no intent to download, with the 1 install limit, but others might like to know what is correct.
Apr 24 2015 at 5:19am Copy Link
TSS Support Re _*_,

"1 install limit on a person's computer and they cannot change out their hardware."

No this limitation.

Sorry, because BDJ will let us choose this option, maybe we made a mistake.

The license agreement, please refer to our official site and this software's License Agreement when installing.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 5:33am Copy Link
Pam Paulson I'm concerned about the discrepancies in the licensing, too. And I see many errors in the user interface and on their web site. I believe more people would be willing to purchase foreign software if they'd at least hire a native English speaker to write the English.
Apr 24 2015 at 6:35am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Pam Paulson,

English is our first language.

"I see many errors in the user interface and on their web site."
If so, please tell us these "many errors", thank you.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 6:45am Copy Link
Manu dRB Misspellings on the user interface may also indicate bad programming because of it, and if English is your first language then your country must be going through crisis regarding education.
Apr 24 2015 at 7:17am Copy Link
Pam Paulson @Qiulin, if English is your first language, the education system is doing worse than I thought.

Examples: In your reply to _*_, "No this limitation."
In the link, "you (individual) can use the licensed copy on your own 1 PC at most."
On the web page, "It uses the original 5-icon viewpoint to show your incomes and visualize them, displays your daily income in a novel, intuitive and vividly view, so you can see them at a glance and play with them repeatedly.
In order to let you to like observing and focusing on your incomes, according to "the Law of Attraction", this can promote you to get more incomes in a certain extent."
Also from the web page, "Incomes by Monthly"
I can't quote from the user interface since I've already deleted the program.
None of the above are native-English sentence structure. Moreover, "incomes" is improper usage; you pluralize the modifier..."multiple sources of income", "income streams", etc.
There is much more but I said to HIRE a native English speaker, not to ask one to proof-read your site for free.
Apr 24 2015 at 7:17am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB,

Sorry, we cannot find any misspelling on 5II's interface.
Please tell me, thanks.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 7:21am Copy Link
_*_ @Pam, & Qiulin.

I too saw problematic English. I am not a grammarian so no harm intended here. I will point out a couple examples I had issue or difficulty reading from your website.

"Shows your incomes and completions by an intuitive and vividly viewpoint."

It might be better stated as something like, "Displays income and expenses through an intuitive and vivid perspective".

"Only need to input the incomes, 5II will calculate the deserved icons and balance."

Maybe better as, "Only income is required; 5II will automatically insert appropriate icon and calculate the balance".

These are only two examples form your main page. Of course it is likely Pam or someone else could word things much better than my examples. They are only to serve as a counterpoint to what is currently on the site.

I am not throwing stones here; only agreeing with Pam, the wording used is not very easy to understand without reading again, or reading very carefully.
Apr 24 2015 at 7:30am Copy Link
Manu dRB And please stop lying, you are Chinese and English is NOT your first language, how can we trust you after this? Look:

General Support
Nosa Lee, support[at]
Specific Product Support
Please visit corresponding website to know more detail.
Qiulin, sales[at]
Website Administrator
Jack Chou, WebAdmin[at]

A software vendor that informs with a blatant lie cannot be trusted...!
Apr 24 2015 at 7:34am Copy Link
TSS Support 1. Re Pam Paulson,

Also from the web page, "Incomes by Monthly", I can't quote from the user interface since I've already deleted the program.

Just click the first button in the "Tools" panel, every button has the tooltip, please move your monuse to see its function.

2. Re _*_, Manu dRB, and Pam Paulson,

a. Thanks for all the suggestions about the text. We will optimize them.
b. This is a 100% free promotion, and it is a gift to the people of the world.
We answer all the questions in time (about 50 emails today), use our time, energy and money, and we do not make the money from it.
We did not hurt anyone!

3. Re Manu dRB,
Lying? no.
There are a many counties/regions use these names, such as Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea.
And some of them use English and Chinese as the official languages both.
Yes, maybe our English level is not good as our Chinese, but what we lied you?
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 8:21am Copy Link
TSS Support Sorry,

"please move your monuse to see its function."
should be
"please move your mouse to see its function."
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 8:26am Copy Link
TSS Support "There are a many counties/regions..."
should be
"There are many counties/regions use..."
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 8:30am Copy Link
Manu dRB Nevermind, you obviously don't know, while you say "official" the public thinks native or near native to say the least, you cannot claim official if you do not have 100% the handle of it and apparently your percentage is low regarding the use of English so please don't boast it as official and that's why I considered it a lie, I can easily say my official language is English as well but if I fail to transmit ideas using it then I'd become a liar by creating a false image of myself, is it now clearer?...and guess what, my native language is Spanish and I'm not spreading around that English is my "official" language.
Apr 24 2015 at 8:38am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB,


1. "Official" is not said by me, it said by my country.
For instance: in Singapore, some people are good at English, even better than Chinese, also has the counter situation.
About the official languages of these countries, you can Google them and read the related Wiki page.

2. Spelling mistake is normal, such as you wrote "Never mind" as "Nevermind", wrote "Wow!" as "Wow...!" (there is no ...! usage). The important thing is I will correct it.

Anyway, thank you for your suggestions.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 9:01am Copy Link
Roderick Nicolson They'll soon be telling natve English speakers that it's their English that's wrong, lol.
Apr 24 2015 at 9:12am Copy Link
Manu dRB Don't even try to get into semantics with me...! and THAT ...! is to emphasize my disgust or simply increasing the sense of awe, and as for NEVERMIND look at what has to say...! how do you like them apples?

[nev-er-mahynd, nev-er-mahynd]

Word Origin

noun, Older Use.
attention; heed; notice (usually used in negative constructions):
Pay him no nevermind.
business; affair; responsibility (usually used in negative constructions):
It's no nevermind of yours.
Origin of nevermind
1930-35; noun use of verb phrase never mind Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2015.
Cite This Source
Examples from the web for nevermind

nevermind they were shorting equities when it happened.
nevermind that you clearly don't understand the difference between a single roll of a die and its mean roll.
They store everything important to them there, nevermind that they should not.

Word Origin and History for nevermind

also never-mind "difference, matter for attention," 1935, American English, from verbal expression never mind "forget it," originally never mind it attested by 1795; see never + mind (v.).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

never-never land
Apr 24 2015 at 9:18am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB,

1. Yes, ...! is wrong punctuation. Because you are writing.
2. Also, I read that page, it also says "nevermind" is "older use", you are not older man, so, you should use "never mind". Even, Chrome and Firefox also indicate "nevermind" is error, if you don't believe it, just try to type "nevermind" in Firefox and Chrome.
Please forgive me:
a. My IQ is too low, because I cannot understand why Americans (Firefox and Chrome are made in USA) are not good at English.
b. I used "nevermind" four times, but this is a spelling mistake, sorry.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 9:34am Copy Link
TSS Support Also, if "incomes" is wrong, hope you can contact British Government to fix the Oxford Dictionary.

In the detail view, 5II lists the income in many rows, one row is called "income", all rows are called "incomes".

Syntax? Do you really know what is syntax? How many words you've ever written?

If you do not like this software, just uninstall it and go to sleep!
We produce software, not books!
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 9:47am Copy Link
TSS Support And you like Roderick Nicolson's post:
"They'll soon be telling natve English speakers that it's their English that's wrong, lol."

Sorry, I cannot understand the syntax: be + belling? "natve"?
Can you translate it to Mars text? I think it is easier to understand.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 9:53am Copy Link
TSS Support I said "sorry", "improve", "thanks" many times.
But you said what? Always laugh my English!
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 9:57am Copy Link
Manu dRB Ok let's agree that you are stupid, you cannot produce software if you don't know how to write in English because as far as I know, there are no developing software programs that allows you to write in oriental language, second I can see you are being obnoxious where you are trying to send me to bed, actually and as second thought, it's hilarious you cannot find a ground for defense before the beating you're getting, I think you should go to bed and forget you actually exist, you are so dumb that you fail to realize this conversation and the way you answer is going against your business and who knows, maybe tomorrow you won't have a job anymore because of your childish and moronic answers you gave here and that ultimately landed very POOR aceptance and sales of your useless software...! more for you...! and just for overkill...!
Apr 24 2015 at 9:59am Copy Link
TSS Support If you really want to give suggestion, please use the humble tone.
I think so: "the education system is doing worse than I thought. ", on your side!
Anyway, learning to be a person is more important than learning a language!
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:03am Copy Link
Manu dRB One last thing, you are really such an airhead that you just haven't got a clue that all of this can be copied and pasted in EVERY blog in the world including Facebook and of course that will be the demise of your beloved company...!
Apr 24 2015 at 10:04am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB:

Fair mind :)
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:08am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB,

Fair mind +1
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:10am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB,

"Go to sleep" = "good night", it's very normal.
You need to learn more.

Fair mind +2
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:11am Copy Link
TSS Support Re,

One last thing, you are really such an airhead that you just haven't got a clue that all of this can be copied and pasted in EVERY blog in the world including Facebook and of course that will be the demise of your beloved company...!

Yes, don't lost anything you said, if you are a man.

Fair mind +3
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:19am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Manu dRB,

One last thing, you are really such an airhead that you just haven't got a clue that all of this can be copied and pasted in EVERY blog in the world including Facebook and of course that will be the demise of your beloved company...!

If so, thank you very much!

Fair mind +4
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:23am Copy Link
Pam R My, didn't this turn out to be fun? I wonder why Qiulin claimed that English is his first language and then made it obvious that it isn't?

The initial suggestion (and it was not rude at all) was to hire a native English speaker to write the English interface and web site. All the discussion since has shown that a native English speaker should be hired to post answers to questions as well.

Few people will ever learn if the software is any good since they won't try it after this fiasco.
Apr 24 2015 at 10:29am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Pam R,

First, I accept all the suggestions, and plan to improve them.

But someone said that "lying"? "English is the first language in my country" is right, but not everyone is good at English. He has never know that, why said "lying"?

Thanks for you fair post.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:37am Copy Link
TSS Support Re all,

There are only a few words on 5II's interface, see:

Many people said that there are many errors.
Sincerely, please tell us the error(s), we will fix it (them).

Many thanks!
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 10:52am Copy Link
Pam R Qiulin, in English, a "first language" means the language you learned as a baby. Languages learned later are "second" languages (or "third" or "fourth", et cetera). Your statement to Pam Paulson was interpreted to mean that you are a native English speaker. Hence the "lying" statement by others.

This is a problem translating in any language when relying on dictionaries and such. They do not give the subtleties and "flavor" and often end up changing the meaning. Try using a translator to change from your native language to another...and then translate it back. Usually you will find the results amusing.
Apr 24 2015 at 10:53am Copy Link
TSS Support Re Pam R,

Thanks for you detailed explanation.

I'm sorry for mistake the "First Language" and "Official Language". For all.

And we will hire another better one to review all the text in software and websites.

Hope we can do it better!

Thank you again.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 11:01am Copy Link
TSS Support "Thanks for your detailed explanation."
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 11:04am Copy Link
_*_ Qiulin, if you ever change the install limit from the restriction of 1 install to a more reasonable number and allow for the user to change their computer without the the fear of the program not working; I would be happy to give it a try, or purchase it possibly.
Apr 24 2015 at 12:29pm Copy Link
MicroBits How about you two quit arguing about who speaks proper English. At BitsDuJour there should only be discussions about ordering, use, and features of the software. You know, American English isn't the Queen's English, either (the Brits are so cute putting bonnets over their car engines).
Many countries (certainly those under former colonial rule) teach English in their schools: India, Hong Kong, South Africa, many islands, many Asian countries... Unfortunately, I have found the language is used differently than in Europe or the US and can be heavily influenced by the historic languages of the region which may treat verb tense, adjectives, plurals, and sentence structure quite differently.
Yes, it's difficult for a true Englishman or American (US) to read. And yes, it would be much better for marketing purposes if formal writings regarding any product to be written with correct grammar and spelling. When there are mistakes, it does make the reader think, "I wonder if the program/programme is written this poorly". Computers require more precision than intelligent, forgiving human beings. But make the grammar point once in this comments section, if you must, and move on to more pertinent subjects. I was hoping to read more about what this software actually does.
Apr 24 2015 at 3:01pm Copy Link
TSS Support @_*_
Yes, there is no "1 install" limit for the Single License (1 PC), you can install it on this PC many times.

If you want to use it to more than 1 PC, you can consider the Personal License (3 PCs), it also 60%+ off today.

Thanks for your support.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 8:07pm Copy Link
TSS Support @MicroBits

Thanks, you are right.

To read more about this software, just visit its official page at:

And if you cannot understand our English, there are 3 reviews that written by European/American FYI.

Thanks for your support.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 8:16pm Copy Link
Grateful This is all I can accomplish tonight as I must go to bed, but I wanted you to see what people were trying to say. English is one of the toughest languages (just short of Chinese) because our vocabulary and grammar rules come from so many different languages. Keep up the good work! We all have to start somewhere, and learning a little everyday will make a huge difference in a short time. God’s best to you! Always Grateful

BTW, you could get quite a laugh yourself listening to English speakers trying to learn Chinese!!! Also, I had written out the changes in color with crossouts, etc. My formatting did not copy to this window; I'm very sorry about that! But compare what is here with what is on the Home page and you'll see some differences.

5 Icons Income (from Home page)

Uses the Original 5-icon Viewpoint to Visualize Your Income Sources
Are you tired of the traditional boring and dizzying digital bookkeeping?
If so, please try 5 Icons Income!
It uses the original 5-icon viewpoint to show your income(s) streams, visualize them, and display your income according to different time blocks in a novel, intuitive and vivid way (drop the –ly- that makes vivid an adverb) thereby allowing you to view different aspects of your income streams by seeing them from different vantage points.

DROP ALL THIS PARAGRAPH view (with) them repeatedly in different ways,/ In order to let you to like observing and focusing on your incomes, according to "the Law of Attraction", this can promote you to get more incomes in a certain extent.(This simply makes no sense- sorry)

Visualizes Your Income Streams
Shows your income and completed totals by an intuitive and vivid display.

Very Easy to Use
Only need to input the incomes, 5II will calculate the sums automatically.

Daily Income Detail
Contains each income item, total of income streams, and previous and current balances.

Incomes by the Month
Contains daily averages, totals and monthly sums.

Supports all Global Currencies
No matter which currency you use, you can use 5II easily.

Natural Monthly Calendar View
Simple, clear, complied with common terms.
Apr 24 2015 at 9:11pm Copy Link
TSS Support @Grateful
Thank you so much!
We will make some changes.
TriSun Software - Apr 24 2015 at 9:30pm Copy Link

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