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Split Files Into Smaller Parts, Then Join Them

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Platforms: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit)
AnySpliter ScreenshotFiles and Folders Software Screenshot

Have you ever tried to email a file, only to find out there's a cap on how large of an attachment you can send? Or tried to fit a large file onto a flash drive, or onto an optical disk, that was just too large to function, even though you tried so hard to make space? Or tried compression software to make a big file smaller, only to get about a 10% reduction? Today's discount software promotion is here to address the problems of too-large files, and the solution is elegant, simple, and effective. It's AnySpliter!

AnySpliter lets you split files into multiple smaller parts, then join them up again just like new. With AnySpliter, you'll never have to worry about freeing up huge swaths of space on a storage medium, or give up on emailing an attachment because it's too big. Just use AnySpliter to split the file (up to 2Gb in size) into as many parts as you need to, then go about your business! It works on any type of file, whether you're working with documents, text files, spreadsheets, presentations, audio, video, even executables!

Once your file parts are safely at their new location, just invoke AnySpliter again to put them back together. Just by locating the first part, AnySpliter can reassemble the whole thing back into the original file, giving you the option of deleting the split parts after the entire file is recovered. Of course, AnySpliter always displays a progress bar, whether splitting or joining, so you never have to guess at whether the program is finished!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Read MoreJames K I'd be interested in this if I could use it from the command line.

Otherwise there are other, always free, graphical methods to do this.

One of the first lacks in 64 bit versions of Windows I noticed first was the ability to split files. Most file-splitters had not been changed since their 16 bit versions, and Microsoft's decision to artificially disallow 16 bit programs made File splitters for 64 bit Windows almost non-existent, and command-line versions impossible to find.

The purpose of a command line program in a graphical age is that command line programs can still be the most simple and direct method of getting things done. Certainly it's almost always the quickest.. For instance, dragging and dropping folders full of files MAY be quicker then moving them at the command line, BUT for doing things like moving only the zip files that END with you can't beat dropping into the command line and typing "move * newlocation". Try to do that in the GUI in a folder with thousands of zip files, 1 3rd of which end with, the rest of which are interspersed alphabetically in and around the files you want/need.

I was able to use Microsoft's 16/32 bit "solution", the misleadingly named "XP Mode" to circumvent Microsoft's attempt to kill 30 years of inconvenient programs, to create a method of using 16 bit command line programs, but installing a program that emulates the hardware of a computer, then installing a complete version of Windows XP on THAT, is HARDLY any sort of good way of running the 8, 16, and 32 bit programs that Microsoft suddenly decided we didn't need anymore. The fact that Microsoft was willing to give Windows Ultimate and Corporate users an extra and complete version of Windows XP in order to shut them up until there were NEW 64 bit applications to do what they needed shows 1) how seriously the needed to address this problem, 2) and how important they believe not allowing older programs to run on 64 bit systems is to their future.

Anyway, write it for the command-line and you've got a winner. Don't, and you're just another pay option in a world full of free options.
Jan 2 2013 at 5:20am Copy Link
LU When was the last time this software was updated please?
Jan 2 2013 at 6:04am Copy Link
BeehindBlueyes Does this work on PDF files?
Jan 2 2013 at 9:40am Copy Link
Peter Dr Iif I use AnySplitter to send a collection of file bits to someone by email -- how would that person reassemble the bits back into the original file. Does the recipient also need AnySplitter?

Thank you for your interest.
Jan 2 2013 at 9:46am Copy Link
Joao User I'm using HJSplit freeware, much better (IMHO).
Jan 2 2013 at 12:43pm Copy Link
Read MoreTaylor Zhang To James K: currently AnySpliter doesn't support commandline, but I will implement this feature if many people want it.

To Lifetime Upgrades: AnySpliter was published at around May,2012, and no further upgrades since that time. I will upgrade it if the market need it.

To Jody Himmelstein: sure AnySpliter supports PDF file, and in fact it supports any kind of files.

To Peter Dr: the person who assemble the splitted files should also use AnySpliter to conjoin them back to original file.

To Joao Resende: thanks for your comment, I don't know HJSplit, but obviously AnySpliter is a good tool for those who like the features.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 2 2013 at 9:13pm Copy Link
Ray This is only good if the recipient has AnySpliter? I think the correct spelling is "splitter" with 2 L's.

Vendor needs to provide a free companion app to put the files together. This is what Adobe does for PDF. The reader is free but you need to pay to create. A good way to accomplish market penetration.

The app should also be portable. No more registry crap.
Jan 3 2013 at 4:34am Copy Link
BeehindBlueyes I forgot to change my name :)

Thanks for the info Taylor, but is Ray and Peter right? Does the recipient need the app also to reassemble the file?

Thanks to Joao for the app :) I'll wait for Taylor's response and then decide.
Jan 3 2013 at 4:59am Copy Link
Ray Oops... "splitter" with 2 T's, not L's.

As for portability, the companion app to stitch the files together needs to be portable at a minimum.
Jan 3 2013 at 5:24am Copy Link
Taylor Zhang Yes, the correct spelling is "Splitter". :)
You are right, sine AnySpliter has both file split function and file conjoin function, the recipient needs the app also to reassemble the splitted files.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 3 2013 at 5:38am Copy Link
Do Le Vu Have you checked ffsj yet? It is fast, and free.
I'm using it under windows 8 64 bits without problems.
Jan 5 2013 at 1:18am Copy Link
JesusInsideMe Hi, do you require the receipient has the program licensed too?, God bless u, bye.
Jan 5 2013 at 1:26am Copy Link
Taylor Zhang The file conjoin function of AnySpliter is free, it works for both registered user and unregistered user, so no worry about whether the recipient has the program licensed.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 5 2013 at 2:16am Copy Link
Mohamed Helmy How to register the software, it's not asking for it & can't see any place to paste the codes in..!
Jan 5 2013 at 2:16am Copy Link
Taylor Zhang When you start AnySpliter, you will find the RED string "Register" at bottom of the window, click on it and a register window will show to you, then enter the UserName and Register Code you get from Bitsdujour and click the "Register" button, job done.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 5 2013 at 2:25am Copy Link
Noggin The Nog Compare with:
which does not I think require the recipient to have the same software installed,
for files, and for folders:
Jan 5 2013 at 5:43am Copy Link
Shelley Maruyama The registration says invalid even though I copied and pasted exactly. Anyone else have this problem and found a solution?
Jan 5 2013 at 6:04am Copy Link
Taylor Zhang To shelley maruyama:
Please be sure there is no additional character like space before or behind the register code.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 5 2013 at 6:14am Copy Link
cran berry Shelley,
I tried posting my own name into the reg field and it did not work, but what did work was the link----- in blue as the name, listed under registration name, not as copy paste but just typed
Jan 5 2013 at 10:16am Copy Link
Always Free HJSplit Or you could use the always free, cross-platform HJSplit. It's fully portable, so no installation is required, and at only 200Kb, you could always provide it easily with your much larger split files!

Sorry, but I see no added value or features in the offered software, and you have to install and register it vs just carry around the executable on your flash drive.
Jan 5 2013 at 10:17am Copy Link
Gerald Attrick The "best of breed" file splitter I've found so far is called GSplit (version 3.0.1) It's much faster and more flexible (many more options) than HSsplit. Both of these programs are manifestly superior to AnySpliter (sic), IMO. With GSplit, you can create a self-extracting .EXE file to "Unite" the file segments when the time comes. If you prefer, you can opt not to include the tiny executable and just "Unite" the files by clicking a button with that name, then specifying the first file segment's name. In this case, however, you must have GSplit installed. IAC, the recipient of the file segments need not have anything installed. He just needs to perform the not-too-difficult task of executing the executable.

But, as always, opinions vary.
Read 1 More Post By Gerald Attrick
Jan 5 2013 at 11:10am Copy Link
cran berry I have just read the 60 earlier posts which were not obvious within the comments, and see that the reg name issue was addressed hours ago. You could update the current instructions to make it clear that is the name to use.

To Taylor, I understand why you developed this splitter, but the size maximum of 2gb is restrictive. I see this was also addressed earlier.
May I suggest you incorporate the ability to burn large files into dvd size portions, just under size to allow for messages and the software explanation and code, so that new recipients of the dvds can understand what to do; an all-in-one solution might be useful to some people. I was thinking about image backups of the system which are huge, but should be stored away from the pc.
Jan 5 2013 at 11:28am Copy Link
Judi Podgurski There is a registration problem, but if you re-download from the link in the e-mail they (Bitsdujour) send, and then register, all the numbers are correct, and it will register properly.
Jan 5 2013 at 11:29am Copy Link
Noggin The Nog @ Gerald Attrick

Have you any view of the comparison between TheFileSplitter v1.31, obtainable at, and GSplit?
Jan 5 2013 at 11:54am Copy Link
internet explorer how does this compare to the splitter-joiner functions of some of the multi-utility packages like Glary? If they're just as good as this one then why clutter up the hard drive with yet another program?
Jan 5 2013 at 12:30pm Copy Link
Read MoreGerald Attrick I did install and play with TheFileSplitter for a (very) short period of time. I had no problem installing or using it. It struck me as succinct and to the point. It did the job in a very straightforward way.. But I liked the "look and feel" of GSplit more, no dou,bt because it provided substantially more muscle, flexibility and user-specifiable options. Once you've figured out how you want to handle things and selected the relevant options, you can save it all in a "profile" which you can load on any subsequent run of the program. If you're relatively lazy like me, you can specify one of your profiles as the default, and it will be loaded automatically. I have only one profile, so the whole shebang is automatic. I only have to specify the source file and its location in they typical Windows manner, specify the destination folder if it's different from the previous one, and hit the "Split" button. Pretty much what you do with TheFileSpliter, if memory serves.

I didn't run any speed comparisons, so I can't say which of the two is faster. I can say GSplit is faster than HJSplit... noticeably faster.

Jan 5 2013 at 12:55pm Copy Link
Brenda Adams Gerald:
GSplit - upon checking, I see it is not compatible with Win7.
Jan 5 2013 at 2:19pm Copy Link
Noggin The Nog @ Gerald Attrick
Many thanks for that very helpful comparison.

@Brenda Adams
I wonder why you think that GSplit is not compatible with Windows 7. The GSplit website thinks that GSplit will run on windows 7 or 8, as well as xp and vista - see
Read 1 More Post By Noggin The Nog
Jan 5 2013 at 3:01pm Copy Link
Gerald Attrick @ Brenda

Don't know where you got that idea, but I'm running it under Win 7 Pro. The GSplit web site provides several download options / buttons, including one clearly labeled "Windows." Check again... it's there.
Jan 5 2013 at 3:17pm Copy Link
Read MoreMark Johnson I tried this product, and won't be registering even as free.
Recommendations to the maker:

1 - The product should be massively improved to make it worth paying for; it is extremely basic and needs a lot of work to make it competitive with the freeware applications it is competing with.

2 - (expanding on 1) - I recommend taking a look at other file splitters and perhaps incorporating some of the features found in them, and also notice the price points of the competition.

3 - Get rid of the spelling errors and bad wording. For example, the program itself only has two very simple screens, yet says "splited" in one place and "splitted" in another.

4 - In a posting above it's stated that the program was published in May of 2012 and no updates are planned unless "market need it". Then why do users have a "Check Update" link in their faces each time they use the program?

5 - On your product website it seems like this is an afterthought; you have to scroll way down on the first page to even see that this product exists. That's not very good marketing!

Anyway, this isn't intended as bashing but instead as constructive criticism.
Jan 5 2013 at 6:43pm Copy Link
Taylor Zhang @cran berry: thanks for your clarification to others, the UserName for people who got AnySpliter from BitsDujour is, and I will consider your suggestions to make AnySpliter more powerful, thanks.

@Judi Podgurski: Please be sure the UserName that you use to register is, not others, thanks.

@Mark Johnson: Thanks for your valuable suggestions, it will help me to further improve AnySpliter.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 5 2013 at 7:21pm Copy Link
Taylor Zhang I have received several emails about the register code doesn't work, I checked them and find they work. I think the reason that caused the register issue is - people use wrong UserName when register AnySpliter. Please be noticed, the UserName for AnySpliter should be, not your name.
TTSUU Technology - Jan 5 2013 at 9:16pm Copy Link
Adam Green Anybody else having issues with the Registration Code? I keep getting message "Invalid User Name and/or registration code" I have been cutting and pasting the code to insure that i'm not in error. Any thoughts as to what I can/should do? Thanks in advance.
Jan 6 2013 at 1:32am Copy Link
Taylor Zhang Are you sure you using as the UserName?
TTSUU Technology - Jan 6 2013 at 1:57am Copy Link
Noggin The Nog As a ps to the comments of Mark Johnson - I endorse the comments on spelling, but could it please also be noted that the past participle of split is split, not splitted.
Jan 6 2013 at 2:55am Copy Link
Read MoreJames K To those asking if you can re-join the files without AnySplitter, unless Taylor has added stuff to the fragments to prevent it, you can rejoin the files by dropping into the command line can using the COPY command.

Like this:
Click - Start
Type - CMD.EXE
Press - [Enter]

Go to the directory where you downloaded the file parts:
Type - CD c:\downloads
Press - [Enter]

Combine the fragments:
Type - COPY /b fragment1+fragment2=WholeFile.exe

Your done.

This method works with the 64 bit version of HJSplit, I know, and all the older 32 and 16 bit file splitters I've known.
Read 1 More Post By James K
Jan 6 2013 at 1:53pm Copy Link
Taylor Zhang Hi James K, regarding your method, it will cause issue in scenarios of doing that for exe file, picture file, audio file and video file. The issue is - after conjoin by the method you mentioned, those kind of files don't work sometime due to the conjoined file is not exactly same as the original file. An easy test can prove this - If you compare two files that conjoined by your method and AnySpliter respectively, you will find the one that conjoined by AnySpliter is same as the original file while the one conjoined by your method is larger than the original file...
TTSUU Technology - Jan 6 2013 at 6:05pm Copy Link
James K @Taylor Z.
It MAY be necessary to remind COPY that it's to do a binary copy every step of the way.

Like this:
copy /b f1+ /b f2+ /b f3+ /b f4= /b newfile

This method has worked since DOS 3.0, when we actually used floppy disks to transfer files.
Jan 6 2013 at 6:37pm Copy Link
Taylor Zhang Yes, everybody knows that command, but can you please do a test as I mentioned in my last post and let everybody know the result?
TTSUU Technology - Jan 6 2013 at 6:54pm Copy Link
Gerald Attrick @James K

You are mistaken. GSplit most certainly IS compatible with the 64-bit version of Windows 7. I know, because I'm running the 64-bit version of Win 7 (Pro) right now, and GSplit runs just fine under this OS. What makes you think otherwise?

Perhaps you're talking about a different product. I was talking about an application named GSplit 3, not the one you've dubbed "GSplitter" in your message. I've never heard of that one.
Jan 7 2013 at 12:43am Copy Link
Read MoreJames K @Gereld Attrick,

My mistake on the name, I don't know where I got the name GSplitter.

As for why I think it won't work on 64 bit Windows is because I followed the Nog's link, downloaded it, tried to install it on my 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate, and got this error :

A) You know I cannot test it, because as I said in the first comment, I wasn't interested in it without being able to use it from the command prompt. So I did not download it.

B) If you want me to test it for you provide me with a download link. I won't pay $5 to do your work.

C) If the original and assembled files are different, then you've done something to make the file fragments MORE than just cut-up versions of the original.

D) And by the way, not "everybody" knows about using copy that way. Hence the questions about combining file fragments without AnySplitter.
Jan 7 2013 at 2:24pm Copy Link
Taylor Zhang @James K,
Have you compared the two file conjoin functions that use binary-copy and AnySpliter respectively? And any investigation?
TTSUU Technology - Jan 7 2013 at 5:58pm Copy Link
James K @Taylor Zhang,
Have you read my previous post concerning just this? It wasn't just to Gereld.
Jan 7 2013 at 8:21pm Copy Link
Read MoreGerald Attrick @James K

Curious. I merely did a Google search on "GSplit" and picked a link to the first download page in the list. As I mentioned in previous messages, the DL and install took less than two minutes and worked fine under my 64-bit version of Win 7 Pro.

Give it another try. It'll be worth the effort, IMO.
Jan 7 2013 at 9:09pm Copy Link
Read MoreJames K @Gerald Attrick

The problem seems to be with the "Site 1" link. I didn't notice before, but it only downloads a 14k executable with a generic icon.

When I use the "Site 2" link, I get a 1506k executable with a yellow cube icon.

Now that I've downloaded something called gsplits.exe 6 times, I apparently have two working copies.

Thanks for the push, I finally got it installed!

Now all I need to do is go find that Command-Line add-on!
Jan 22 2013 at 11:09am Copy Link

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