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Keep Track of Your Entire Collection of Stuff

for Mac  Download Trial
Platforms: Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 (Intel or PowerPC)
CDFinder ScreenshotCataloging Software ScreenshotCDFinder, Cataloging Software ScreenshotCDFinder, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software Screenshot

Please note folks: Customers purchasing CDFinder today will be entitled to a free 6.0 upgrade when it is released later this fall!

Your hard drive is a living, evolving ecosystem of your stuff. From photos to music to movies files to applications to folders, you've got important stuff in every nook and cranny of your computer, and that's not including all of the stuff you've burned to optical media or stashed onto USB Flash drives and external drives. When it comes time to find something specific, you have to rely on your blind faith that you have something that resembles an organized system -- but most often, you're stuck for hours looking for something that you're absolutely certain you have! With CDFinder, you can finally master your entire inventory of disks, media, and backup archives, no matter how large!

CDFinder gives you the power to catalog everything in your vast collection of disks, media, and backup sources, keeping track of the location of any file no matter where it's stored.

With CDFinder, you'll be able to take advantage of important metadata in your media files, giving you the ability to really track everything down to the very last technical detail. When it comes time to find something specific, CDFinder leverages the power of its own programming engine with the awesome reach of the Spotlight index, giving you matching results in an instant. Video and photo files are represented by thumbnails! Photos can be retrieved based on where you took them! Best of all, your CDFinder database is easily shared with other computers on your network, even Windows machines! Anything in CDFinder can be printed, including catalog contents, cover art, search results -- you name it!

More than just a tool for cataloging your files, CDFinder will become an indispensable part of your workflow, featuring integration with popular applications such as Apple Pages, Keynote, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Quark XPress, and many others!

Lastly, if you've already been using other cataloging software and don't want to reinvent the wheel, you'll be pleased to learn that CDFinder is fully capable of importing thirteen different catalog and export files, so you can pick up right where you left off!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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John H Does this have any file name length limitations or address length limitations.

I had tried an other program but it choked up on saved web pages and saved links that were dragged and dropped into folders.

Some saved web pages have deeply embedded folders with files names that can be very ridiculously long.

Sep 18 2011 at 11:31am Copy Link
Norbert Doerner CDFinder handles very long names and paths just fine, in fact, we specifically tested it for this particular case.

Since CDFinder also supports the full Unicode name standard, so all international characters will appear in the catalog just fine!

I hope this helps already! :-)
West-Forest-Systems - Sep 19 2011 at 1:04am Copy Link
John H Thanks Norbert

But .... Darn, I have a PC not a Mac. I did not realize this when I posted.

Sep 19 2011 at 1:16pm Copy Link
Norbert Doerner John, I am sorry to hear that! ;-)

But there is a sister product to CDFinder for Mac, called CDWinder for Windows, you can find that here:

There is currently no promotion for CDWinder, but my colleague offers cross-grades from several other windows cataloger apps.

West-Forest-Systems - Sep 20 2011 at 12:49am Copy Link

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