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Connectify Hotspot MAXDiscount

Connectify Hotspot MAX

Turn Your PC Into a WiFi Hotspot

75% Off
$12.49 $49.98
v2018.4.1 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Connectify Hotspot MAX ScreenshotNetwork Software ScreenshotConnectify Hotspot MAX, Network Software ScreenshotConnectify Hotspot MAX, Internet Software Screenshot

Are data usage fees killing your digital lifestyle? Enjoying broadband access on your PC but paying through the nose for the same access on your phone, tablet, and other devices? Time to save money by stepping into the future with today’s discount software promotion, Connectify Hotspot MAX!

Connectify Hotspot MAX transforms your PC into a wireless hotspot, empowering you to share the Internet with other devices. With Connectify Hotspot MAX, you’ll be able to instantly provide speedy wireless connectivity to your phone, tablet, media player, e-Reader, and other computers.

You’ll be the most popular person in the room once your friends realize that they can connect to sweet, free WiFi through your computer enabled with Connectify Hotspot MAX! There’s even support for multiple languages, emoji, and Unicode. Plus a Wired Router Mode for devices without wireless components.

An interesting feature of Connectify Hotspot is its universal ad blocker. All devices connected to the PC that runs Connectify Hotspot will save traffic, time and battery life. Plus – most important – Connectify’s ad blocker works for in-app ads. If you find those annoying, then Connectify Hotspot is perfect for you!

Ever wanted to share a VPN connection with all your devices, so your privacy is completely protected and you can access region blocked content without restrictions? It’s very easy to do this with Connectify Hotspot. Just select the VPN connection as the one to share over WiFi or Ethernet and you’re all set. Watch the video below to see how it’s done.

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change
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sunnyAThome @Cristian thx for your reply. I got the 3x deal at your site ;)
Jul 10 2017 at 12:56am Copy Link
Cristian @sunnyAThome - great, hope you're enjoying it! :)
Connectify - Jul 10 2017 at 2:53am Copy Link
P.B. User I am looking for a solution to provide me with a (temporary) wifi hotspot as soon as I plug in an usb wifi adapter. With the built-in Windows solution, this is possible but not in an elegant manner (I currently poll to check for the adapter every minute). Would Connectify Hotspot be able to solve this in a more elegant fashion?
Dec 14 2017 at 8:35am Copy Link
Rick Heise is this a lifetime upgrade
Feb 13 2018 at 11:21am Copy Link
Cristian Yes, the Connectify Hotspot license offered through BitsDuJour is a Lifetime MAX one.
Connectify - Feb 13 2018 at 12:10pm Copy Link
P.B. User My question above is still open... Would you care to reply now that this is on offer again?
Feb 18 2018 at 12:28am Copy Link
Cristian You could use the Connectify command line, maybe integrating a script to run whenever you plug in a certain WiFi adapter. More about the Connectify Command Line here: https://support.connectif...mmand-line
Connectify - Feb 19 2018 at 7:02am Copy Link
Patrocle Misu They have v2018, and here is for sale v2017?
Feb 28 2018 at 9:26am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Patrocle Misu, I am sorry about the confusion. The version number shown on this promotion page was indeed for the previous version however we were and are always selling the latest version of the product. I updated the version number (2018) into this promotion page.
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 28 2018 at 9:31am Copy Link
haotian User Waiting for the key.Why not send it with the confirming email at once(Saying that I have to contact you by email)?
Apr 4 2018 at 11:18am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @haotian User, I have just sent you an email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 4 2018 at 11:45am Copy Link
John User Four hours ago I paid for this software using PayPal. I was notified that I would receive via email the registration details. I have not yet received.

Please send. Thank you.
Nov 14 2018 at 10:12am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John User, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 14 2018 at 10:53am Copy Link
John User After receiving the password and setting this up I have to say it works great. I did have to buy and install a wifi device as I am using an old computer, but once I did I found it easy to set up using the excellent instructions provided.

Definitely worth the price I paid for this software. Thank you.
Nov 20 2018 at 7:43am Copy Link
Mark K I used the original Connectify when it first came out and was very happy how it worked. I’m now using a Deco Mesh network in the house. Does Connectify care what my laptop is connected to, to be able to share my WiFi connection?
Mar 5 2019 at 8:24am Copy Link
Cristian Connectify Hotspot will be able to share any type of connection via WiFi. If you're switching between several connection types, it's best to select "Automatic" under "Internet to Share".
Connectify - Mar 5 2019 at 8:30am Copy Link
mix624 Hi,

What is the advantage of this product?? Connect all my devices?
Thats already done with my WIFI, no idea why connecting all devices is a selling point? Please explain.
Mar 6 2019 at 2:41am Copy Link
Cristian Connectify Hotspot is a virtual router software that runs on any Windows 7+ version. It allows you to share any type of Internet connection (including VPN) via WiFi or wired Ethernet. It can also act as a WiFi Repeater / WiFi Bridge.

It has a universal ad blocking engine that can even block in-app ads on your mobile devices connected to your Hotspot.

Please see here for more details:
Connectify - Mar 6 2019 at 5:22am Copy Link
Cristian @Radko User - Thanks for your interest in our product and apologies for the delayed answer. To answer your question: Connectify Hotspot is a software for Windows PCs to share ANY type of Internet connection (WiFi, Ethernet, cellular, tethered smartphone, Bluetooth, VPN, etc.) via WiFi or Ethernet.
In the case you described - sharing your home internet connection on your laptop with your phone - one of the benefits would be the universal ad blocker which would eliminate all ads on websites and in apps on your smartphone. I highly doubt that any computer WiFi card or even router for that matter has a range of 1 km, to get your phone WiFi coverage at that distance.
You can find a lot of use cases for Connectify Hotspot on our website in the footer section:
Also - if you didn't get to buy Connectify Hotspot via BitsDuJour because were waiting for our reply, please contact us directly at
Connectify - Mar 18 2019 at 4:33am Copy Link
Cristian @Daniel Bragg - Thanks for your comment. Some clarifications: Connectify Hotspot can share ANY Internet connection (WiFi, wired Ethernet, cellular, Bluetooth, external USB adapters, VPN virtual adapters) via WiFi or wired Ethernet. So, you can share WiFi via the same WiFi - you don't need 2 separate ones. Also, there are devices that don't accept VPNs running on their environment directly - like gaming consoles or Chromecast-type streaming devices.
The only requirement for the PC is to have an active Internet connection and at least one of the 2 types of adapters to share over: WiFi and/or wired Ethernet.
Connectify - Mar 18 2019 at 4:39am Copy Link
Kathy User I paid for this software using PayPal. I was notified that I would receive via email the registration details. I have not yet received. I did as I was told to email for registration info but have not received anything yet even sent a second email yes checked spam folder
Aug 2 2019 at 11:12am Copy Link
Amorphous Is this a lifetime license with free upgrades ?
Sep 13 2019 at 1:59am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Amorphous, That is correct.
BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 13 2019 at 2:42am Copy Link
Read MoreLinton User I have a question...

Can this be used to connect (is 'bridge' or 'bind' the correct term?) two, or possibly more, seperate IP account addresses together to speed up multi-piece-transfer type downloads and uploads etc. by any chance?

The reason I'm asking is because I and both of my neighbours are happy to share and connect/combine our internet connections together with each other so as to be able to achieve faster online data transfer speeds whenever the others aren't heavily using their internet connections.

However none of us know how to actually go about setting up this scenario and take advantage of being able to use each others internet connections at the same time in combination with our own!

Is this program able to do this?
Nov 11 2019 at 2:06am Copy Link
Cristian No, Connectiy Hotspot cannot combine Internet connections. It can only share the Internet connection to other devices.
However, you can use Speedify Bonding VPN to do that on the same PC you're running Connectify Hotspot on. Here's a guide on how to share a bonded VPN connection via Wi-Fi or Ethernet (to a Wi-Fi router's WAN port):

If you need further details, please feel free to contact us at
Connectify - Nov 11 2019 at 6:21am Copy Link
Gary User getting the registration number is like playing a game of spy vs spy. After payment is completed you get an email saying "click here" for your registration code. That takes you to a page where you have to purchase the product again, albeit you have a code that reduces the price to $0. Then you get another email telling you that your purchase is being processed and you will soon receive the registration code by email.

what's with all that nonsense?
Dec 14 2019 at 4:14am Copy Link
Kathy User i STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND it has been over a year now I posted above this with no answer either???
bought 8-2-2019

Kathy User I paid for this software using PayPal. I was notified that I would receive via email the registration details. I have not yet received. I did as I was told to email for registration info but have not received anything yet even sent a second email yes checked spam folder
Oct 27 2020 at 6:02am Copy Link
Cristian @Kathy User - sorry for this. Did you contact us at We will be able to assist you there.
Connectify - Oct 27 2020 at 7:24am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Kathy User, I checked and it seems I did send you the registration information on August 2nd 2019 at your email address. I just forwarded that email to you again. Could you please confirm that you received the email I just forwarded you? If you didn't receive it, please contact us at so we can send you the registration information at your preferred email address.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 27 2020 at 1:32pm Copy Link
Justin User I have not received my registration code
Dec 14 2020 at 2:57pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Justin User, I just sent you an email about this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 14 2020 at 2:58pm Copy Link
Aussie Steve K This is again on offer today (15/16 May 2021). I have purchased it and, as requested, contacted you...
"To receive the registration information for your purchase, please contact us at".
I did this at 10 am (16 May 2021) my time (South Australia) - it is now almost 2 pm my time, with no response. Is this due to the time differential? Hope it gets here soon. Any update?
May 15 2021 at 9:30pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Steve Kenny, I just sent you an email containing the registration information.
BitsDuJour Admin - May 16 2021 at 4:46am Copy Link
Read MoreAussie Steve K @Constantin Florea
Hey there: no email has come to my email address. It is NOT in my normal mail box or the spam mail.
I do get the daily email from BDJ, so anything you send should go to my inbox..
Not sure what's going on?
Scratch that. For some unknown reason it was filtered into a different (unrelated) folder by my email app. I found it at last.
Sorry for the confusion and thank you for your help :)
May 16 2021 at 4:47pm Copy Link
Jesse User Hello to you,
I am in Canada and if i doy purchase this will there be any issues in connectivity with the Canadian company's. Its usually a big issue in regards to some software and programs? I Thank you in advance.
Read 1 More Post By Jesse User
Jun 30 2021 at 11:43am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jesse User, I just contacted the vendor about your connectivity question. We sell word-wide and we are not aware of any conditions for this product (the vendor didn't mention any) so there's little chance that the product will not work for you. Even so, I just contacted the vendor asking him to help with the question you mention so to clarify things better.

Regarding the availability of the deal: this is actually an EveryDay deal meaning it usually runs for a longer period of time. However for EveryDay deals in general, it is always up to the vendor to specify when he wants to start/stop/resume an EveryDay deal.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 30 2021 at 1:11pm Copy Link
Jesse User Hi Constantin,
I really like to thank you for looking into the issue and appreciate you going all out of your way. I appreciate your getting back to me. Thank You.
Read 1 More Post By Jesse User
Jul 1 2021 at 12:34pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jesse User, Thanks! At times, vendors do not always reply to our requests to help out in the comments section. We cannot force vendors to reply, so it is always up to them.

However in this case, since we have a 30 days money back guarantee, I suggest you do purchase the product (if you still want to of course) and test it within the next 30 days after you purchased and activated it. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the purchase (if you cannot use the product to do what you want it to do), let us know within those 30 days and we will refund your order at your request.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 1 2021 at 1:16pm Copy Link
Jeremy User Hi can I use it to have a WAN without an internet connection, for wireless displays and stuff if I am in offline mode or unplugged router. Seems like a function that was or should be just default for windows but is no longer, I looked up making a offline WAN with virtual wifi and this program was mentioned, my PC has wireless/bluetooth pcie card and I have cable internet wireless router, I just want to have a separated network for local stuff.
Jul 21 2021 at 7:25am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jeremy User, I have just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mentioned. However, please notice that it is the vendor's choice if they want to reply in the Comments section. That's why I suggest you also contact the vendor using the contact page on the vendor's website.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 21 2021 at 11:18am Copy Link
Cristian @Jeremy User - yes, you can do that. Under "Internet to Share", you can select "No Internet Sharing".
Connectify - Jul 21 2021 at 12:28pm Copy Link
Jeremy User So am I to believe that I will receive and email with login credentials because there is no actual link for creating an account, which us troubling because the email says the license is associated with my account, which does not exist yet.
Jul 21 2021 at 4:21pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jeremy User, I sent you an email about two hours ago containing your redeemable code, the redeemable URL and the redeemable instructions. Are you having trouble redeeming the code?
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 21 2021 at 4:32pm Copy Link
Jeremy User I have gotten the registration now, it was a bit strange way of getting a deal to use a password recovery link to create an account, also the multiple receipts but needing to send 2 request mails. Well I'm sure there is a reason for it to be that way lol, and the software is nice I'm glad I went for this deal. The program allows a type of internet sharing that was not supported by the drivers for my intel network card or by the vpn software I use, it's not often that software can transform the use of hardware to be something new to save it from collecting dust
Jul 26 2021 at 6:50pm Copy Link
Dec 9 2021 at 3:18am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Abhilash User, I just sent an email about this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 9 2021 at 3:28am Copy Link
A S So, how soon after purchase is the software registration supposed to be sent/arrived? I contacted the email address stated in the email receipt received but I am not sure from where or what time zone the response should come or if the response is automated, so that I can wait the appropriate amount of time. Cheers.
Jun 8 2022 at 6:07pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @A S, I just sent you an email about this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 9 2022 at 5:51am Copy Link
User1144 Hello there ! I have a few questions please :
- Is this software fully compatible with Windows 11 (Pro)?
- And is that still the Lifetime MAX free updates being offered here ?
- Can it manage wifi sharing to ethernet and at the same time virtual machines simultaneously ?
- How is the licence working ? I tend to format my pc once a year so I reinstall all from ground.
Thank youuu (I'm pretty sure I'll buy the deal anyway if it's the lifetime updates anway)
Jan 14 at 12:43pm Copy Link
Karl M. I've just bought it, it's exactly what I was looking for. The program works very well, it is very well thought out and helps well with the setup. The additional integration of a VPN was quite tricky, because unfortunately there was no help for this, but after a few attempts and trial and error it worked.
My only question now is how I can transfer the license from one PC to another.
Feb 20 at 10:38am Copy Link
Cristian Hi - please check out the options for that in our knowledge base article at https://support.connectif...t-licenses. If you need further guidance, please reach out to
Connectify - Feb 20 at 10:42am Copy Link
Karl M. Unfortunately I have to revise my positive evaluation, Connectify Hotspot does not work with the native WireGuard client. Therefore, it is unfortunately unusable for me. That is a great pity. :-(
Mar 6 at 12:32pm Copy Link

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