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Directory Opus 10 LightDiscount

Directory Opus 10 Light

Your Complete File Management Solution!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Directory Opus 10 Light ScreenshotFile Management Software ScreenshotDirectory Opus 10 Light, File Management Software Screenshot

"’d have to be as mad as a drunken wallaby not to give it a go." --

You've lived with Windows Explorer for long enough. But, I hear you thinking, if I had any other alternative, I would have left long ago! Well, today, the alternative is delivered to you on a silver platter, and it's today's discount software promotion called Directory Opus 10 Light.

Directory Opus 10 Light is a powerful file manager that integrates directly with Windows Explorer, offering more speed, flexibility, and functionality. With Directory Opus 10 Light, you'll enjoy single and dual pane views complete with file displays and visual tree hierarchies for easy file organization. Open multiple folders as tabs and jump between them with ease. Filter, sort, group, and search folders faster than you could ever imagine in Windows Explorer. Enjoy bonus features that include the ability to preview files without launching another app, plus batch renaming of files.

Where before you had to purchase or otherwise rely on third party applications to perform file management, all of that is here with Directory Opus 10 Light. Duplicate folders right in the application, or queue up multiple file copies. Reliably burn optical media such as CDs and DVDs and say goodbye to your disc burning utiltiies. And when you want to jazz things up, take advantage of the ability to customize toolbars, hotkeys, and many other elements of the user interface. It's all here in Directory Opus 10 Light!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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MountainKing Great deal. Can you please tell me what is excluded from the light version?
Sep 21 2012 at 5:11am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler The fastest way to to check their website for the comparison matrix which is on the front page. When I bought the program, there was no "lite" version. Given the choice I would still pay full price for the "Pro" version. I use this program every day and find it indispensable.
Sep 21 2012 at 7:58am Copy Link
MountainKing Sweet. Checking it right now. It was not available before :)
Read 1 More Post By MountainKing
Sep 21 2012 at 11:10am Copy Link
Alan Simpson In comparison with the Light Edition, I would definitely prefer the Pro Edition. If the 48% discount is also available for 10 Pro, I will purchase it immediately!!! Thanks. Hope the 48% discount for Pro Edition will also appear on Bitsdujour soon after the Light Edition.
Sep 21 2012 at 4:08pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Alan

FYI, we promoted Directory Opus 10 Pro back in July. There are no immediate plans to re-promote it at this time.

BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 21 2012 at 4:11pm Copy Link
gin graham what will the upgrade policy be if we purchase the Light,
then want to upgrade to Pro -- how much $$
Sep 22 2012 at 1:48am Copy Link
Danny Past time it was PRO, now light: Why light? What is that for?
Sep 22 2012 at 8:31am Copy Link
Joe M When I click on "Download Trial" it takes me to the Opus site to download the full version. How do I just download the trial of Opus 10 Lite?
Sep 22 2012 at 9:10am Copy Link
Read MoreRoger Thomasson @ Alan

Not going to argue with you there, Opus Pro is spectacular software and we'd love to get it back on BDJ :)

But I just want to make sure it's clear to all incoming customers that today's promotion is for Directory Opus Light only so that there's no confusion.


BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 22 2012 at 11:38am Copy Link
Alan Simpson @ Roger Thomasson

Trust me, there are still many people planning to purchase the Pro Edition even if Bitsdujour offers the 48% discount for Pro immediately. Apparently last time I missed it, but this time I will grasp the opportunity. Thanks.
Sep 22 2012 at 11:41am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Alan

Strange, not sure why my response posted above yours!

Oh well :)

BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 22 2012 at 11:42am Copy Link
Read MoreMike B @Joe:

According to the comparison page:

If you're not sure which version is right for you, you can switch back and forth freely between Pro and Light during the 30 day evaluation period using the Licence Manager.
Sep 22 2012 at 9:39pm Copy Link
Read MoreBruce I would like to know how well Directory Opus interacts with my file management of Macintosh HFS+ disks.

Currently, I have MacDrive 8 running in the background of Win XP Pro, and use a file manager in Windows to move/delete/whatever for my file management on the Mac disks. I use both Windows Explorer and recently have been trying same using Xplorer2Pro.
It has seemed to me that doing such file maintenance via Windows Explorer will sometimes cause my Windows system to bog or stall or Explorer crashes, or even sometimes asks for a restart. Xplorer2Pro seems good so far, but have only just been trying it out for such tasks.

Will Directory Opus Light be able to interact well with both MacDrive and the Mac disks so that I can do file maintenance 'robustly' - without fear of bogdown, freezing or crash/restarts?

(Hope my question is clear. I will say, the too-frequent Win Explorer bogdown and crashes are a real chore, thus I hope to find a good alternative for my file management of my multiple Mac disks.)
Sep 23 2012 at 5:13am Copy Link
Gin Graham Hello again,

what will the upgrade policy be if we purchase the Light,
then want to upgrade to Pro -- how much will it co$t ?
Sep 23 2012 at 7:39am Copy Link
TopDog I have been using the Pro version on my desktop for several years. But I dont have a copy of Directory Opus on my laptop. This lite version seems like the perfect choice for my laptop that I dont use nearly as much as my desktop. I will be taking advantage of this offer when it becomes available.
Sep 23 2012 at 7:41am Copy Link
Joe M Thanks Mike B.
I installed the trial program and chose the Lite Version.
For what I need this is a good value. I have trialed the pro version and it is to expensive for my needs. The lite version is priced right. It will be a good deal when it is offered at 49% off.
I will be comparing it to PowerDesk 8.5. One of the two things I like about it so far is that it comes in a 64 bit version, PowerDesk does not. It also opens faster then PowerDesk.
Sep 23 2012 at 10:45am Copy Link
Jeffrey Lackey I would buy Directory Opus 10 in a second if it was $49 or a little more, but $90 is just too much. Even the upgrade from 9 to 10 is $70+ !!!
Sep 23 2012 at 3:27pm Copy Link
Read MoreGP Software Hi everyone!

Thanks to everyone for your interest in Directory Opus Light. We're certainly excited to be launching this new product through BitsDuJour!

To answer your initial questions:

@MountainKing: A description of the differences between the versions can be found at (as you've already discovered).

@gin graham: You will be able to upgrade to Pro at any time for the difference in price (regular price, not discounted price). So for a single install licence (plus free laptop licence) the upgrade fee would be $40 AUD.

@Joe McCormick: The download file is the same for both Pro and Light.

@Bruce: No idea! Download a trial and see for yourself :)

@Doc Daddy: In conjunction with the release of the Light edition we have also reduced the pricing of the Pro edition, for example a single install licence (plus free laptop licence) is now $69 AUD, and upgrade from 9-10 is now $49 AUD.
GP Software - Sep 23 2012 at 3:35pm Copy Link
Jeffrey Lackey That price is still high but the full function demo has me sold; with the price drop I will absolutely be purchasing! Thanks.
Sep 23 2012 at 5:58pm Copy Link
Read MorePortablesFan The comparison chart says both versions have the "Option for portable USB version," but in your forums it looks like this costs extra? If so, how much? Does the Light version include the "dongle" USB option? says:
"Single or dual licences are available at discounted rates to bone fide teachers or students on proof of eligibility such as teacher or student registration or email address at a .edu domain." How would this compare to today's BdJ deal?
BTW, website typo: should be "bona fide" - ironic placement on the academic page ;-)

Sep 24 2012 at 1:13am Copy Link
Laga Mahesa @Bruce: I've been using the Pro version since version 9 and have used MacDrive 8 before, albeit for a Hackintosh, for HFS+ partitions with no big problems. I did find that Paragon was better, though the reason escapes me now.
Sep 24 2012 at 2:23am Copy Link
Michael Guilfoyle this is an awesome product. I use it to organise videos, ebooks and more. Fastest file copying and moving and every time I have a file tasks and look at some other tool I remind myself of Dopus and find the answer. Don't miss out on this, grab it!
Sep 24 2012 at 2:24am Copy Link
Laga Mahesa IMO the windows explorer replacement functionality should be included with Lite. That's what is stopping some of my friends from buying.

Check this out please, GPSoft. Just a suggestion.
Sep 24 2012 at 3:15am Copy Link
Diego SEO Currently I use 5 computers at home + virtual machines. I simply can't afford Directory Opus license model. Please consider this scenario in future offers and regular pricing.

Sep 24 2012 at 3:33am Copy Link
Danny @Laga Mahesa, I find too!

@GP Software, Can be arranged that?
Sep 24 2012 at 3:42am Copy Link
GP Software @PortablesFan: The USB add-on is the same price for both the Pro and Light versions ($10). And if you later upgrade to Pro the USB add-on carries across to the new licence at no extra charge. Academic discounts are only available on the Pro version.
GP Software - Sep 24 2012 at 3:52am Copy Link
GP Software We have a video that highlights some of the new features of 10.2 (the just released version of Opus), but people here may find it interesting as it briefly illustrates the differences between the Pro and the Light editions:
GP Software - Sep 24 2012 at 3:52am Copy Link
Sabine N. Wow! I have used many filemanagers but DOpus tops them all by far! Actually I did not plan to buy right away but wanted to test it first for a while. But I fell in love with it right now and just purchased it here then directly purchased the upgrade to Pro.
Thanks to Bitsdujour for the deal and the developers for such a great and smoothly feeling piece of software!
Sep 24 2012 at 3:59am Copy Link
Justin Cram This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Sep 24 2012 at 4:47am Copy Link
Albert Wiersch I have the "none-light" version. It's one of the first things I install on my work computers. Highly recommended! I even used it in the Commodore Amiga days.
Sep 24 2012 at 6:18am Copy Link
Ernest Kennedy Autralian and American dollars equate to approx 1.5 dollars to 1 GBPound, so for people in Great Britain the end price in GBPounds is more appealing than the price in dollars.
I find people always get the horrors when they see a high dollar price at the first impression.
Do a bit of calculation first and the price for GB'ers isn't as bad as they first thought.
I hope for GB'ers at least this helps to dispell first bad price jitters.
Sep 24 2012 at 6:19am Copy Link
Stuart Krivis I've been using DOpus on Windows since version 6. I've always felt that it was worth every penny I have paid for each version because it makes Windows so much more usable.

Not too long ago I bought a copy of Amiga Forever 2012 here at BdJ, and now I use DOpus there too!
Sep 24 2012 at 7:07am Copy Link
MountainKing Seriously guys, windows explorer replacement should be a bare minimum :)
Sep 24 2012 at 8:59am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler I guess everyone has their opinion about explorer replacement. I would never replace explorer with another program. I have had several bad experiences in that regard.
Sep 24 2012 at 9:25am Copy Link
Albert Wiersch You can still use Windows Explorer when you have Directory Opus, but in almost all cases you'll probably will want to use Directory Opus.
Sep 24 2012 at 9:50am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler You can't use explorer if you have replaced it with DO. I don't do this and I can use both. You are correct, in most cases I turn to DO.
Sep 24 2012 at 10:18am Copy Link
Albert Wiersch Hi Ralph, yes, I don't use it as a Windows Explorer replacement so Windows Explorer is still available to me. It works great keeping both available, and that's what I would recommend.
Sep 24 2012 at 10:34am Copy Link
Read MoreStuart Krivis It doesn't replace explorer.exe, it simply opens things in DOpus instead. You can always rt-click on things and open them with explorer instead if you wish to.

I don't think I've ever actually elected to use explorer.exe instead of DOpus, but the capability is there.

BTW, explorer.exe still runs even when you're using DOpus, because explorer also provides the desktop, taskbar, tray, etc.

I've used DOpus on several computers over the years, running several different version of Windows, and I've never had a "bad experience" with it.
Sep 24 2012 at 12:06pm Copy Link
Danny And why no free liftime upgrade option for DOpus software? That would be really top!
Sep 24 2012 at 1:21pm Copy Link
Nick Katz I would grab it if I could set it to use as a Windows Explorer replacement. That seems pretty basic and would make it much more useful for me. Since you refer to it as a "powerful replacement for /Windows Explorer" it seems that should be something it can do without having to purchase the much more expensive version that I otherwise just don't need.
Sep 24 2012 at 3:36pm Copy Link
Pedro Laurent Nick Katz is right the lite version shouldn't be part of DOpus if it doesn't replace the windows explorer, the lite version is just a cripple version, I purchased version 9 with all the options and it worked nice but the upgrade price is a turnoff for me. I just used Total commander now which takes some used to it and has many plugins available for it and it does the job for me and life time upgrade included.
Sep 24 2012 at 3:52pm Copy Link
Read MoreKelly Major DO is on my must have list. It is an absolutely fantastic product. The power and flexibility is astonishing!

While I would like to see DO change to a licensing model that is more user-centric in this age where everyone has multiple computers and VMs I have to say I tolerate the licensing model for this product for the reasons stated in paragraph 1.

These days if a product doesn't offer a user license I seek alternatives if at all possible since as a developer I have quite a few machines and even more VMs.

I'm not sure about this so you should do your own research but I thought I read when PRO was offered that a computer license included the host OS and any VMs running on the same computer. In other words the license is truly PER COMPUTER. I didn't look into it since I have a 5-Pack for my own use and that covers my needs.

Here is a nice link that I share with anyone new to DO:

I have no experience with DO Light but DO "Full" is worth every penny.
Sep 24 2012 at 4:33pm Copy Link
GP Software @Kelly Major: Yes you're right, you don't need a licence for VMs, just the underlying physical computer.
GP Software - Sep 24 2012 at 4:36pm Copy Link
Silat Without a license that is more reasonable considering the price this great product is not for me. Please notice that I said it is a great product.
Now if it allowed use on my personal computers with the purchase of a license then I would pay the high price.
As it is I will stick with xplorer2.
Sep 24 2012 at 6:08pm Copy Link
Bruce To Laga Mahesa, Thank you for the specific feedback on my issue area - it sounds encouraging.
I will be giving that a try.
And I will look again about trying the Paragon version of access to HFS+. As I made the choice for MacDrive quite some time back, I too do not know current pros/ cons of one over the other.
Read 1 More Post By Bruce
Sep 24 2012 at 6:23pm Copy Link
Rich OBrien It appears that all the upgrade improvements from Opus 9 were put into the Pro version of Directory Opus 10. Here is an opportunity for everyone who has Directory Opus 9 Pro who can't afford the upgrade to Pro 10 to instead pay $15.32 for a renamed and stripped down version of the Directory Opus Pro 9 program they already own.

I use Directory Opus 9 Pro for exactly one purpose and that is to copy folders from one drive to another while retaining all the original dates on folders and files. The other features in Directory Opus 9 are so overly complex that I'm lost and can't appreciate them even though I have more than 25 years of computing experience.
Sep 24 2012 at 8:36pm Copy Link
Read MoreJ S Hmmm well anything has to be better than Micro$ofts' explorer which hasn't been good since the days on Windows v3.11

RICH OBrien You could take a look at TeraCopy by (who promote thru which does exactly the thing you talk of and does it very well making certain that the CRC of each file or folder is copied bit perfectly AND the program is cheap by comparison to D.O. & FREE LiFETiME UPGRADES/UPDATES.

DANNY THYS yes it would be nice if D.O. offered the option to purchase a Lifetime License - which included free major upgrades, just like and to name but 2 of a growing number of other vendors that promote their software through Bitsdujour and perhaps I'll write to them about the benefits (to both GP Software & their customer) of offering such an option.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And now light-heartedly:

As for the quote at the top of the description referring to D.O. v9.5 Ah these people who want to be OZzies should have said "... mad as a cut snake ..." specially pommie b*stards who envy the hell out of Australia and Australians - in general.

And the quoted link is a long way out of date going by the exchange rate they mention (only 36.5% off cobba) because since then the Aussie Dollar has become the probably the most sought after currency in the world for investors wanting a safe haven that actually pays some interest on deposits [today's rate using $85.00 AUD = £54.6108 GBP]

'Fair suck of the sauce bottle' why does everybody whose seen Crocodile Dundee think they know how to say 'strine' correctly and be an Aussie, when they can't even say "G'ud A" properly.
Sep 24 2012 at 11:38pm Copy Link
Read MoreBruce That last comment (from Rich) about file dates got me worried, as I need accurate file dates. So I conducted some tests on the DOpus 10 Light version.

Results look good, that is, the dates seem to be Preserved, at least in my testing.

Drag copy a folder with files from NTFS internal to external NTFS drive.
From Windows Explorer to Windows Explorer --
Folder create and mod dates set to now = bad.
File create dates set to now, mod dates are preserved = mixed.
(thus the file is now modified before it is created :P )
From DOpus Lt to DOpus Lt --
Folder create and mod dates are preserved = Good!
File create and mod dates are preserved = good!
From DOpus Lt to Windows Explorer --
(acts just as the Win to Win copy)
Folder create and mod dates set to now = bad.
File create dates set to now, mod dates are preserved = mixed.
From Windows Explorer to DOpus Lt --
Folder create and mod dates are preserved = good!
File create and mod dates are preserved = good!

Thus it seems that the receiving app determines how dates are set. So as long as Directory Opus Light is the receiving folder (or, more correctly, the receiving folder is being viewed and targeted inside Directory Opus Light application) then the dates are preserved.
This is, I think, very good file manager behavior for file and folder date management. And for me, an essential function of a file manager, as I do a lot of file maintenance, and the file and folder create and mod dates are very important to be accurate.

So, you have a new buyer now, me. ;)
Sep 24 2012 at 11:38pm Copy Link
J S BRUCE: Copying Files with exact same TiME and DATE to external drives can easily be achieved using TeraCopy and I think even the free version of TeraCopy will do the job BRUCE described easily.
Sep 24 2012 at 11:59pm Copy Link
Read MoreAmit @GP Software

Whats the meaning of that if we buy more than 1 usb portable extension - to DO license (single license bought) - does it mean that if we buy 2 usb licenses then we can use DO light (or pro even maybe later) on 2 different usb sticks - all with the purchase of 1 single main license ? because there was option to buy multiple usb licenses with 1 single main license too ? So wasn't clear.

As you said above - so this light version can be used on multiple vms running on the same computer ?
"@Kelly Major: Yes you're right, you don't need a licence for VMs, just the underlying physical computer."

And can 1 license it be used to run on 2 or 3 different OS too on the same computer - like in a scenario of dual boot ? If used non simultaneosly ?
Sep 25 2012 at 12:22am Copy Link
trek I read on the features in BitDuJour site that DO light can "Replace Windows Explorer with something faster and more flexible", but in the DO website it's written that only DO Pro can replace explorer. What's the truth?
Sep 25 2012 at 2:45am Copy Link
Gonzo I've been wanting to buy DO since the first time I saw it here at BDJ.
Unfortunately the cost was always too high, even after the discount.

I decided to take a chance today and purchased the Light version.
We'll see how it goes, and maybe I can later upgrade to the regular version.
Sep 25 2012 at 3:15am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler @trek How about trying the FREE download and deciding for yourself? This is always the best way since you will not be relying on someone else's opinion.
Sep 25 2012 at 3:52am Copy Link
Danny Just to have that movie about differences between PRO and LIGHT versions. DOpus light is something too skinny I can find, that may be added some more features. That is my opinion!
Sep 25 2012 at 5:31am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler The one with the added features is called PRO. I think it was nice that GP listened to people and came out with a less expensive version.
Sep 25 2012 at 6:21am Copy Link
Danny @Ralph Bressler, There have you right in! The customer is King I thought. ;-)
Sep 25 2012 at 6:37am Copy Link
Mitch Kite So, I want to try the light version. However, I have DOpus version 9 Pro installed. The install tells me that it will overwrite my current version with the new version. I obviously do not want to lose version 9. How do I install version 10 light without overwriting version 9?
Sep 25 2012 at 7:41am Copy Link
MountainKing @Nick Katz: Absolutely right. I was going to purchase right away when I saw the deal but then I saw the NO EXPLORER REPLACEMENT which for a software of this kind is a turnoff...A few users have mentioned this point and GP Soft have yet to respond.

I would be very interested as to the reasons why this was not included in the lite version. This is the only reason that is holding me back purchasing what is otherwise excellent software.
Sep 25 2012 at 8:42am Copy Link
Kelly Major @ J S

"J S BRUCE: Copying Files with exact same TiME and DATE to external drives can easily be achieved using TeraCopy and I think even the free version of TeraCopy will do the job BRUCE described easily."

FYI - I have TeraCopy integrated into DO so if I want to use TeraCopy for a copy/move I can just click the TC copy or move toolbar button. I don't know if you can do this with the light version or not.
Sep 25 2012 at 9:13am Copy Link
Read MoreRoger Thomasson We've removed the "explorer replacement" verbiage from the promo copy (BDJ's fault, sorry!) so that there is no more confusion.

Now we can all stop asking GP Software to defend their decision to exclude feature x, y, or z from the Light version. Cause that's the whole point of a Light version, right?


BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 25 2012 at 9:31am Copy Link
Read MoreBruce Quick note about the Explorer Replacement,,,

Now that I have been testing DOpus Light,
While it will not physically replace Win Explorer -- and this is fine by me, as it gives me option to use Explorer when needed -- it does intercept normal 'open in explorer' or 'show file in explorer' calls.

So in practice, when I click one of those, it now opens and shows the file inside DOpus Lt instead of Win Explorer.
So for me, that is good enough of almost replacing.
Just FYI.
Sep 25 2012 at 2:20pm Copy Link
Nick Katz Bruce: Mine didn't do that when I tried it. Everything opened in windows Explorer unless I started Opus first. I could use it if mine worked like yours.
And I still contend this is a basic function of any file explorer type program, not an advanced one no matter what anybody says.
I bought it anyway, but I'm still hoping this small thing is added to the light version at some point. I'll trade some other power it has..
Sep 25 2012 at 2:32pm Copy Link
Read MoreGarrett Goyette Yet another great windows explorer replacement being offered on BDJ. Just wish it were the pro so i can compare directly with xyplorer, x2plorer (which i grabbed out here and use everyday. Just downloaded a copy of Fileboss as well. I just think directory opus is a bit stripped down upon opening, so one has to customize immediately to their liking but there are very good instructions for doing so. I know that people have been raving about DO for years but ithe other 3 i mentioned are so feature rich, i will have to see how things are implemented. i am sure i only understand and use only about 10% of all the POWER features, but i have loved file manager type replacements since i first bought Xtree Gold for dos. There are invaluable.
IMy first windows pwer file manager was Powerdesk, but immediately after loading on 3 different computer, i always get a dll error upon right clicking. ulitmately the context menu will work afrter canceling the error message twice but , waiting 10 to 30 seconds each time i right click forced me to remove and the problem went away and then returned upon reopening so i stopped using Power desk. I love both XY and X2 buty some thing s are just more inutiive to find or do in each of them. I am intrigued by Fileboss as well now since it gives you the Tree in both Panes. Looking forward to kicking the tires though i admint that in the new dawn of Apps fro 99 cents that spendign $90 dollars on a file manager (that is as much as the operating system in some cases is a bit over priced) but i am happy to pick up light version for $15. I will come back at a future date after i check it out.
Sep 25 2012 at 3:23pm Copy Link
Rich OBrien JS Thanks for telling me of Tera Copy. Before I found Directory Opus, I could find no program that retained the dates on folders. Even a program called Folder Clone changed all folder dates to today's date. I asked the programmer of AccelMan at Flexigen Software for a date retention feature and in just two weeks he added the feature to AccelMan. Sadly, he found other ways to make a better living and AccelMan became Orphanware. Amazingly, AccelMan as freeware, unsupported and unimproved since 2006 still receives great reviews and is highly rated.
Sep 26 2012 at 7:03am Copy Link
Kelly Major Another option like TeraCopy is RoboCopy, built right in to Windows.
Sep 26 2012 at 7:06am Copy Link
Garrett Goyette @JS, good thing to know about Teracopy. Unfortunately, Teracopyis no where as fast at copying as it claims. it even loses in speed tests to explorer. I just copied some files using DO lite and the average speed was 15 mbs per second. Perhaps we can just p[ut it on the wish list for the developer. i too as deeply disturbed that all the file dates get changed upon moves and copies in most of these explorer replacements. Afterall, Date Created is the date software SHOULD BE JUST THATt
Read 1 More Post By Garrett Goyette
Sep 26 2012 at 1:46pm Copy Link

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