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Driver ReviverDiscount

Driver Reviver

The Best Way to Update Drivers

40% Off
$17.99 $29.99
for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64bit)
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"Driver Reviver is solid overall. With a powerful scanning capacity and plenty of features to customize, it’s a great option for users of any experience level." -- Top Ten Reviews, 2016

Driver Reviver driver update software is the most accurate and effective way to quickly and easily update all of the drivers in your system, immediately improving performance!

Your PC is acting sluggish again! Only this time, instead of spending the money to upgrade components or buy a new machine, why not just try a driver update? It's true -- without the most up-to-date drivers, many of your system's components and peripherals will start to experience performance hits.

The process of a driver update can be daunting. Finding the right drivers yourself, let alone the right drivers for your operating system (eg: specific Windows 7 drivers) is time consuming and even potentially risky. This driver update software can do that for you!

Say goodbye to trolling the internet looking for the right drivers! And watch out -- if you install the wrong driver, you may even experience lockups and system instability, and many pieces of malware masquerade as legitimate driver files! Driver Reviver accesses one of the world's largest windows driver databases and quickly determines which of your system's drivers are obsolete. Just a few clicks later, and you're on your way to downloading and installing updated windows drivers, and giving your PC renewed life.

Just in case you're nervous about updating all of those drivers at once, Driver Reviver lets you establish a convenient restore point, letting you roll back to your original settings should anything go horribly wrong!

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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The Conversation
The Fine Print
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Scott Van Leeuwen Downloaded the trial and it scanned my system and found 0 drivers to be updated. So I suppose I don't need to buy this.
Aug 11 2013 at 2:54am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi Scott,

Thanks for trying Driver Reviver!

If your PC is relatively new and/or had its drivers updated not too long ago, then there is the possibility of your drivers being up-to-date as per the scan results.

Should this not be the case, please do write in to with your system specs and we'll be happy to look into it for you.

We would also like to point out that Driver Reviver is not a one time tool but a periodic system maintenance program for your PC. It can carry out scheduled scans to ensure that your computer drivers are functioning normally and are never outdated.

We hope this helped.

ReviverSoft - Aug 11 2013 at 9:28am Copy Link
Noggin The Nog Does the initial 12 month license run from the date of installation or the date of purchase?
Read 1 More Post By Noggin The Nog
Oct 19 2013 at 4:48am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi there. Thanks for your interest in Driver Reviver!

- The license runs 12 months from the date of purchase. However, you can always inform us about any eventualities and have it disabled temporarily.

- Yes, our support team will be happy to help you transfer the product & license onto a new computer

Hope this helped.

ReviverSoft - Oct 20 2013 at 2:02am Copy Link
J.C. Any Driver Updater solution needs a Portable App (or Technician Version) and should be able to be used on multiple pc`s without license issues.

And a Life Time solution would be a +1 as well.
Nov 1 2013 at 1:52am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft We couldn't agree more, J.C.

We've seen the demand for a technician's version of Driver Reviver and hope to release one soon. It will feature a very accommodating licensing system to work with multiple PCs and we'll offer a portable version too.

Thanks for your interest and feedback.

~ ReviverSoft
ReviverSoft - Nov 1 2013 at 2:11am Copy Link
JimR Trial version..Scans to 96% then Error message : value type is 6 not 0 last error cose :6
Dec 16 2013 at 10:16am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi Jim,

Sorry for the trouble!

This appears to be a one off problem that needs a closer look.

If it's not too much of a bother, we'd most appreciate the program logs from your DR installation. You can find them at C:\Program Files\ReviverSoft\Driver Reviver

Please email all the files in there to along with the details of the problem and we'll get back to you ASAP.

ReviverSoft - Dec 16 2013 at 8:42pm Copy Link
JimR Done logs and SC sent..don't usually reinstall something that doesn't work on my pc..but then again it just be my pc
Dec 17 2013 at 3:28am Copy Link
ReviverSoft Thanks Jim, much appreciated. We'll take a closer look and get back to you via email.
ReviverSoft - Dec 17 2013 at 3:33am Copy Link
Avi Nahir Please notice that this requires an annual update cost of $30!
Feb 5 2014 at 2:14am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi Avi,

Thanks for pointing this out.

However, the terms of purchase are listed in the Fine Print here and quite prominent on our website and checkout pages.

There is only a renewal fee (typically discounted) associated with the product when you choose to renew your license every year.

Please note that we do not charge for the product updates and premium support we offer.

ReviverSoft - Feb 5 2014 at 4:16am Copy Link
Peter Dr Driver Reviver was reviewed in March 2014 by the Software Review Panel of Neat Net Tricks. Go to click on the Software Reviews button on the left, and look for March 2014.

I am glad to see that ReviverSoft are planning to release a technician's version and/or a multiple PC license and/or a portable version.
Sep 1 2014 at 9:48pm Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi Peter,

Thanks for letting us know about the review.

I'm happy to confirm that a new release of Driver Reviver is in the works and that we plan to offer different licensing options for home users and commercial users (eg. technicians, businesses) very soon.

We definitely want to enable all types of users to benefit from Driver Reviver.

If you have any specific questions or comments, feel free to email them to us at

ReviverSoft - Sep 2 2014 at 10:56am Copy Link
Read MorePV Driver Reviver has some major issues that have not been solved yet. There is not a changelog in their site which is a must considering that the program only last 1 year, and after that the program stops working unless you renew subscription license. Without a changelog it is not possible to see what updates, bug fixes , improvements if any are made to the application. The app can remain without updates for years, which is probably why there is not a changelog being released.
I could not use software much due to the fact that the latest version has issues with the backups (it is not possible to uninstall and save the backups.)
All my drivers backups were deleted when uninstalling.
Also it is not possible to tell the program where to save the backups). This is a major issue because even if you back up the backups folder, if software is uninstalled, it will not recognize the driver backups!

"I'm afraid we haven't reintroduced this feature yet because our team has been busy with PC Reviver (our new product) related development.

However, there are plans to release a new version of Driver Reviver with fixes and improvements in the near future."

Being busy with another program is not an excuse considering that software is not free and lasts only 1 year. Did you fix these major issues? and where is the change log / release notes for each version?
Sep 9 2014 at 9:06am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi PV,

Thanks for your feedback.

As we mentioned in our earlier comment, a new release (v5) of Driver Reviver is expected to be available in a few weeks.

We only offer a change log or release note for major build releases because the minor updates usually don't contain a lot of significant changes or improvements to warrant a public announcement. However, you can expect to see a release note for v5 of Driver Reviver in our support forums.

As for the backups, we have taken note of this and will consider reintroducing some options to make sure your backups are safe in the new release of Driver Reviver. In the meantime though, you can directly access and make a copy of the backups or downloads folder of Driver Reviver.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please write to us directly at and we'll be happy to address them.

ReviverSoft - Sep 9 2014 at 10:03am Copy Link
Read MorePV I've been hearing about the same story of "new version" for about a year, and no releases yet. Good software especially the one that is not free, has a changelog even for minor releases. Even free quality software has a public changelog i.e ccleaner, notepad++ etc..The only software that I've seen without change logs is the one that stays the same for many years, even with the same bugs! In regards to "you can directly access and make a copy of the backups or downloads folder of Driver Reviver. " That is not possible, I already tried that and it does not work, and I already notify you of that issue long time ago. When driver reviewer is uninstalled, or computer restored, Driver Reviver does not recognize the backup folder when user tries to restore drivers. Once you fix those major issues, and offer a one time fee or lifetime license, then Driver Reviver could be worth it, for now the software is way too expensive for what you get. In the meantime, I'll keep using the new free DUMo Drivers Update Monitor, the same makers of Sumo, and they have a public change log for all their software and include major and minor releases.
Sep 9 2014 at 11:23am Copy Link
Up Allnyte I decided to check out this driver program because the ones that I've seen online were sharkware that tried to take advantage of gullible folk. I'm not gullible. Not all the time anyway. Driver Reviver happily reported that all of the drivers on my Windows 8.1 computer were all up to date. Satisfied that I do not need this program I began to uninstall using Revo Uninstaller. I think that this uninstall is the first time that Revo hasn't found any residual junk left behind after an uninstall. Nice. But Driver Reviver was sorry to see me go so they offered me a 50% discount - $14.99. till even though it's cheaper than here I don't really see the need for this program or am I willing to pay the $30 yearly renewal for a program that I would rarely use. Thanks for the offers though! It's nice to see a driver program that didn't scream bloody murder when I tried to remove it from my system.
Sep 28 2014 at 3:14am Copy Link
ReviverSoft Hi there. Thanks for your feedback. We're glad to hear you found our program satisfactory. All ReviverSoft products deliver a hassle-free installation and uninstallation experience and are backed by excellent technical support.
Yes, we agree that driver updates can be infrequent at times but we work closely with PC brands and individual hardware manufacturers to ensure that we receive and deliver timely updates when they are made available. We will soon be supporting Beta drivers too.
Also, we typically offer discounted renewal rates for all existing customers. The renewal fee helps with ongoing efforts to improve and maintain the program and our massive (and growing) driver database. ReviverSoft customers also see additional value with the free updates, upgrades and unlimited tech support they receive. We do hope you will try our program again in the future.
ReviverSoft - Sep 28 2014 at 12:02pm Copy Link
Read MoreWynus Marais I should have heeded the warning on Top Ten reviews. This used to be an excellent package. I recommended it everyone. Now it is the most dangerous piece of malware that you can load on your PC. Stay as far away as possible!

And if you do buy their buggy software you might as well forget about their money back guarantee. You will never see your money again!

There are no words to adequately describe how lousy this company is, but here are the last review from another trusted source.

Top Ten Review
It performed abysmally in our more recent battery of tests, finding only a single set of unimportant drivers on a system with three dozen.
The Verdict:

Driver Reviver used to be our number one pick, but its database hasn't stood the test of time. Today it's one of the worst options you can buy, since it won't actually find the driver updates you need.
Jan 28 2015 at 6:53am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi Wynus,

We are sorry to hear that you had a less than perfect experience with Driver Reviver.

Just to give you some background, Driver Reviver sources its drivers straight from the respective PC and hardware manufacturers. These drivers are constantly checked and validated at our end before being delivered to users but sometimes unexpected conflicts can occur on certain computers - as is the risk with any other driver updating program or manual driver installations. That being said, Driver Reviver does enable users to quickly roll back problematic updates, restore their computers and report problems for a quick resolution.

With respect to our refund policy, we offer a no-hassle 30 day money back guarantee on all purchases and completely stand by it. As our support team explained in their email to you, your refund was approved by us on the same day and forwarded to our e-commerce partner (Cleverbridge) for processing. It was an oversight on their part in processing the refund and we apologize for the delay. You can expect to receive a refund confirmation email in a few minutes.

As for TopTenReviews's take on Driver Reviver, the article was posted early last year and is fairly outdated. It largely focuses on the difference in scan results (no. of driver updates) with Driver Reviver which is something we've improved significantly in newer releases. Our main focus has always been to offer a safe and easy driver updating experience and we still do. We have reached out to TopTenReviews about re-reviewing Driver Reviver for their site and expect to see a more accurate and up-to-date review of the current release.

Once again, we are sorry for all the trouble and hope you have a better experience with Driver Reviver in the future.

If you have any additional feedback, please share them with us at and we'll be happy to address them for you.


The ReviverSoft Team
ReviverSoft - Jan 28 2015 at 2:00pm Copy Link
Read MorePRM User Hi Reviversoft:

Your product missed a number of updates. After enabling "untested" updates a number of these were updated, but i'm still missing 3 updates drivers, ie:
IDE/ATAPI controllers
MF8300C printer series
Jmicron JMBX36X controller

all of this is not very new hardware and should have been identified as it was with two other products...

So your products works, but can also be improved...
Apr 29 2015 at 5:05am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft @PRM User

Thanks for your feedback here.

If you could email us at with the details of these drivers and your PC specs, we could look into it and give you an update.

Also, older hardware devices don't necessarily receive frequent updates and some of the updates are marked as optional by the device manufacturers themselves.

In any case, we're happy to help you sort this out.


The ReviverSoft Team
ReviverSoft - Apr 29 2015 at 6:16am Copy Link
Read MoreGerald Attrick I've tried a number of driver update programs... with results that varied from mediocre to pathetic. A couple of weeks ago, however, I DL'd a freebie named "Driver Booster 2" which, by the way, came highly recommended by one of those "top ten" sites.

In a nutshell, the program worked extremely well for me. Having neglected driver updating for quite a few years, I wasn't terribly surprised when the software identified 22 seriously out-of-date drivers. It took me a few hours to get them all updated, because I got a couple of BSODs when I tried to update all 22 in one fell swoop. The list included some chipset stuff.

The program provides detailed information for each driver... your current version as well as the date and version number of the relevant update. In several cases, Windows 7's driver update facility indicated my drivers were the latest version when, in fact, they were not. Driver Booster found and installed later versions without difficulty.

A couple of days ago, I downloaded an update to the Driver Booster app. Notification is automatic but you have to DL and install. The updates are also free of charge.

... for what all this unsolicited opinion is worth.
Jul 15 2015 at 9:16am Copy Link
Fahrulloh User Scans to 96% then Error message : value type is 6 not 0 last error cose :0
what should i do?
Aug 16 2015 at 12:55am Copy Link
Stephane User Malwarebytes detect Driver Reviver as a malware. Did reviversoft plan to resolve this issue ?
Sep 19 2015 at 8:17am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi Stephane,

Thanks for raising this. I can confirm that this is a false positive by Malwarebytes. We are actively working with Malwarebytes to resolve the issue and ensure our products are in good standing as always. In the meantime, you can safely ignore the alert and exclude Driver Reviver from within your Malwarebytes settings - so you can continue using the program uninterrupted.

Feel free to email us at if you need further assistance. Have a great day!

The ReviverSoft Team
ReviverSoft - Sep 21 2015 at 7:24pm Copy Link
Noggin The Nog The offer is priced at $17.99, but when I follow the "get this deal" link, the price is Euros 17.99, which is about 15% more. Why can we not pay in US$? I am heartily sick of internet pricing that is ramped up for those in other parts of the world by the use of false exchange rates. I see no justification for it, and it does not send a very good message.
Oct 11 2015 at 2:54am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi "Noggin The Nog",

Thanks for sharing your concern.

We maintain fixed pricing across most regions to keep our product pricing consistent for all our customers. The pricing helps mitigate constantly fluctuating exchanges rates, value added taxes and other fees/charges applicable in regions where we do business.

That being said, we do review and update our pricing from time to time, to ensure that our customers continue to receive the best possible price.

The pricing you see is dependent on your current location, which we're assuming is in the EU, hence the EU pricing.

The ReviverSoft Team
ReviverSoft - Oct 14 2015 at 10:01am Copy Link
Read Moredavid User (11-17-2015 Tue @ 8.51 PM)

Hi, I am interested in this software. But, I have multiple comptuers in my house
that I would like to keep up-to-date. But, I wish that you would release a
Home Version where I can do that without violating your license agreement.
It is a home with two people (man & wife) and two young kids, so I cannot
really afford to put it on every machine in the house.

Can you write me back and let me know what the options are? Yes, the
licensing also yearly is an issue too. Same problem as above just multiply
it each year.

So, that is why we do it manually now without any tool.

Thanks, David
Nov 18 2015 at 1:10am Copy Link
Read MoreReviverSoft Hi David,

Thanks for your interest in Driver Reviver.

Unfortunately, we do not offer multiple PC licenses just yet.

You will either need to purchase multiple licenses separately from this page (with the 40% discount) or by contacting our support team ( with your license requirements.

We hope to offer better license coverage and PC plans in the future.

The ReviverSoft Team
ReviverSoft - Nov 18 2015 at 11:39am Copy Link
CJCotter In order to get this deal, the order processing now requires that I "agree" to an automatic renewal, which I would have to then cancel to stop it. I will buy this at the sale price if there is some other way to bypass the auto-renewal. Otherwise you are not getting my money. Please advise.
Feb 29 2016 at 12:53am Copy Link
Cary Adams Drivers should not be updated unless your present driver is faulty/crashing. Newer is not always better. Often "newer" comes with new bugs and incompatibilities.

If you do have misfunctioning driver, obtain your driver updates from
1. your PC manufacturer (ASUS, Acer, Dell, HP... )
2. your OEM component manufacturer (AMD, nVidia, Atheros... )
May 5 2016 at 6:08am Copy Link
NorkDorf Back in 2013 you talked about a Technician Version, has that been made yet?
Nov 5 2017 at 11:26am Copy Link
Joe User your last comment response was back in 2015. This does give me lot of confidence in your product.
Apr 14 2019 at 8:31am Copy Link
Peter Laszlo I also would be interested in a Lifetime Licence and optional Technician's version.
In general, I do not purchase software which only runs for 12 months.

I understand that the developer has to be profitable, but if I would add up the cost of renewing my installed software after 12 months, the figure would be astronomical, as I only buy licenced software.
Aug 11 2020 at 7:15am Copy Link
patrocle Still not seen a lifetime license, so will have to pass on this offer. Or a option to buy a 3 pc option, as many of Us have at least 3 pc in the house so this way they can be covered.
Mar 27 2024 at 5:25am Copy Link
Read MoreDonald User I also do not go for automatic renewals to get a discounted price. Also, like many here, I do not like to have to renew a license every year. I'm OK with the program still working after the 1 year subscription period without any support, but not OK with it not working if I don't renew. I am OK with renewing if I see a certain new feature I want has been added, though.

I normally buy lifetime licenses whenever I can. Once in a while the company closes up or gets bought out and I don't get the lifetime use of the program, like when Ignitum's antivirus was bought out by Kaspersky and they offered 2 more years for the license after the buyout when I paid for a lifetime license.

Please consider adding a lifetime option (I realize that it would be priced much higher than a single-year's subscription price.)

If it doesn't already have it, consider an option to not install some of the detected out of date drivers would also be useful (maybe untick a box next to the drivers you want to keep in their current version, or tick boxes to make the change with a "select all" option also). Experts tell us to not update a driver unless there's a problem it fixes that you are experiencing, so an option to keep the current driver for some things seems to be an appropriate option. (I think video drivers may be an exception to this rule of thumb.)
Read 1 More Post By Donald User
Jul 23 2024 at 6:17am Copy Link

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