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Virus Scan for DVD neXt COPY Ultimate

Copy DVDs for Portable Devices and Backup

DVD NeXt COPY Ultimate lets you produce perfect, lossless copies of your DVD movies, to other discs, in digital format, for portable devices, and more.

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What are people saying about DVD neXt COPY Ultimate

Read MoreStefan Hauber I like this 10 DVDs to 1 BluRay feature.

Is there a way to create a music/audiobook-blu-ray with a similar kind of collection of Audio/MP3-CDs to switch and an easy way to switch between the 'CDs'. If I understand this right, it's possible to create programs on a BluRay, so it would be perfect to find a way to find a certain CD just by the remote control and without a display on. Perhaps this could be done by giving the remote-control keys a different meaning when the blu-ray has been entered. So e.g. when entering a certain number, e.g. 23 the player would jump to the 23rd CD and would play it. If the CDs would be in alphabetical order the user could quickly jump in a binary way to a lower or higher number. Unfortnuately I do not know if there exist any bluray-player with a display in the front (like an mp3-player), so it could be even easier with this. Just an idea...
Dec 21 2011 at 11:54pm Copy Link
Joe Xavier Just in time for Christmas.. nice deal!
Dec 24 2011 at 1:29am Copy Link
bvssunnydale Hi, I just want to make and play backups to/from a backup hard drive. Does this software allow me to do this easily? Thanks.
Dec 24 2011 at 8:15am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. DVD neXt COPY Ultimate Does allow you to copy all your DVD movies to your computer hard drive and save them on your computer. You can then play them from your computer or burn them to a DVD at a later time.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Dec 24 2011 at 8:38am Copy Link
bvssunnydale I purchased it and copied a DVD to my hard drive (seemed to work fine) but aren't sure how to actually PLAY it? My goal is simply to backup to my hard drive and play the movies from there. I have *.bup, *.ifo, and *.vob files, in no particular order within the folder I created for the backup. Usually I use VLC to play these things but nothing actually starts up and the help manual doesn't even seem to have the word "playing" in it.. any help greatly appreciated.
Dec 24 2011 at 9:14am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @bvssunnydale

These types of questions are better handled by a vendor's dedicated support channels:
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 24 2011 at 9:15am Copy Link
Read MorePeter Dr I just went hrough the order processs, and instead of getting the deal, I have wound up being charged the full price. I tried several times, but when I reached the "submit" stage, the full price was showing. I shut down firefox and tried again, coming back the through the Bits du Jour site, and each time I reached "Submit" the full price was showing.

Unfortunately, I figured that this was the correct way to place the order, and instead of coming back here and explaining the problem, I did submit.

Some help would be appreciated ... although I know that it is not the best day in the year to bring up problems like this...

Thanks for your assistance,

Dec 24 2011 at 6:37pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Peter

Sorry about the trouble! Shoot me an email at with your order details and we'll get this sorted out. Might take a day or two, but we'll get it taken care of :)

BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 24 2011 at 6:39pm Copy Link
Peter Dr @ Roger:

Thanks for the almost instant repsonse, and on Christmas Eve, too!

Email has been sent.

Merry Christmas
Dec 24 2011 at 7:18pm Copy Link
Rick Truell bvssunnydale: "Usually I use VLC to play these things ..."

VLC will absolutely play the .vob files. I'd be happy to give you a hand setting it up to easily do so, but with the clock rapidly counting down to Christmas, I don't have the time right now. If you can wait until Tuesday (possibly Monday, but I have plans Monday and don't know for sure when I'll be getting home), we'll get you up and running. If this is acceptable to you, then please start a new topic in the forum, and in there please also answer this question: what version of Windows are you using...XP? Vista? 7?
Dec 24 2011 at 8:00pm Copy Link
VLM Does this enable one to create ISO files?
Dec 24 2011 at 9:29pm Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi VLM. Yes you can create ISO files with DVD neXt COPY Ultimate. Merry Christmas!
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Dec 25 2011 at 2:31am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi bvssunnydale all you have to do is browse to the folder that you selected as the target when you copied the movie to your hard drive. Then select the VOB file to play the movie from your computer.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Dec 25 2011 at 2:33am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi Peter Dr. hope you got your order and discount to work properly. Merry Christmas!
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Dec 25 2011 at 2:35am Copy Link
Peter Dr Hi DVD NeXt: Not quite yet, but we're working on it. However I don't want anyone to look at it until after the Holiday. Merry Christmas to you all.
Dec 25 2011 at 6:11am Copy Link
Read MoreDVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi Peter Dr.

Thanks for the understanding =)

If you send your order number to and explain where you bought along with the comment that you did not get the correct discount your order price will be updated and the discount credited back to you.

Have a Merry Christmas!
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Dec 25 2011 at 6:26am Copy Link
VLM Well, I went to sleep before I received your reply, so I guess I missed this deal. Sigh ... I hope you come again soon!
Dec 25 2011 at 7:19am Copy Link
Rob Hindal Will this program handle Blu-ray to Blu-ray copying?
Jan 28 2012 at 5:16pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Due to the overwhelming response DVD neXt COPY Inc. has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 29 2012 at 12:00am Copy Link
Rob Hindal This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Jan 29 2012 at 12:13am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Due to the overwhelming response DVD neXt COPY Inc. has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 29 2012 at 12:38am Copy Link
Rob Hindal This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Jan 29 2012 at 3:37am Copy Link
VLM Is the NextTech version available through this promotion?
Jan 29 2012 at 12:20pm Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi,

This offer is for DVD neXt COPY Ultimate and not for DVD neXt COPY neXt Tech. We do offer upgrade discounts from Ultimate to DVD neXt COPY as listed on our website.

DVD neXt COPY Inc.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jan 29 2012 at 12:55pm Copy Link
Bertie Brummel The PayPal Logo is shown besides the dropdown box for payment options on page 3 of the "buy now" procedure. But when the dropdown box is opened, PayPal is not selectable??
Jan 29 2012 at 1:26pm Copy Link
doc_haz Hello. There's no selectable option for Paypal. Please. Fix Tthis.

Thanks in Advance.
Jan 29 2012 at 3:56pm Copy Link
Read MoreVLM Yes, I see the upgrade, it's simply the difference between the 2 list prices, so I perceive it as an undiscounted upgrade.

More importantly, your website states, of the neXt Tech version: "Combines all the bells and whistles of all of our products into one. It is by far our best product producing the best quality copies at the fastest speeds and it is the easiest to use."

Why wouldn't almost everyone choose this one? Why wouldn't YOU want everyone to choose this one? I mean, if it's faster, better, and easier to use, wouldn't that improve your reputation while reducing your support costs?

Honestly, this doesn't make sense to me. Of course, I know it's your company, this is just my opinion. And I'm hopeful that you'll reconsider.
Read 1 More Post By VLM
Jan 29 2012 at 4:26pm Copy Link
Read MoreDVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi VLM,

We do run promotions on all of our products. This particular promotion is for DVD neXt COPY Ultimate. If you would like to see DVD neXt COPY neXt Tech on BitsDuJour please suggest it via this link.

DVD neXt COPY Inc.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jan 30 2012 at 12:02am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi Bertie Brummel and Doc_haz,

The PayPal glitch is being looked into and a solution for paying by PayPal should be available soon.

DVD neXt COPY Inc.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jan 30 2012 at 12:04am Copy Link
Husker Tech Hopefuly, you will grant a short reprieve for those of us that were unable to pay, but would still like to purchase at the reduced price. Thanks.
Jan 30 2012 at 12:27am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Hi folks, please shoot me an email if you attempted to purchase with PayPal but were unable. We have a link for you :)

Apologies for the inconvenience!

BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 30 2012 at 1:50pm Copy Link
VLM You wrote: If you would like to see DVD neXt COPY neXt Tech on BitsDuJour please suggest it via this link.

I have been unable to log in to anything BDJ today, so I have given up on this one. If anyone at BDJ is listening/reading this thread, would you kindly add that title?
Jan 30 2012 at 2:44pm Copy Link
Pascal COPPE What about your "DVD neXt COPY DVD neXt COPY Blu-ray Converter" ? Is there any discount ?
Jun 20 2012 at 2:34am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi, We do not have a new customer sale on our Blu-ray converter at the moment. We do offer a current customer dicount for owning any of our products at 25%.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jun 20 2012 at 4:49am Copy Link
Wild Wizard Thanks For Offering Your Software At A Great Discount !
One Question Please, Will I Be Able To Copy ALL / ANY DVD's
With Copyright Protection Such As CSS, RCE, APS, UOPs, etc And Make Exact Duplicate DVD's 1:1 Single Layer And Dual Layer ??

Thank You Very Much !
~~Wild Wizard~~
Jun 22 2012 at 1:31am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. You may need to download a free third party plugin in some cases.
You can read about that here.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jun 22 2012 at 1:50am Copy Link
Wild Wizard AWESOME Support ! You Answerd My Question In Just A Few Minutes :-) And Added The Link, GREAT And Thank You VERY Much !

~~Wild Wizard~~
Jun 22 2012 at 1:55am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. You are welcome. We hope you enjoy our software and this great deal hosted by BitsDujour.
DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jun 22 2012 at 2:08am Copy Link
mary bonwell I wish to buy this but paypal doesnt seem to be accepted,
Jun 22 2012 at 6:42am Copy Link
VLM I notice that the plugin for dealing with copy protected media was last updated on May 01 2010. But the companies that publish "really good" DVD/Blu-ray decryption tools seem to update much, much more frequently. Therefore, I wonder whether this plugin can really handle all (or at least most) of what is out there. Perhaps this is an issue of DVD vs. Blu-ray?

Would you be willing to comment further?
Jun 22 2012 at 7:02am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Mary

Unfortunately Plimus (the 3rd party eCommerce provider) does not support PayPal as a method of payment. Apologies, we've complained to them many times about this :-/

BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 22 2012 at 7:53am Copy Link
Andrew Lea From : "You can use DVD neXt COPY to make a backup copy of personally authored DVDs or non protected movies. Many commercial movies are protected.

Not all movies are protected. Unfortunately, current interpretation of laws in some countries, including the US, prohibits distribution of software that has the ability to copy commerical movies.

In order to backup DVD movies which are protected, an additional file is required."
Jun 22 2012 at 8:52am Copy Link
Richard Lepoutre That's it. I'm done. 3 days on a support ticket and still no product. Please arrange to reimburse me my money. I cannot afford to spend this amount of time to simply install a program... no matter how good you claim it to be. Why in this day and age your license procedure is so darn convoluted and annoying is beyond me. And oh, just in case you assume me to be some PC rube, I have run a software development company for 25 years, bought my first PC in 1982 and I am a Microsoft Partner. I haven't gone through this kind of nonsense since way before I started using hair color. Aghhhh!!!!
Jun 26 2012 at 7:02am Copy Link
DVD neXt COPY Inc. Hi Richard,

Can you please tell us your support ticket number so we can see what the trouble is and get it fixed right away.

Please send this information to

DVD neXt COPY Inc. - Jun 26 2012 at 7:36am Copy Link

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