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Clone Windows 8.x/10/11 to Bootable USB Devices and Install Windows 7 on Modern Computers

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$22.46 $29.95
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Platforms: Windows XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit), 8.x (32 and 64 bit) and Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)
FlashBoot ScreenshotSystem Inventory Software ScreenshotFlashBoot, System Inventory Software ScreenshotFlashBoot, Software Utilities ScreenshotSystem Inventory Software, FlashBoot ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, FlashBoot Screenshot

If you recently bought new computer, then you need to transfer an operating system with all installed programs, settings, documents, games and browsers to a new laptop or new PC. But this is a tedious process which takes a lot of time.

Today's discount software promotion, FlashBoot is a tool which can save your time. Create an installable clone of Windows 7/8.x/10/11 (including all your apps and data) on the USB thumbdrive or USB HDD and instantly transfer your entire OS to another computer, even with dissimilar hardware. In the case of next ransomware virus attack, loss/theft of laptop, hard drive failure or Windows Update failure, you can have a safely-stored copy of your entire OS and all programs, and restore it in no time!

Additionally, this feature allows to shrink preinstalled OEM copy of Windows 10/11 to gain free space for dual-booting with Windows 7 or Linux.

Bootable clones is another FlashBoot feature which enables you to boot Windows 8.x/10/11 directly from USB thumbdrive on any PC. Have a copy of your computer in your pocket, ready to go under any circumstance. Need your favorite app, document, game, or browser when you're sitting in front of a strange computer? Need a second work environment for privacy? Just break out your USB device prepared with FlashBoot!

Also FlashBoot can aid in installation of Windows 7 to a new laptop or new PC. It can prepare Windows setup on USB thumbdrive with slipstreamed drivers for USB 3.x and NVMe, so Windows 7 can be quickly and easily installed to Skylake, Kaby Lake and Ryzen platforms.

FlashBoot is compatible with all operating systems from Windows XP to Windows 11 and has full support for BIOS-based computers and UEFI-based computers.

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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Jaydeem Will this software work with an SSD drive? Thank you,
Oct 2 2013 at 10:14pm Copy Link
Mark Johnson In Derek Lee's sales ad above:
"Think about it -- just by using FlashBoot, you'll immediately gain increased storage capacity over floppy disks"

Computer motherboards don't even support floppy disks anymore, and haven't for several years. Dell and most other manufacturers stopped putting them in computers in 2003. A lot of computer users of today have never used a floppy disk.

I don't know how old this "Check it out folks" is, but perhaps it is time to update it?
Nov 19 2014 at 5:38am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Mark

Good catch, I've updated the copy appropriately :)
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 19 2014 at 9:31am Copy Link
Gregg Holbert Does FlashBoot support the same hardware as Emergency Boot CD (EBCD)? I bought EBCD without testing the trial version first (good advice that I should have followed). When I needed it - EBCD would not boot my machine. I think it is a GPT instead of MBR partition table issue. Will Flashboot create a GPT partition if needed?
Dec 30 2014 at 12:36pm Copy Link
Pete C Any reason why Malwarebyte doesn't like this? Bought the paid for version yesterday but it deletes the executable as soon as I try and install
Jul 23 2016 at 10:41am Copy Link
Read MoreMikhail Kupchik @Pete Carley:

Looks like Malwarebytes reports false positive. Other 52 antivirus solutions indicate that FlashBoot is clean.

So, this is to be reported to Malwarebytes support team.

Also you may install FlashBoot in isolated environment like Oracle VirtualBox and see yourself that it does not install toolbars and malware droppers, does not change browser homepage etc.
PrimeExpert Software - Jul 23 2016 at 10:58am Copy Link
Anne Williams Hi I am formatting the usb drive now. It seems to be taking a lonngg time. Is this normal. Thanks for replying earlier.
Read 3 More Posts By Anne Williams
Jan 25 2019 at 7:10pm Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @Anne Williams: Is you USB thumbdrive fast enough? How long does it take to completely fill it by copying files via Windows Explorer? How many MB/s for sequential write speed are reported by benchmarking tools like CrystalDiskMark, Iometer etc?

When FlashBoot seems stuck, how much CPU usage is reported by Windows Task Manager? Is it near zero, or at least one processor core is fully utilized?
PrimeExpert Software - Jan 28 2019 at 2:37am Copy Link
Anne Williams Thanks for getting back to me Mikhail. I will get back to you. I am going to try another usb disk. It seems to get stuck on formatting.
Read 1 More Post By Anne Williams
Jan 28 2019 at 7:23pm Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @Anne Williams: What more you should be doing is written in my previous reply to you: benchmarking your USB thumbdrive(s) with CrystalDiskMark or Iometer, and looking at CPU usage via Windows Task Manager when FlashBoot seems stuck.
PrimeExpert Software - Jan 30 2019 at 10:51pm Copy Link
Anne Williams Well when I get time to do this I will. Can you tell me why I need to do this please and has anyone else had the issue that I have had?
Jan 30 2019 at 11:32pm Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @Mikhail Kupchik: When taking a clone, FlashBoot needs to compress your entire disk C: (which takes a lot of CPU power and time), and write multi-gigabyte compressed data to USB storage device (which may take a lot of time if storage device is slow). This is not like creating small text file on USB thumbdrive. So having either large disk C: full of incompressible data, or underpowered CPU, or slow (worn-out, shitty) USB thumbdrive device is sure way to make FlashBoot run for longer than expected. For fresh Windows installations and fast USB 3.0 thumbdrives on Kaby Lake CPU it takes about an hour to make a clone. If you have USB 2.0 HDD and 500 Gb of uncompressible data on disk C:, and running it all on Intel Atom CPU from 2010, then I'm not even sure if it finishes within a month. It really depends on your hardware, and all factors are multiplicative. This is not much different from WinRAR or other file compression software.
PrimeExpert Software - Jan 30 2019 at 11:45pm Copy Link
Read MoreHKP “For fresh Windows installations…”?

Who wants to make a clone out of a fresh Windows installation? Remember the description of the offer on the BitsDuJour website: “…clone of Windows 7/8.x/10 (including all your apps and data) on the USB thumb drive or USB HDD and instantly transfer your entire OS to another computer…”. The offer claimed undoubtedly to be able to create a clone of the familiar system of the user. To clone an empty Windows system wouldn’t make any sense.

If you have a closer look at the log-file attached at my email you can see an issue by reformatting the Windows partition of the clone from FAT32 to NTFS. FlashBoot has done something, which makes Windows believe that the temporarily in FAT32 formatted partition is a volume formatted in RAW. RAW is a file system not supported by Windows. FlashBoot 3.2g gets stuck exactly when it comes to reformatting. The older version 3.1k reached nearly the goal after 7 hours. The time would be ok if FlashBoot would not break off when 99% of its work are already done. If FlashBoot would have accomplished its task I would have got a portable clone of my familiar system. The latest Version 3.2g messed up more than making things better.

I hope strongly that you can provide a repair next time.
Jan 31 2019 at 3:08am Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @HKP: I suspect your problems with FlashBoot 3.2g have something to do with underlying Windows 10 updates which happened between 3.2g and 3.1k rather than FlashBoot itself. Because there were no changes in FlashBoot partitioning and volume formatting code between these versions. Anyway, you are free to use older version of FlashBoot, if you like it more. With Windows 10, you don't have such freedom anymore.

Allright, ladies and gentlemen. We don't provide support for FlashBoot via BitsDuJour outside of promotions timeframe. All further questions and suggestions should go to
PrimeExpert Software - Jan 31 2019 at 3:23am Copy Link
HKP Is that supposed to be any help? Can you not understand or don't you want to? The older version does not work either. And by e-mail, I already contacted you. You didn't answer anymore. You do not need to reply at this location or by e-mail if you do not have a solution to offer. Nobody is interested in such a blah. And besides: Nobody expects a support on this website. You do not need to reply.
Jan 31 2019 at 4:28am Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @HKP: Am I supposed to ask permission of some random internet troll to post here?
PrimeExpert Software - Jan 31 2019 at 4:41am Copy Link
Jerry Neal Will FlashBoot work on a PC that boots UEFI running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version 2004 OS build 19041.508?
Sep 24 2020 at 12:19am Copy Link
Read MoreGary User Why was my specific question about the error deleted and not answered?

... User confirmed FIXED disk format for target USB device

*** ERROR ***
Can't create FAT filesystem on partition #1 of physical disk #5 (I:): device is too big, too small or cluster size constraint can't be accomplished

And does Flashboot rely on Wintogo which is no longer operable under win 10 2004?
Sep 24 2020 at 2:15am Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @Jerry Neal: Yes, FlashBoot does not depend on Microsoft "Windows To Go" technology which was discontinued in Windows 10 version 2004. We have our own implementation which is unaffected by their recent changes, and our own implementation continues to work as planned.
PrimeExpert Software - Sep 24 2020 at 2:24am Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @Gary User: Your question wasn't deleted, it was archived together with all other comments as promotion ended. BitsDuJour is not a tech support forum for FlashBoot, so threads like this are intended for promotion minutiae and archived quickly, next time it's better to write to our support e-mail: Regarding the problem you reported, it was fixed in FlashBoot 3.3b (please update):
PrimeExpert Software - Sep 24 2020 at 2:28am Copy Link
Jerry Neal How do I update to the newest version of FlashBoot? I just downloaded version 3.x. It is the free version, not the Pro. I paid for version 2.x Pro.

Thanks !

Jerry Neal
Sep 24 2020 at 11:15am Copy Link
Kenneth Bates It seems that this program contains a Trojan virus. Windows Defender would not let me load it so I had Kaspersky scan the download and this was clear. I then tried to install the program and before completing the task Kaspersky went berserk. Not only stopping the install but wiping all trace of the program from my PC. This morning I went through Kaspersky's report and downloaded a copy for the benefit of BDJ and the proprietor if they care to ask for it. Also, this morning I saw that the program had been taken down and I could find no record of me ever having bought a license.
Dec 11 2021 at 12:27pm Copy Link
Read MoreMikhail Kupchik @Kenneth Bates:

No, this program does not contain a Trojan virus, and VirusTotal says it's clean:

(this covers both Kaspersky and Windows Defender).

If you are observing false positives which are not visible via VirusTotal, please report to antivirus vendors. We don't have control over third-party antivirus software.
PrimeExpert Software - Dec 11 2021 at 12:34pm Copy Link
Mikhail Kupchik @Kenneth Bates:

Also, if your antivirus does not allow you to download FlashBoot Pro, but allows you to download FlashBoot Free, then there's a workaround: you can install FlashBoot Free and convert it to FlashBoot Pro by adding your license key (license_key.xml should be manually copied to the installation folder, usually "C:\Program Files\FlashBoot"). A download link to your license key has been sent to your e-mail address shortly after the order, together with download link for FlashBoot Pro.
PrimeExpert Software - Dec 12 2021 at 12:06am Copy Link
Read MoreKenneth Bates @Mikhail Kupchik.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate that you have no control over what third party virus specialist houses may say or do but Kaspersky are one of the main ones I have come across. Their so-called sanitizing of my PC deprived me of several hours of use and although I have taken note of your work-around, I am hesitant of putting my head back in the same noose. Additionally, I have come to respect BitsDuJour over many years and only had one previous case of suspected virus content requiring me to delete the program. I would like to add that Kaspersky's enthusiastic "cleansing" has left my computer rather unstable whereby it is liable to stop working without warning - even while Kaspersky were trying to repair the damage. I have not had need to to download another program from BDJ since Saturday but I did try to re-download one program from my purchase history and Kaspersky flagged it as a virus suspect even though it has worked perfectly well on my PC for almost a year.
Dec 13 2021 at 11:17am Copy Link

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