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Hard Disk Sentinel Standard EditionDiscount

Hard Disk Sentinel Standard Edition

Monitor the Health of Your Hard Drive

20% Off
$17.60 $22.00
for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7, 8, 2012, 2016, 2019 - both 32 and 64 bit
Hard Disk Sentinel Standard Edition ScreenshotHard Drive Software ScreenshotHard Disk Sentinel Standard Edition, Hard Drive Software ScreenshotHard Disk Sentinel Standard Edition, Software Utilities ScreenshotHard Drive Software, Hard Disk Sentinel Standard Edition ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, Hard Disk Sentinel Standard Edition Screenshot

Have you ever suffered through the pain and agony of a hard drive failure? To you, it's pretty straightforward -- one day your computer is humming along smoothly, and the next day it won't boot at all. But what you may not know is that, beyond the capabilities of your human senses, a whole host of little warning signs and other signals can actually tell you when hard drive failure is imminent! That's why Hard Disk Sentinel is so important.

Hard Disk Sentinel monitors and analyzes your hard disk and solid state drives, giving you valuable feedback on the health of the drive, any performance degradations, and warning of impending failure. With Hard Disk Sentinel, you'll be able to find, test, diagnose, and even repair disk drive issues before they escalate to catastrophic status.

And you won't have to worry about getting overwhelmed with a bunch of technical babble -- Hard Disk Sentinel gives you an easily understandable description of what's going on, and offers tips on how to proceed! A laundry list of alerts and reports gives you the ultimate flexibility to determine how close you wish to monitor your drives, letting you safeguard your data at all times.

Unlike some other titles on the market, Hard Disk Sentinel is a complete monitoring solution. There's no need to purchase other tools in order to verify internal hard disks, external hard disks, SSDs, or disks in RAID arrays!

What kinds of info do you get with Hard Disk Sentinel? How about temperature, and the ability to view S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data, a feature built into the latest disk drives. There's also real-time monitoring of disk transfer speeds, an important indicator of a failing hard drive!

License grants usage on one computer at a time.

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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The Conversation
The Fine Print
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Janos Mathe @John: Yes, I can confirm that Windows Home Server 2011 is also supported, works without problems.

I'm afraid monitoring the health/temperature status of mapped network drives is not really possible, as they do not provide such information.

Hard Disk Sentinel can monitor their capacity / usage and can even alert when the free space drops below a limit on any logical drives (even mapped network drives) but currently it can detect the health/temperature only on locally connected (internal/external) drives.
H.D.S. Hungary - Mar 28 2014 at 7:27am Copy Link
Trond Ruud I just bought this, but received no download link, so where do I get the software?
May 19 2015 at 8:55am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Trond Ruud, I have just contacted the vendor as he will be able to better help with the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - May 19 2015 at 10:47am Copy Link
Read MoreJanos Mathe Thanks for your message and excuse me for the confusion.

Generally, the "Download" page ( ) contains the download links to all different versions.

So to use the latest possible licensed version, download the Hard Disk Sentinel (standard) 4.60 version from the Download page ( ) or directly from

After installation, to register and activate your product, please click on "Help" and select "Enter registration key" in Hard Disk Sentinel.

Please enter your name (or nickname) as username, the license code you received (the 15 digit number) and click on the "Register and activate on-line" button.

Then the software should be registered and activated and can be used without limitations.Note that the software need to access the activation server during the activation, so your firewall should not block it.

Ps. I also sent answer in e-mail many hours ago, immediately after your message.
H.D.S. Hungary - May 19 2015 at 11:43pm Copy Link
Read MoreSputnik @ Janos Mathe

Excuse me, but I can confirm that there IS a problem there...

The problem is that you just didn't understood correctly what I have said.

I understand what you said but that doesn't directly concerns the problem I have been talking about.

The Notification Zone is divided into 2 parts : a visible part and a masked one.

The visible part is the part which is clearly visible in the right corner of the Taskbar.

The masked part is the one which will appear if you click on the upper triangle icon which always appears at the leftmost position of the Notification Zone. When you click on that upper triangle icon the masked part of the Notification Zone appears as a small squared window which contains all the icons that you told Windows to mask or to show only when there is a specific message coming from them.

I always customize the Notification Zone so that only very specific icons are visible in the Notification Zone and I tell Windows to mask all the other icons of the Notification Zone, so that these will appear only in the little square window which appears when you click on the upper triangle.

All the icons that I tell Windows to mask in the Notification Zone obey correctly to this command, except the temperature icon of Hard Disk Sentinel.

When I tell Windows to mask this very specific icon in the Notification Zone, it keeps coming visible and it is the only icon of all the icons of the Notification Zone (visible or masked) that doesn't obey correctly to the command given to mask it. In fact the icon obeys the command for a certain amount of time, but after a while it becomes visible again in the Notification Zone.

That is what I was talking about in my first comment and the answer you gave to me doesn't concerns this very specific aspect but another one, a little bit different.

I don't tend to believe that it is a Windows' problem, but a Hard Disk Sentinel's one, because it's temperature icon is the only icon of the Notification Zone that does not obey correctly to the masking command, all the other icons work correctly.

Please, be sure to understand correctly what I say before giving me an answer.

Thank you very much for your help.
Jan 18 2016 at 7:08am Copy Link
Read MoreJanos Mathe @Sputnik:
Thanks for the clarification.

Excuse me, yes, I did not understand. I thought you prefer to completely hide all tray icons related to the hard disks (and generally Hard Disk Sentinel) to prevent displaying any of the icons.

But now I see that you want that Hard Disk Sentinel should display the icon(s), just should be masked by Windows.

Yes, I can confirm that from time to time (for example yes, as you noticed when a new removable drive inserted) Hard Disk Sentinel automatically hides and shows again the associated tray icon(s). This originally designed to process all of its icons together, to display them next to each other.
The Windows masking featur may affect only an already displayed icon - but when the icons refreshed / re-displayed, the masking function longer hides the icon - as you can see.

I'll check the possibilities and adjust in a future version.

Sorry for the mis-understanding
H.D.S. Hungary - Jan 18 2016 at 10:31pm Copy Link
Read MoreSputnik @ Janos Mathe

Thank you : now we speak the same language.


Yes, I can confirm that from time to time (for example yes, as you noticed when a new removable drive inserted) Hard Disk Sentinel automatically hides and shows again the associated tray icon(s).


In fact, the problem arises even if it is the same external hard disk(s) which is (are) powered on so to be able to make the daily backup(s) or anything else.

I tend to think that this problem would be coming from the fact that Windows sees the information coming from Hard Disk Sentinel as if it was related to a whole new hard disk, each time that we connect the exact same external hard disk. That would be the reason why Windows applies the default behavior to the icon related to this external hard disk instead of applying to it the behavior we previously gave to this icon the last time the hard disk was connected.

That would be great if you could fix this minor but annoying issue. Otherwise, as I previously said in my first comment, Hard Disk Sentinel is a very handy software and everybody should install it on their computer.
Jan 19 2016 at 3:17am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Adolphe, During this promotion we used a special installer for version 4.71 which has paid upgrades. You can install the application using that installer any time you want to. Please notice that the registration will be lost if you upgrade the application after installing it with this installer. However if this happens, you can then use the installer again to install the application and become registered again (for version 4.71) .
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 8 2017 at 2:48am Copy Link
Adolphe Thank you, Constantin.
Apr 8 2017 at 11:53am Copy Link
Anton vd Berg I bought the pro version but did not receive a download link.
How do I get the software now?
May 5 2018 at 12:32pm Copy Link
Janos Mathe Hi Anton,

Thanks for your message and thanks for selecting Hard Disk Sentinel Pro software.
Excuse me for the missing details, maybe an e-mail with the information lost somehow.
I just sent the details, hopefully you'll receive it now.
H.D.S. Hungary - May 5 2018 at 1:00pm Copy Link
Anton vd Berg Yes, Thank you!
Download and install the software with success
May 5 2018 at 2:30pm Copy Link
Matthew User I had got this a while back, (maybe 6 months ago) but the installer says it is expired now. ....
Jul 6 2020 at 10:40am Copy Link
Ted User Found a lot of useful information, glad to join your community!
Aug 28 2020 at 6:39am Copy Link
Mark User I keep getting downloads exceeded on my link but the file has never been downloaded.
Jan 16 2021 at 10:55am Copy Link
Conceição User Obtive-o a custo 0 no dia 13.01.Tenho o recibo comigo, mas não apareceu o download, ou então apaguei-o por distração.

O que posso fazer agora?
Read 1 More Post By Conceição User
Jan 16 2021 at 11:44am Copy Link
Kevin Rees So they carried on taking people's email addresses long after downloads had been disabled...
Jan 17 2021 at 2:06am Copy Link
Matej User I have the same problem as many here. The download link is not working or reporting that the download count is exceeded.
What is the correct procedure to download the app?

Jan 18 2021 at 7:09am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Matej User, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mentioned.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 18 2021 at 8:37am Copy Link
Kevin Rees Are we going to be able to install this eventually?
Jan 19 2021 at 12:29am Copy Link
Jean User The link I clicked to download the software did not start the download. After trying again a few times, I'm now seeing a message that says I've downloaded the promotion too many times. I have not been able to download the software even once. If you check all my download attempts, you can see they were made from the same device. How do I download this software?
Jan 21 2021 at 3:27am Copy Link
Constantin Florea I am sorry about the issues with the installer URL. This mainly happens when using the Chrome browser.

We have been monitoring all comments on this page, on our forum and the feedback/support requests we received by email regarding this issue and have been sending the installer URL for each case.

However if you did participate in this promotion and had trouble with downloading the installer and we missed your comment/post/support requests, let us know by commenting here or send us an email at
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 21 2021 at 5:43am Copy Link
Alan User I just tried to download from the purchase link, still within the 14-day period, but it said the promotion has been downloaded too many times. So far, the only thing I received from this website is plenty of spam emails since signing up.
Jan 25 2021 at 7:06pm Copy Link
John User hi there.
I cannot register my reinstalled software HD SENTINEL.
Any help ?
Mar 10 2021 at 7:54am Copy Link
Read MoreJanos Mathe Please check the Fine Print section:

"You must install/register the software within 14 days, and cannot do so afterwards."

I'm afraid it is not possible to (re)install after the promotion - except if you may ordered a personal license code for your software, which can be of course re-installed any time later.

The page may help:

If you ordered a personal license just you may lost the details, please contact info (at) hdsentinel (dot) com with the details (name, e-mail address and/or order number) as that may help to recover a possible lost license.
H.D.S. Hungary - Mar 10 2021 at 8:37am Copy Link
JUNG HUN User I just bought this, but received no download link, so where do I get the software?
May 3 2021 at 6:40am Copy Link
Read MoreJanos Mathe Thanks for selecting Hard Disk Sentinel.
Generally the software can be donwloaded from the Downloads page:

so from that page, you can download both Hard Disk Sentinel (standard):

or Hard Disk Sentinel Professional:
H.D.S. Hungary - May 3 2021 at 7:24am Copy Link
Charles User its functionality was very useful to me, I recommend it to everyone
Jan 30 2022 at 7:55am Copy Link
ARICSI This promotion has been downloaded too many times from this link.

Please,generate new download link? :(
I haven't used it in the last few years.I need it.
Feb 11 2022 at 7:59am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @ARICSI, I just sent you an email about this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 11 2022 at 12:41pm Copy Link
John User download link failed for me under chrome also, This promotion has been downloaded too many times from this link. pls advise?
Jun 12 2022 at 12:45pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John User, I just sent you an email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 12 2022 at 1:02pm Copy Link
ken jenner From Email The installer is already unlocked meaning you do not need a registration key to register the product.

as for download works ok from Email I used chrome but told firefox is better
Jun 12 2022 at 5:33pm Copy Link
seongmin User download link failed for me under chrome,and i got a message like this "This promotion has been downloaded too many times from this link"
Please give me an advise
My e-mail address :
Jun 13 2022 at 7:51am Copy Link
Mark User How can activation not be required if the license is transferable? You'd need to re-register wouldn't you? Is this being nit picky over the words activation vs. registration?
Dec 26 2022 at 1:03pm Copy Link
Maxime Does it simply allow you to analyze a hard drive or does it allow you to repair a hard drive that is no longer in working order? My hard drive's file system has become RAW and I don't want to format it. Can this software fix it?
Mar 20 2023 at 6:48am Copy Link
Read MoreJanos Mathe Yes, Hard Disk Sentinel Pro (the registered, complete version) has funcions to repair the disk drive. There are different tests to repair the disk drive itself, for example Disk menu -> Surface test -> Disk Repair or Disk menu -> Surface test -> Quick Fix.

However, I'm afraid Hard Disk Sentinel can't help in your case: it can't repair the RAW partition as Hard Disk Sentinel does not check/repair the partition itself (just the physical disk drive).
The partition can be damaged (go RAW) by something else too, for example virus, bad drivers or so. These are outside the scope of Hard Disk Sentinel.

Generally Hard Disk Sentinel designed to detect and reveal problems before this point, for example to detect/report possible cases which can cause the damaged partition (eg. bad cables, connections etc.) as these can cause problems / data corruption / data loss - even if the drive is otherwise perfect. These issues can be detected, reported (and if possible, fixed) by Hard Disk Sentinel.
H.D.S. Hungary - Mar 21 2023 at 12:35am Copy Link
Janos Mathe > Per User Downloaded and installed OK
> But it is not version 6.01
> It is version 5.70 !!

No, I can confirm that it is version 6.01

Maybe you downloaded a different file and/or had a previous version installed (?)
H.D.S. Hungary - Sep 7 2023 at 12:53am Copy Link
Joe Simmons As usual, this seems to be an email harvesting expedition....."Purchased", went to download, and got message that "number of downloads exceeded".
Sep 7 2023 at 5:56am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Joe Simmons, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mentioned.
BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 7 2023 at 10:51am Copy Link
Maurice User Alternative download locations of Hard Disk Sentinel from mirror server
Apr 15 2024 at 11:44pm Copy Link
?? User This promotion has been downloaded too many times from this link.

You can get this download by making a purchase from this page.

I'm getting a message like this, and I would like to know how I can download it. Initially, the download started to load very slowly, and ultimately, it didn’t download at all, only displaying this message. There are no issues with downloads from other regular sites.
Aug 17 2024 at 6:06am Copy Link

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