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Hide My Windows

Hide Windows With The Flick Of The Mouse

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista
Hide My Windows ScreenshotPrivacy Software ScreenshotHide My Windows, Privacy Software Screenshot

In your secret life, you are the best Minesweeper player in the history of the entire company. In fact, you've gotten so good that you can beat the game on the hardest difficulty setting without even raising your heartrate. But, to stay on top, you have to practice, practice, practice. Which is exactly what you do for most of your workday in your cubicle.

The company would never understand your greatness. They're all work, work, work, all of the time. So, you're forced to hide your achievements behind a veneer of corporate obedience. When people walk by your desk, they secretly marvel at your hardcore work ethic, because you always have the latest spreadsheet or word processing document open, and you're furiously typing or clicking away, making your company's shareholders proud.

Or are you?

They don't know about Hide My Windows. But, luckily, you do.

Hide My Windows is an effective tool for hiding your windows and applications away from prying eyes. With a quick keystroke or flick of the mouse, Hide My Windows will ferry away sensitive information from your desktop. Sure, you can minimize windows, but a quick glance at the system tray would let anyone know that you're playing a game, checking your fantasy league, or watching your retirement portfolio wave bye bye. Hide My Windows leaves no trace of the hidden application whatsoever. Only you know that it's there.

Hide My Windows would be a worthy application if I stopped right here, but it gets even better. Hide My Windows helps you fight time-tracking tools, which some IT folks use to keep an eye on how much time you spend in any given application. How, you ask? By changing the names of open windows to more legitimate-sounding applications! Oh, snap!

But wait, it gets even deliciously better! You can password protect Hide My Windows, so even if someone used their Jedi mind trick and discovered your hotkey, or nudged your mouse, all they'd see was a password box. You can even disguise the password box to look like a legitimate system or application dialog box! Two snaps in a circle!

Fight the power with Hide My Windows, and keep your Minesweeper skillz rock solid.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Rich Lang I am disappointed to see that you condone, and sell, software that cheats others. You are advocating dishonesty so you can make a few dollars. That's part of what is wrong with this county.
Nov 2 2008 at 2:17am Copy Link
Alex Sergeev Rich you are little bit wrong (i think) or you work in company where you can do your own things on PC. Usually people cannot chat with friends, have fun in rest time, read news or blogs. It blocked not on network level, but on administrative. If boss saw that you doing something not for work you can be fired or fined. So people really need something to protect their interests.
ALSEDI Group - Nov 2 2008 at 2:26am Copy Link
Read MoreFrank kazman Personally I am neutral on how an end-user utilizes their employer provided PC.

If you want to use a product like this, that is your call.

For a very small office environment, it may work out well.

Just don't expect this type program to make you completely "Invisible".
(it is only 1 part of the puzzle,as far as being "stealth",on your work PC)

As a sys admin, and a student in a college "computer forensics" course, I would like tp point out that hiding your window's screen is not going to help you much (except for that moment when your MGR or Boss walks in and looks over your shoulder).

You should be aware that system administrators have the ability to see and/or detect:
1. your surfing history [by viewing your index.dat file in IE]
2. files you opened, created, modified [reviewing your MRU's]
3. every file on the USB jumpdrive you inserted into your PC's USB port [3rd party software like devicewall]

In this economic climate, I would just say, "be careful!"

If you want to know the types of stuff Sys admins can detect, and/or find on an end-users PC, google the term "computer forensics". Or look at products like:
1. FTK forensics-tool-kit, or
2. Encase and see their sales pitch, in regards to "what" types of end-user data they can find/recover on a PC.

Even if you use wiping software like:
window washer
There are still remnants of your PC usage.
Nov 2 2008 at 4:35am Copy Link
Read MoreAlex Sergeev Frank thanks for your comment, but you talk about another class of privacy software- cleaners.

Hide My Windows is not a cleaning software! Main task is quick hide from screen private content like chats, websites content, movies, etc.

Also you gave not full information about activity traces and admins' abilities.
At first, any admin can check internet history from proxy or gateway, so cleaning software not work in this case. Second, forensics tools are not popular in administration, desktop spy and time-tracking systems more popular and effective.

In fact, if you are not under suspicion all then tools that allow to get information about your activity on PC, including forensics, spy recorders, will not be used. Hide My Windows allows to you to be "clean" in boss eyes.
ALSEDI Group - Nov 2 2008 at 5:08am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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