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Offline Explorer ProDiscount

Offline Explorer Pro

Offline Browsing Made Easy

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista (x32, x64), 7 (x32, x64)
Offline Explorer Pro ScreenshotInternet Download Manager Software ScreenshotOffline Explorer Pro, Internet Download Manager Software ScreenshotOffline Explorer Pro, Internet Software Screenshot

Offline Explorer Pro is a powerful and flexible offline browser.

"But what exactly" you're probably asking "is an offline browser?"

Simple. Offline Explorer Pro lets you save all or any part of an entire website onto a local drive, CD, DVD, or other portable storage device for safe and secure viewing at your leisure. In other words: no Internet connection necessary!

Offline Explorer Pro follows all page links to ensure that the resulting website copy will correspond exactly to the original one.

Offline Explorer Pro makes websites available when you need them, even if the Internet is slow or the target website is unavailable. By putting important web sites on your hard drive, you can restore certainty and control to your surfing!

This promotion includes the following:
Standard Edition ($149.95)
Professional Edition ($149.95)
Review Written by Roger Thomasson

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Yudha Yan Kusuma What version is offered here? The price tag for pro version is $149.95, so the offer would be $75.
Nov 1 2011 at 12:25am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Yudha Kusuma, there are two editions offered - Standard & Professional. When you click the Buy Now button, it offers you to select edition you need.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 1 2011 at 12:27am Copy Link
B M please correct the price or the subject.

im agree with Yudha.
Nov 1 2011 at 5:34am Copy Link
F.J. Garvin Alexander, I think you missed the point of Yudha's question and I see the same confusion. On your site you show the standard edition at $59 and the Pro version at $149 however, here on BitDuJour, the description says its the Pro version but the dollar amount says 50% off the $59 retail. Are you saying BitDuJour is advertising the Pro Version yet when you go to purchase it, you find out it was really the standard version being offered and you will have the opportunity to purchase the Pro version (for more this case $75)?
Nov 1 2011 at 5:35am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Sorry about that folks, we had accidentally listed the Standard Edition prices up top (Standard Edition also available in this promotion). Now the pricing reflects the Professional Edition.


BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 1 2011 at 5:37am Copy Link
F.J. Garvin Forgot to mention: It is a great product and I have been waiting for it to show up here. I had used the trial version but wanted the features of the Pro version. This will make it affordable.
Nov 1 2011 at 5:38am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Just to be clear, both the Professional and Standard editions will be available at 50% off the retail prices listed on the MetaProducts website.

Again, apologies for any confusion!

BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 1 2011 at 5:39am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov F.J. Garvin, thank you for your kind words! :-)
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 1 2011 at 6:06am Copy Link
bvssunnydale Just wondering if this or the standard version can be used as portable program, or if an upgrade is available from them to your specific "Portable" version. Thx.
Nov 1 2011 at 8:12am Copy Link
a a Unfortunately, they increased the price of Pro recently from $89.95 to $149.95, so even with the discount, this makes it only approx. $15 cheaper than the old Pro price, and approx. $30 more than the old BDJ discount price.

That said, it's the best offline browser, and support is excellent.
Nov 1 2011 at 8:15am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov bvssunnydale, Offline Explorer Standard and Pro Editions are not portable applications. However, we have Portable Offline Browser product. We plan to offer it at BitsDuJour in the nearest future.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 1 2011 at 8:32am Copy Link
Read MoreRoberto i wish to test the quality of the export in a project (just want to know about how is replacing the links in the css file, and whats happening with the html files too).

The export feature is disabled :-(

I tryed your metaproducts inquiry and i see some css routes accesing "the internet" (and the jpg files pointing to the internet were not saved locally).

I checked the html source in both products and i like offline explorer more because the downloaded html is cleaner, keeping the routes and paths similar to the source.

but i really wish to see an export for test with a merge tool.

for clarify, im web developer and sometimes i need to download websites of clients and they dont have their ftp access (usually for hosting changes). Im really interested about all is in order :-)
Read 1 More Post By Roberto
Nov 1 2011 at 1:01pm Copy Link
Tazzie The policy states "Free upgrades for minor versions." What about major versions? Can this be installed on both a desktop and laptop?
Nov 1 2011 at 5:47pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Roberto Porcar, Offline Explorer Pro stores downloaded sites locally and you can take a look at their HTML source code to see how the program processes links. I see you did this. :-)

Tazzie, upgrade to major versions is paid. We provide owners of the previous version with 50% discount when upgrading to the next major version.

Offline Explorer (any edition) can be installed on any Windows system, desktop or latop.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 1 2011 at 8:33pm Copy Link
Max Murkel Alexander:

Offline Explorer (any edition) can be installed on any Windows
system, desktop or latop

My guess is, Tazzie wants to know wether it's allowed to have a parallel installation on desktop and laptop (but to use only one of these at the same time=.
Read 1 More Post By Max Murkel
Nov 2 2011 at 1:13am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Max Murkel, our single license policy allows nonconcurrent using of the program on two PCs by the same person.

Regarding the further discounts - the major upgrade will cost just 50% of the regular price.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 2 2011 at 2:37am Copy Link
Herneith Does this include the lifetime upgrade?
Nov 2 2011 at 6:51am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Simone Williams, no, it doesn't.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 2 2011 at 10:27am Copy Link
_*_ Alexander Bednyakov, On many websites the user can click on an image and have it enlarge to see it more clearly. Does this type of feature remain intact Offline Explorer Standard/Pro versions?

Nov 2 2011 at 11:20am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov M B, this depends on the way this feature is implemented on each particular site. It should work in most cases, but I suggest you to install the trial version of the software and test it on your site. In case you have problems please contact us at, our developers will check the cause. Thanks!
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 2 2011 at 12:48pm Copy Link
Max Murkel @ vendor:

looks like a misunderstanding, Alexander. I wanted to know, if a buyer of f.e. Inquiry pro gets a discounted deal for Offline Explorer.

BTW, the German site for Offline Explorer shows a price of 59,xx € but when you click on "buy now" a price of 102 € is shown.
Nov 2 2011 at 1:54pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Max Murkel, unfortunately, no. The BDJ discount is very huge already, we do not plan to offer even higher one, sorry.

Regarding the German site - could you please provide us with the direct link? Thank you!
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 3 2011 at 2:47am Copy Link
Max Murkel @ vendor:

The link is

Seems, the site has been modified already.
Nov 3 2011 at 4:32am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Max Murkel, thank you! This is the partner's site, they updated it recently.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 3 2011 at 8:17am Copy Link
SoftCollector A good software, the best on the market at what it does, and I have been looking forward to buying it for a long time. But the price... the fact that it was increased recently does not help either. It actually nullifies the discount to a considerable degree.

I mean, when the line is drawn, it is an excellent software that does sth I may need to do every 12 or 24 months (or less frequently) and costs a lot.
Nov 4 2011 at 1:43am Copy Link
Max Murkel This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Nov 4 2011 at 2:00am Copy Link
Roberto i think today you work with share-it and not with avangate.
the serial code not came (share-it order: 396274035).
Its only me having delay?
Read 1 More Post By Roberto
Nov 4 2011 at 2:10am Copy Link
Read MoreLouis H I have been using Metaproducts programs for many years now. I have always found the folks to be very responsive to my requests for assistance with using their products, and they have recently made an adjustment for long time users to upgrade at a reduced price. They also have made the upgrade FREE to folks who bought the previous version after January 15th of 2010!!! I thus fail to see how this company can justifiably be accused of "fooling customers."

Times change and the cost of doing business (as well as living) goes up. It has been known, at least by those of us looking forward to version 6, that the price was going up. I have not been able to upgrade as of yet, but due to the very gracious time period Metaproducts has given those of us who have used the product (an excellent product, by the way!!) to upgrade, i will be doing so soon.

Others mileage may vary, but I appreciate not only the quality products Metaproducts puts out, but also the quality of customer service that I have received over the years.
Nov 4 2011 at 3:26am Copy Link
Za Zie This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Nov 4 2011 at 4:16am Copy Link
Richard Paris HI. Does the current promotion include Offline Browser Pro portable edition?
Nov 4 2011 at 7:25am Copy Link
Read MoreE. S. Hallo,
1.due to a pc-problem I was not able to take advantage of the last offline explorer pro offer on bdj, and was pleased to see, that it whould be offered again - and until now everything seemed ´to be alright - discount price 44,97$ - "deal coming soon". But now suddenly the price is 66%=2/3 o 30$ higher than at last bdj.offer - what has happened? At last bdj-offer people were told, that they could get a costfreeupgrade for version 6 - now it is still version 6 - but at a hobrrible increased price - do you at least plan to include a free upgrade to version 7 for persions which would nevertheless considerate buying offline explorer pro now?
2. what are the advantages of offline explorer pro in comparison to webcopier pro (asking this because of the now increased price of offline explorer, so now one has to check more exactly if the product still has advantages, which make it reasonalbe to buy (web copier pro seems to be 50% cheaper including lifetie-update-policy - tried it some years ago and found it gook, but don´t have an uptodate comparison or experience.
3. Perhaps you may consider if according for the unusal increased price at least lifetime-updates could be offered, perhaps also when offering the portable version. For an end-customer it is difficult to understand why an electronical downloadable product suddenly has such an extreme increasement of price (since persons buying version 5.x at bdj got the same) . Since other offline browser are available, which partly seem to be quite good to, increasing the price so much probably will lead people (which don´t urgently need a very special-advanced feature) to decide to buy another offline-browser or freeware-alternatives
Thank you for considerating and answering
with kind regards
Nov 4 2011 at 7:31am Copy Link
H. H. This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Nov 4 2011 at 7:33am Copy Link
Read MoreAlexander Bednyakov Richard Paris, Portable Offline Browser will be promoted at BDJ at November, 10.

E.S., the price of Offline Explorer was increased with the new major version release at October 16. The free upgrade to 7.0 version isn't included to this offer, sorry.

Regarding WebCopier - it is better to download trial copies of both applications and compare their work downloading sites you need and decide. I use such algorithm when choose a product.

Offline Explorer Pro with life time upgrade license costs $373.95. Offering it at BDJ even with 50% discount will result ~$187 price.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 4 2011 at 8:15am Copy Link
Read MoreMax Murkel Today it became obvious that the folks at BdJ don't like it, when people tell the truth here. They prefer to censor instead. Is that the usual American understanding of freedom of speech??

Niko and Roger, you just lost a customer who spent far more than
$ 2,000 here during the last 18 months using his real name, not this Max Murkel alias.

Glad to see there are a few other customers who recognize what's going on here with this "special offer": First nearly double the price compared to the last offer in 2010, then give a "huge" discount of 50% ........

Truly a great deal, at least for the vendors.
Nov 4 2011 at 8:27am Copy Link
leo User This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Nov 4 2011 at 8:33am Copy Link
Read MoreOleg Chernavin Max Murkel: I'm the developer of Offline Explorer. I am sorry that your comment was deleted. Don't know what bdj policy was violated.
I understand your concern about the high price and I feel sorry that it hurts you.

Yes, some sites may list the old price. Unfortunately, we have no control over them. And we cannot change it rapidly. The price of Offline Explorer (all editions) was changed at the day of 6.0 release - October 15th, 2011. We placed a public announcement about it 1 month before that. Please trust us - we had no single reason and desire to fool our customers.

Again, I apologise for this confusion and incovenience!
Nov 4 2011 at 10:51am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Max, your earlier comments were deleted because of your choice of words, not the content of your complaint. We always welcome opinions, but please keep them civil.

MetaProducts have clearly stated that their base price was increased on the 15th of October, and that's clearly the truth. This was totally independent of the BDJ promotion (really guys we don't have that much influence)!

I think we've heard more than enough on the subject, so any more on this ridiculous conspiracy theory will be instantly deleted.
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 4 2011 at 11:18am Copy Link
Read MoreAlbert C. OK mates. I think we're just being unfair here. If the developer changed the pricing of its new line of products it's fine. If they consider that their time used to develop its product must be payed at a higher rate it's their choice. We can or we cannot accept the new pricing, but IMHO bitching about it it's useless. They haven't lied about the new price, as it was being already publicized for one month at THEIR website. If here at BDJ there was a mistake, we people shouldn't blame the developer.

Besides many people think that Metaproducts offers a top-notch service to the end user, so maybe that has also to be taken into account. Also, they don't bitch the user with activation and such which IMHO is a big deal if you know the pains of it.

So please guys calm down and just enjoy the product. I think that we are all free to buy and not to buy if not interested.

I, personally, will be buying when I get home. I bought Portable Offline Browser here on October 2009 and have found it a great product. Now I'll take this offer because I also want to have the option to install it on my laptop.
Nov 4 2011 at 11:34am Copy Link
Read MoreSteven Avery Hi,

Here is the comparison chart :

As with Inquiry, I am puzzled as to how a basic print function can be one of the features left off the standard. To me, this makes the standard largely a toy (unless I'm missing something) where you use workarounds simply to print a page, which is the most basic function.

When I noticed this on Metaproducts Inquiry, I stopped working with my demo. Also there was an issue with fudgy, browser integration for bringing in pages, and it was not obvious why it was bringing in a new page automatically from the day.

Ok, I see here maybe it is "Ability to Print the Whole Web Site" that is the distinction .. and you can print the current page ? That would make sense as an advanced feature. I am quite sure that Inquiry did not have a current page printout, right ?

Either way, I will probably load up OEP today and give it a wing, but, while I like your programs in general (e.g. Startup Organizer) I want you to understand where I hit some obstacles.

Granted, I'm generally pretty happy with a combo of Linkman to remember pages, for sometimes finding defunct pages, and the future archive feature planned by Linkman However, I have the disk space here and there, and a lot does not save on (e.g. most forums) so Offline Explorer may find a niche, if I feel comfortable to start using.

Maybe some aficionados want to explain how they find it useful. (Putting aside the obvious possibility of being somewhere without a good internet connection and wanting A, B, C handy)

Nov 4 2011 at 1:26pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Steven Avery:

Yes, we will consider adding Printo Inquiry Standard. Anyway, printing even with this edition is easy - just display the saved page in a browser and press Ctrl+P.

If you would find any inconvenience with Offline Explorer Pro, contact us please. Thank you!
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 4 2011 at 1:45pm Copy Link
disenchanted Maybe I missed it on your website, but how much does it cost to UPGRADE from an older version?

I bought a copy of offline explorer pro in June of 2008.

I'm just wondering if today's sale is a better price than buying a normal upgrade?

Thanks in advance.
Nov 4 2011 at 1:49pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov No, the upgrade costs 50% of the old price until March 15th, 2012. This means $44.98.

To upgrade simply install the new version on the same system where the previous one was registered. It will offer you to upgrade automatically with the direct link.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 4 2011 at 2:10pm Copy Link
Robert Andersen I have tried to order several times, with several different cards, but when I reach the verification page it says " You cannot access this page". Can I not pay via Paypal?
Nov 4 2011 at 3:54pm Copy Link
Read MoreSteven Avery Hi,

It is a nice product, far more robust than Inquiry.

Now when I downloaded my test (your website) using no limits but restricting to your domain, and I go to the Product List page, only (maybe 8) of the links downloaded, the rest give document not found. Is there some sort of other limits I need to know ? Or some reason ?

Nov 4 2011 at 4:45pm Copy Link
Albert C. Hi. I see that I cannot pay with PayPal through this site although I can on MPs site but there I cannot use the BITSOEP coupon. I'd like to get some help. Thanks!
Nov 4 2011 at 6:11pm Copy Link
Read MoreSteven Avery Returning to my question.

I can individually add the links .. with Download the MIssing Link Now .. from the page that did not load. (e.g. The one that says TrayIcon Pro) . The question remains .. why doesn't it load as part of the normal Download-Start-- Menus ?

A related question .. the view of the Map .. which I believe is the Site Map .. look like it is designed to show all the elements.

I think of a Site Map as simply a top-down view, expandable, Explorer-style, one entry per page, is that in there anywhere ?

Nov 4 2011 at 7:54pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Robert Andersen, Albert C., please try the following link: https://secure.avangate.c...LIATE=1196
It shoulld allow you to order using PayPal.

Steven Avert, the trial version has 2,000 files limitation, it seems your download reached it at some point.
Yes, the Map view shows the pages tree for the downloaded project. Note that project may have pages located at the other sites, all they will be shown there.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 4 2011 at 11:26pm Copy Link
Wally L On the MetaProducts Website the buyer has the option to purchase a Lifetime Upgrade cover for a non discounted $224.00

Do BitsduJour buyers get the option after the purchase (because the SecureShareIt pages don't show the Lifetime Upgrade option) to buy the Lifetime Upgrade at either $224.00 or 50%OFF $112.00

Hopefully I'll also be able to email this question to you as we're now inside the last hour of the offer
Nov 5 2011 at 4:14am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Walter Lindrum, we received your email and replied you. Please check your email.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 5 2011 at 4:28am Copy Link
Read MoreSteven Avery Hi,

The 2000 files ? Really not sure, I would like to go into Project -- Properties and see the number of files and the number of .htm pages. When I tried a second pass, the pages showed up on the first try, but I did not see anything close to 2000 from your website on either try. The number it showed while copying the second time (a bit over 1000) was different than the final number tally 675. The word "file" may have varying definitions.

Any such limitation on the trial should be popped-up at the time it is implemented (I did not check if it is in the download page, it should be there too) your website is not particularly big.

On the map, what I would like to see is a smaller, cleaner map toggle to JUST the .htm files, folder style. As it is, the tree is hard to follow with all the .exe and .asp, and the .htm do not seem to be given in the natural level style. Correct me if I am mistaken on this.

Another major question is why the chosen download location is not placed project by project, each project has its own folder. That would seem to be natural, as it is it looks like projects get intermixed, in the sense that many directories are created, and they are not clearly assigned to a project. Since more than one project can be from the same domain, this is curious.

24-hours to check out the comfort level on a slightly pricey program like this one ? This is not really sufficient, imho.

On the more techie programs, I do not suggest an extension of the sale, except for a special window (12-hours) 3 days later, where at least the buyers reading the thread can buy. That would give me time to post these types of questions on the Metaproduct Forum as well. This could be done with a discount code on a low-key level.

A similar consideration would be buying the Standard and then upgrading to the Professional if I find it very happy the first days. I would like to know the upgrade cost, if the total price is the same, or more. Or if there is a window of time where there can be no penalty.

Note: I started a thread on the pricing issue on the forum, I really do not know what that was not offloaded there much earlier. It seems like the fair way to satisfy the vendor and the free-speech garumpers. :)

It would be nice to read the Lifetime Upgrade question here. People do read these threads after the sale, especially for the next couple of days when issues are being hashed out.

It is nice that Metaproducts has a forum, btw, although it is not the most elegant style, and I would not necessarily want to push tuff pricing questions, related to Bits, on you over there.

I will say that generally, Offline Explorer Pro does overall seem to be the best of this genre, according to some folks who have looked at the 5-10 serious programs that try to do this job.

Nov 5 2011 at 5:09am Copy Link
Read MoreAlexander Bednyakov Steven Avery:

Thank you for your considerations about the Map. Perhaps, the Levels tab (next to the Map tab) would show something more close to what you want? It lists pages by levels with all links inside them.

There are image, archive and other files listed among the links. Perhaps, it is more than you would like to have. If so, can you please write us to to discuss what you would like to have. We will work to improve this feature.

Download directory has its advantages when several projects place their files to a single location. This is why we haven't made a separate folder by default (although it is now possible in the Project Properties dialog - Parsing section).

Please also write us about the pricing and special offers.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 5 2011 at 3:58pm Copy Link
Robert Andersen Alexander Bednyakov, thank you for the Avangate link but the discount has now expired (as it was after midnight UK time when you sent it). If I email you at, can you send me a new discount link?
Nov 5 2011 at 4:19pm Copy Link
Read MoreSteven Avery Hi,

The levels tab is definitely more in line with what I was thinking of as a map. So it was more terminology, and "levels" is fine.

It seems not to be 'hot', navigatable, interactive to the open screen, although that might be a bit involved to do. To navigate, you work from the screen itself. Has that other possibility been requested (navigation from the levels map).


Thanks, I see the "Download Directory" option for a project. That covers that need. While I do not quite understand why several projects would want to share a location (does it combine duplicates ?) that covers that need for clarity of placement.


As I mentioned, proper research on this takes a few days. Also the consideration of exactly the need and reasons to use, which
can vary widely.


I will email you .. also about the standard--professional question and the availability of Bits-style pricing ... after the research is more done. Probably by tomorrow I will feel more confident as to lefvel of interest.

Nov 6 2011 at 7:37am Copy Link
Read MoreAlexander Bednyakov Robert Andersen:

Please contact us anyway. Thank you!

Steven Avery:

Yes, I would like to have your ideas on the Levels tab by E-mail. Directory - if you download several sites that have links to each other, the links will work for seamless offline browsing.
MetaProducts Corporation - Nov 6 2011 at 10:54am Copy Link
Read MoreSoftCollector Alexander,

1. Will the Pro version be offered at a discounted price any time soon?
2. Can it download streaming video from websites like vimeo and youtube?
3. If not, will Flash and Media Capture be made compatible with Firefox and Chrome anytime soon?

Kind Regards,
Aug 8 2012 at 12:55pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov 1. No, we do not plan to offer Offline Explorer at a descounted price anymore.
2. Yes, it can download youtube video. Vimeo is in plans.
3. We work to make all-browsers version of Inquiry first. Then we will use this technology in our rest products.

MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 9 2012 at 2:34am Copy Link

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