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Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough WindowsDiscount

Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows

Create shaped transparent clickthrough windows hosting images and texts!

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$8.97 $14.95
Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows ScreenshotDesktop Enhancements Software ScreenshotOverlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows, Desktop Enhancements Software ScreenshotOverlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows, Desktop Customization Software ScreenshotDesktop Enhancements Software, Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows ScreenshotDesktop Customization Software, Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows ScreenshotDesktop Customization Software, Desktop Enhancements Software ScreenshotOverlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows, Desktop Customization Software, Desktop Enhancements Software ScreenshotOverlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 8Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 9Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 10Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 11Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 12Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 13Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 14Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 15Overlaying Shaped And ClickThrough Windows Screenshot 16

Please note folks: the application now features the ability to select the text of your choice which you can put on a path. The path can be made out of lines, arcs, beziers, rectangles, ellipses and circles. You can set the text size, text color and text font family. Once you have your text all set up and ready to go, you can press the Launch Window button to launch the defined window and after making that window's background invisible, you can basically rotate that text directly on your Windows Desktop overlaying it over anything which is present on your Desktop.

Imagine having an image of a car or of a tree or of a planet with transparency or of anything else you can think of and then having the ability to create a window with transparency based on that image, the only thing you will see after launching that window will be that item (whether it is a car, a tree or a planet) with preserved transparency directly on your Windows Desktop.

You can drag the window/object/image around the screen, you can rotate and resize that window/object/image directly on your Windows Desktop. To drag it you just click it and move the mouse, when you’re done just release the mouse. To rotate it use LEFT CTRL + LEFT SHIFT + click the mouse once on that window, that will rotate it to the LEFT. To rotate it to the right you can press RIGHT CTRL + RIGHT SHIFT + click the mouse once. To resize it, you can press CTRL + click and drag the mouse and then once you obtained the desired width/height for the image, you can release the mouse and the window will have the width/height at the moment you released the mouse. Dragging, resizing and rotating objects directly on your Windows Desktop, it's that simple using this application.

Then imagine being able to make transparent windows having either the desired color as the background or having an image as the background. You can then overlay these windows on the screen in the order you want, that way you can obtain different color variations through which you can view and even work on your Windows Desktop. You can actually work on the Windows Desktop with those windows overlaid after making the windows clickthroughable and have a certain (higher) degree of transparency so that it allows you to see what is underneath those windows. The transparency of a window can be set in two ways: you can either directly use the opacity slider in the sidebar of that window, or, you can set a transparent background color for that window, in the sidebar. You can also set the opacity and set a transparent background in the same time if you want to. The same goes for the clickthrough function of a window, specifically there is a check box in the sidebar which controls whether a window is clickthroughable. To switch states (whether a window is clickthroughable or not) you simply check or uncheck that check box. Making transparent windows, setting different colors for their background, puting them one on top of the other in the order you want, specifying whether they are clickthroughable or clickable it's that simple using this application.

Then again imagine being able to create a shape using lines, arcs, rectangles, ellipses, circles, bezier curves and then being able to create a window which has the exact same contour as that specific shape you created, that is possible because the window (after it is launched) will be the shape itself (you still have to make the background of that window invisible which can be done using a menu option after right-clicking that window). Here's how you do it: add at least three points to the canvas, just click the Add Point button at the top left of the application window (AND don’t click Get Shape just yet) then click the Launch Window button at the top, then right click the launched window anywhere and select the "Make Background Invisible (Content Is Still Visible)" menu option, that will create a window under the form of that shape. Cool, right? And you can create as many such shapes as you want and thus have as many such windows.

    There are two important cases when creating shapes:
  • Case 1: you can add the points to the canvas but you do not yet press the Get Shape button. When you launch the window, the shape created by those points will be included in the background of the launched window AS A SHAPE meaning that if you make that background invisible, notice the "Make Background Invisible (Content Is Still Visible)" menu option, then the window will appear under the form of that shape. DEPENDING ON YOUR NEEDS YOU MAY FIND THIS VERY USEFUL AND MAY ALSO FIND YOURSELF DOING THIS A LOT BECAUSE THAT SHAPE FUNCTIONS AS A HANDLE (IT WILL BE THE BACKGROUND) FOR THAT WINDOW ALLOWING DRAGGING, ROTATION AND RESIZING OF THAT WINDOW. WITHOUT A BACKGROUND, IN ORDER TO CONTROL THAT WINDOW YOU WOULD HAVE TO USE THE SIDEBAR OF THAT WINDOW OR THE SIDEBAR OF THE ACTIVE WINDOWS TAB, so it's easier having the shaped background of a window as a handle.
  • Case 2: you can add the points to the canvas and you do press the Get Shape Button, that will simply create a shape in the canvas of the Define Windows tab. Those shapes (along with any other images, texts you add in that Define Windows tab) will be duplicated in the newly created/launched window when you click the Launch Window button.

Then imagine again being able to create windows with rounded corners having the corner radius up to 2000 pixels (let us know if you need more). You can create entirely round windows only by playing with the corner radiuses. This is of course in addition of being able to create round windows based on your own created shapes. To control the border properties of a window, notice the Border tab in the sidebar of the Define Windows and Active Windows tabs.

To make it easier to control active windows (these are the windows which have been launched by the application), there is the Active Windows tab which has the same side bar attached to it, same one as for the Define Windows tab (the Define Windows tab is the tab where you can define your window before launching it) because you can actually use that side bar in the Active Windows tab to specify properties of active/launched windows. Just select any of the active/launched windows from the list of active windows in the Active Windows tab and use the sidebar to modify its properties. It’s just another way to control a window’s properties. You can of course modify an active / launched windows properties from the side bar of that window, notice the “Show SideBar” menu option when you right click the window after it has been launched.

    Using this application you can do the following:
  • create overlaying, shaped and clickthrough windows
  • create transparent windows overlaying them one on top of the other
  • create windows based on your own created shapes
  • create shapes from lines, arc, ellipses, circles, rectangles or bezier curves
  • build a window entirely from an image with transparency (car, tree, planet, etc) launch the window and see only that object (be it a car, tree, planet) with preserved transparency
  • build windows using border width, border padding and border corner radiuses
  • drag, rotate and resize windows
  • specify whether the created/launched windows are showing up or not in the Taskbar
  • specify whether the created/launched windows are Topmost or not
  • specify whether the created/launched windows are clickthroughable or not
  • add images (just drop them on the canvas)
  • edit those images so that only the text will be shown instead of the image. Or you can show both the image and the text. When you edit the text associated to the image, you can set several properties for that text such as text color, text size, text weight (such as Bold) and the font family
  • aside from working with texts, you can also work with any number of images on the canvas by resizing, rotating, duplicating, deleting and changing the opacity of those images. This way you could create a final image from multiple individual images
  • select any image and filter it using 94 filter variations
  • create a path made of points for which you can then get the coordinates

    You can define shapes using one of the following:
  • points
  • arcs
  • circles
  • ellipses
  • rectangles
  • beziers
  • (notice the buttons at the top left of the application window)

Now back to the basics:
To start defining a window, click on the Define Windows tab, set the properties of that window using the sidebar to the right. While defining it, you can also can create shapes using the top buttons, add images to the canvas and edit those images and then when you are done defining the window you can press the Launch Window button from the top menu. That will create a window having the characteristics you defined in the Define Windows tab.

    While defining the window you may want to add an image to the canvas (in the Define Windows tab), here are the functionalities you can do on the added image in that tab:
  • duplicate that image just by double clicking it. The actual points/hands cannot be duplicated
  • resizing that image by pressing one of the CTRL keys and then grabbing the image with the mouse and dragging the mouse, as you drag the mouse, the size of the image will be updated based on the direction of where the mouse is moving
  • rotating that image by pressing one of the SHIFT keys and then clicking the image. If you press the LEFT SHIFT key and click the image, the image will rotate to the left. Similarly, if you press the RIGHT SHIFT key and click the image, the image will rotate to the right
  • filtering the image using several image filters. Notice the Quick Filters menu option when you right click the image
  • change the opacity of the image by pressing LEFT CTRL key + A (lowers opacity of the selected image) or LEFT CTRL key + Q (increases opacity of the selected image)
  • moving the image using the: W, A, S, D key (before moving the image using these keys, you have to click on the image first, to select it)
  • deleting the image just by pressing the DEL button on your keyboard
Also, please notice the movies below detailing a few of the product’s features:
Create a simple triangle shape in the Overlaying Shaped and Clickthrough Windows Application:

Add Images On A Topmost Window With An Invisible Background And Add A Handle To the Window

Review Written by Constantin Florea
Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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Constantin Florea @b g, One feature of this application which another user recently mentioned he found useful was the ability to add images to a window then launch that window, make that window completely transparent (while the images were still visible) and thus he was able to overlay those images directly on his Windows Desktop (he could drag, resize and rotate the images as well as the window itself).
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 13 2023 at 5:57pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea Here is another feature we recently added: the ability to select the text of your choice which you can put on a path. The path can be made out of lines, arcs, beziers, rectangles, ellipses and circles. You can set the text size, text color and text font family. Once you have your text all set up and ready to go, you can press the Launch Window button to launch the defined window and after making that window's background invisible, you can basically rotate that text directly on your Windows Desktop overlaying it over anything which is present on your Desktop.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 15 2023 at 5:50am Copy Link
carl thorpe I really cannot tell what the use for this software would be. I agree with the earlier comment that a video showing why someone would need this would probably help your sales.
Dec 15 2023 at 11:54am Copy Link
John User Can the window be set to always stay on top?

I would like to be able to float a few pictures on top of my desktop and open windows, some with a transparent background. And not have them moved to the back by the active window.

Instead of asking us to imagine, show us some examples. Brilliant programing, zero marking skill.
Jan 2 2024 at 10:55am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John User, Yes you can do that using this application. Actually this is one of the features we had in mind when implementing this application. Here is a demo showing other active windows showing behind the topmost window which holds the images: So there is a setting in the sidebar at the right of the application window and that setting is called: " Window is TopMost " Start the application and press Edit Text and clear the text in that window and then press Accept Text. Then make sure that the "Window is TopMost" setting from the sidebar to the right is checked. Then you can add as many images as you want to the working area and you can drag, resize and rotate those images anyway you like. Also very important: you may want to add three points to the canvas but do not press the Get Shape button after adding those three points, those three points will form a small triangle which will serve as the handle for your window, you can use that handle to drag, resize or rotate your window. You can actually add as many points as you want to the working area to form any shape you want but the three points will form the simplest shape possible which is a triangle. You can then delete those points or you can leave them but if you leave them there they will be duplicated in the launched window. Once the window is launched you need to right click it and select the "Make Background Invisible (Content Is Still Visible)" menu option from the contextual menu. That will make the background invisible leaving only the images visible along with any text you may have on that window. The handle of the window (the region formed by those points you added while defining the window) is also visible, you can now use that handle to easily move the window from one position to the other, just click the handle and drag it around to move the window. Please notice that you can click that handle once (to activate the window) and then you can rotate that window (along with anything that is on it) and you can also resize that window (the way to resize and rotate the window as well as the images on it are described in the promotion page description above). Furthermore that launched window also has a side bar which you can activate using the Show/Hide Side Bar contextual menu option shown when you right click the launched window. That side bar allows controlling the behavior and the way that window looks.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 2 2024 at 1:39pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John User Yes you can do that using this application. Actually this is one of the features we had in mind when implementing this application.

Here is a demo showing other active windows showing behind the topmost window which holds the images:

So there is a setting in the sidebar at the right of the application window and that setting is called:"Window is TopMost"

Start the application and press Edit Text and clear the text in that window and then press Accept Text.

Then make sure that the "Window is TopMost" setting from the sidebar to the right is checked.

Then you can add as many images as you want to the working area and you can drag, resize and rotate those images anyway you like. Also very important: you may want to add three points to the canvas but do not press the Get Shape button after adding those three points, those three points will form a small triangle which will serve as the handle for your window, you can use that handle to drag, resize or rotate your window. You can actually add as many points as you want to the working area to form any shape you want but the three points will form the simplest shape possible which is a triangle. You can then delete those points or you can leave them but if you leave them there they will be duplicated in the launched window.

Once the window is launched you need to right click it and select the "Make Background Invisible (Content Is Still Visible)" menu option from the contextual menu. That will make the background invisible leaving only the images visible along with any text you may have on that window.

The handle of the window (the region formed by those points you added while defining the window) is also visible, you can now use that handle to easily move the window from one position to the other, just click the handle and drag it around to move the window.

Please notice that you can click that handle once (to activate the window) and then you can rotate that window (along with anything that is on it) and you can also resize that window (the way to resize and rotate the window as well as the images on it are described in the promotion page description above).

Furthermore that launched window also has a side bar which you can activate using the Show/Hide Side Bar contextual menu option shown when you right click the launched window. That side bar allows controlling the behavior and the way that window looks.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 2 2024 at 1:47pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John User Also two things are very important to do what you asked :
1. You will also need (in case you want to be able to click through those topmost images) to make sure that the "Window Is Clickthroughable" setting (from the right sidebar) is checked, that way you just see the images you added but the clicks go right through them.


2. You can use the Window Opacity slider (either when defining the window or after launching the window) to make the window along with anything on it less or more transparent.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 2 2024 at 2:18pm Copy Link
John User This is a tough program to learn. I tried one of their other picture programs before and I can see how the interface is similar but I think the developer expects us to read their mind about how to use it and as mentioned, what to use it for.

I did get a picture on my desktop but then the program locked up trying to get a second picture up. I only have so much time to try things out.

I just want to float a picture with an alpha background on my monitor....

I use this but it cannot be glued to the front.
Jan 2 2024 at 9:19pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John User, I just sent you an email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 3 2024 at 4:37am Copy Link

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