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PDF Scan Pro

OCR Scanning, the Easy Way!

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Platforms: Windows XP, Vista (x32, x64), 7 (x32, x64)
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Have you had this dream?

The one that starts with a giant pile of documents. In that pile of documents is a customer ID number, a statistic, or an order confirmation, and you need it.


There is no way of knowing where to start, the pile has no rhyme or reason. You try to read everything but you're reading nothing. Papers are flying everywhere, your office is like a snow globe, and the clock is spinning out of control.

The lucky ones wake up unshaken by this nightmare; because they've converted all of their documents to a searchable PDF format using PDF Scan Pro.

Would you like to join them?

Consider this: scanning your paperwork and converting it to searchable PDF via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) makes finding what you need as simple as searching. No more paging through scan after scan, trying to find the right document. Not only can you search within the text of an Adobe PDF with PDF Scan Pro, you can index your files in your system's search engine. Whether it's Vista, Windows 7 or Google Desktop, you can instantly locate exactly what you need. And when you don't need it, unlike other paperwork, you'll never see it!

It's all tucked away in your computer.

You'll finally have room on your desk for a little plant or an A-Rod bobblehead -- something that will keep those paperwork nightmares away.

Review Written by Andrew Dick
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Genie au Travail A question to the developper :
Do you have a link to download full installer directly since your website ???
I don't like web installers...
Read 2 More Posts By Genie au Travail
Sep 22 2011 at 1:11am Copy Link
Read MoreMichael K @Tim Haughton - Developer:

Hi Tim, The conversation on each product plays an important part for me to decide whether to buy a product.

In May, you offered Home Document Manager and there was an extensive conversation during which you said all three of your current products would be rolled in to Version 2 of Home Document Manager (HDM) which would be a free upgrade to current users of HDM.

Since May, I along with others, have been patiently waiting for news of Version 2 of HDM being released which would include all the features of PDF Scan Pro as well as edoc annotator but there has been nothing from you.

Many features were discussed in the in the extensive conversation for inclusion in version 2 and not wanting to be buttoned down to a precise release date, you merely said it would be released "this summer".

Summer is now over with still no word on version 2 and now that you are offering PDF Scan Pro, I am wondering if and when we are likely to see the promised upgrade to Home Document Manager with the 3 products rolled into one.


Sep 22 2011 at 3:40am Copy Link
Jaydeem I concur with Michael K. As a Home Document Manager software purchaser since 2010 I am also awaiting the promised free upgrade to Version 2 embracing all three products.

Sep 23 2011 at 4:31am Copy Link
Adrian Williams Make that 3 :)
Sep 23 2011 at 9:09am Copy Link
Jeff Carbello Application website does not indicate of it provides crop, rotate, or auto deskew or if one can add keywords, author, etc to the PDF file.
Sep 23 2011 at 12:13pm Copy Link
Tim Haughton @Michael - HDM2 is still in development, all I can say is it will be ready when it's ready.
Dokix Inc - Sep 24 2011 at 11:51pm Copy Link
Tim Haughton @Jeff - It supports rotate and auto deskew, but not PDF meta data.
Dokix Inc - Sep 24 2011 at 11:52pm Copy Link
Genie au Travail No answers to my questions ???
Sep 25 2011 at 12:28am Copy Link
Read MoreMichael K Hi Tim - since you said several months ago that you are rolling all 3 of your products into 1 , can those of us who bought Home Document Manager on the basis of this, have PDF Scan Pro without charge while we continue to wait for this to happen?

I bought Home Document Manager because you said it would be updated with many features which would include those of PDF Scan Pro as well as eDoc.

I am disappointed that having relied on what you said, it has not in fact taken place and without any indication as to when it will.

I respectfully submit these comments are relevant to this conversation as well as to the Home Document Manager conversation because you have said they would have been rolled into one by now.


Sep 25 2011 at 12:33am Copy Link
Tim Haughton @Genie - We use ClickOnce for deployment which means we use web based installers, and we use online activation. This isn't to everyone's liking, but what is?

We use a proprietary OCR engine.
Dokix Inc - Sep 25 2011 at 2:10am Copy Link
Morten Hjollo Will it scan and recognise Scandinavian letters (Æ, Ø and Å)


Sep 25 2011 at 2:16am Copy Link
Tim Haughton @Michael - I don't/can't give concrete assurances on release dates because they are often subject to forces outside of my control.
Dokix Inc - Sep 25 2011 at 2:29am Copy Link
Read MoreHJ B Does this program do anything that is not already done by Adobe Acrobat Pro.

I wish those who offer pdf-related software would give an indication as to whether their software is claimed to provide something not already provided by Adobe Acrobat Pro.

I am aware that a number of people are not prepared to pay for the Adobe product. However, many people have that product and are interested in providing enhancements.

So, is it claimed that PDF Scan Pro:

1. Has a more accurate OCR engine?

2. Creates pdfs that look as good and as are searchable, while automatically reducing pdf size by eliminating unnecessary resolution or trace elements?

3. Produces are more compact indexing?

4. Goes from scan to finished product faster, without sacrificing quality or functionality?

5. Is more friendly to search engines, such as Google Desktop?

6. Produces a more accurate depiction of the original document?

7. Gives a better ability to correct OCR errors?

8. Produces a product that is more easily editable than the product produced by Adobe Acrobat Pro?

9. Is as good as (as opposed to better than) Acrobat Pro in the foregoing areas?

10. Can provide a better PDF locking mechanism than Adobe Acrobat Pro?

These are questions that anyone would want answers to if they are looking for a PDF/OCR/Scanning engine that will preserve their important current and historical documents.

It would also be great to have disclosure of what it cannot do that can be done by Acrobat Pro.
Sep 25 2011 at 4:26am Copy Link
Tim Haughton @Morten - Yes, it will.
Dokix Inc - Sep 25 2011 at 6:26am Copy Link
Tim Haughton @HJ B - PDF Scan Pro isn't intended to compete with Acrobat Pro. It's just a simple way to scan and OCR your paperwork without having to pay for a high end product like Acrobat.
Dokix Inc - Sep 25 2011 at 6:28am Copy Link
Read MoreHJ B @Tim Haughton - That may be so; however, it seems to me that when something is offered as an alternative product, there ought be some indication as to whether what is does is better, the same or not as good as the product for which it is being offered as an alternative.

When I see a new pdf-related product, I am always hopeful that it will be an improvement over some aspect of what Acrobat does. That is particularly so with OCR.

Some pdf-related products are clearly short of the mark even as to the narrow set of features with which they deal.

All I am say is that this is the kind of information that people want to know before buy or even experimenting with an alternative product.
Sep 25 2011 at 7:45am Copy Link
Morten Hjollo I've just bought and installed PDF Scan Pro, and it works as supposed to. But the files it produce are quite large, and it seems to me that i lacks the ability to Auto Deskew, or manually deskew or despeckle the scanned documents? (As in Home Document Manager) At least I can't find out how to do this....??? This makes PDF Scan Pro much less accurate, and the scanned documents have to be extremely precise to read the scanned text. Will there be an update regarding this?

Read 1 More Post By Morten Hjollo
Sep 25 2011 at 8:03am Copy Link
Read MoreJeff Carbello I also asked the creator if this program does auto deskew and crop. He said it does deskew, yet I just downloaded demo and I cannot find this option anywhere and neither can another commenter here. And it does not deskew scanned items as I scanned a receipt and it remains un-straightend.

In my opinion, avoid this software as its pretty useless without a way to deskew (means straighten) and to crop. The reason the PDFs created are so large is because there exists no way to crop off the scanned parts that are not needed. If I scan a 4x6 receipt, why would I want all the background of 8x11 that is not part of my scan. Also I see no options for PDF compression method or percentage, thus we cannot control the size of the output file. Does it use G4 compression? Who knows.

Also under the scan selection list it seems their is no way for a user to save a custom scan setting for quick selection. Say I always scan greyscale at 200dpi, then I would like to save this as a quick selection.

Truly, what does this do that a scan util included with your scanner and maybe a free ocr cant do?
Read 2 More Posts By Jeff Carbello
Sep 25 2011 at 9:20am Copy Link
James Kenney I have Home Document Manager and it DOES deskew very well.
It is strange that this would not.
I am eagerly looking forward for the integration of the three programs also.
I love how simple HDM is though... I just drop documents in and they come out great.

Jeff Carbello: re. cropping... I do not know if would still be a legal copy if it were cropped. And a lot of people might need some degree of legality in their copies. Also, most storage methods compress white space extensively.
Sep 25 2011 at 10:03pm Copy Link
Tim Haughton @Morten - In Home Document Manager, you can turn auto-Deskew on or off, but in PDF Scan Pro it's fixed to on.
Dokix Inc - Sep 26 2011 at 1:25am Copy Link
Read MoreJeff Carbello I have tried HDM and auto-deskew does work in it. I can't comment for Morton, but the deskew in PDF Scan Pro (at least in your demo download) did not work.

@James - There are no legality issues for cropping out dead space around a retail register receipt that is generally 3 inch in width. And in most cases the background for these register receipts is not white but black since its showing the reflection of the back of the scanner.

Let me try putting a blank piece of paper on the back of the receipt to see if deskew in the demo works in this case. In any case I missed the deal and did not want to pull the trigger not knowing if listed features were just not working on the software as was my experience with this deskew function
Sep 26 2011 at 10:53am Copy Link

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