Deal Coming Soon!
Sure, the PDF format is universal and extremely handy when you’re sharing documents with other people across platforms, but sometimes you need it to be something that it’s not. Whether you ultimately need a text file, an image, or HTML code, you are gonna be happy to hear about today’s discount software promotion, PDFMate PDF Converter Professional!
PDFMate PDF Converter Professional lets you convert PDF documents to a variety of alternate file formats, including text, image, SWF, HTML, and Microsoft Word. With PDFMate PDF Converter Professional, you’ll be able to convert and go about your business quickly and easily, whether your project involves documents, web development, or graphic design.
Need to preserve the text in your PDF document? No problem with PDFMate PDF Converter Professional – the program contains built-in OCR functionality that can convert your scanned PDF to an editable and selectable text file. Only need one or two pages out of a PDF? Just use PDFMate PDF Converter Professional to select any page or page range for conversion.
Bonus features include the ability to merge and split PDF documents, encrypt PDFs, and support for multiple languages. In other words, PDFMate PDF Converter Professional is the complete package and the real deal!
Review Written by Derek Lee
- Convert PDF documents to other file formats
- Transform PDFs into Word, text, image, SWF, HTML, and EPUB formats
- Benefit from integrated OCR functionality that makes PDFs editable and selectable
- Convert any page or page range
- Merge and split PDF files easily
- Download available for: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
- After you purchase PDFMate PDF Converter Professional it may be used indefinitely.
- Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for the lifetime of the product.
- Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.