Please Note: Today's Portable Key promotion is for the FULL SOURCE CODE, not a consumer executable version! It is written in Borland Delphi 7.0.
Let's face it, hackers are getting more clever with each passing day. No matter how strong you think your password is, or how many levels of encryption you use, there's always going to be someone out there with the know-how to break through to your sensitive data.
One of the better ways of fighting off unauthorized access to your computer is to use a hardware key - literally, taking the age-old concept of needing a physical key in order to unlock your virtual, 21st century door. Portable Key turns your USB flash drive into that crucial element of your computer security setup.
Setup is easy and quick. Just plug your USB drive into your computer, run Portable Key, and let the software install itself. From that point on, anyone needing to access your computer is going to need that USB drive physically plugged into the machine - and it'll be safely tucked into your pocket or locked away somewhere safe. This deserves a disclaimer - if you protect access to your PC with a physical key, DON'T LEAVE THE KEY PLUGGED IN WHEN YOU ARE GONE!
Portable Key also comes in handy even where there are no evildoers about. If you have your USB drive on your keychain, for instance, you don't ever need to remember any passwords - so if you've developed amnesia, are terribly unimaginative when it comes to passwords, or are a super-spy who stashes USB drives and fake passports in bank lockboxes, Portable Key ensures that you're good to go!
Review Written by Derek Lee
- Use a USB flash drive as a hardware key to enable access to your computer
- Abandon the tedious process of memorizing your passwords to access your machines
- Ensure that no one can get into your machine without your USB drive
- You can download and install a free trial of this software before purchasing
- Download available for: Windows NT, XP, 2000, Server 2003, Vista
- Buy with BitsDuJour's promotional coupon code and get all this at a discounted price!
- Your discount coupon code will be applied to your purchase when you click the 'Buy Now' button.
- BitsDuJour downloads use a discount coupon code that comes direct from the software vendor, so you'll always get the latest version of the software app sold under the same terms as a regular sale, just at a great promotional price.
- Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.