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Quick Notes PlusDiscount

Quick Notes Plus

Keep Info on Electronic Sticky Notes

v5.0 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Check it out folks, you can also get

Notezilla 8.0
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So you finally went and got yourself one of those sleek, new desktop machines. So why would you go and mess up the look of it all with a bunch of sticky notes? Yes, yes, we know you need to write things down in order to remember them, but there has to be a better way – sort of like today’s discount software promotion, Quick Notes Plus!

Quick Notes Plus lets you jot down quick notes on digital sticky notes that stay stuck on your Windows desktop. With Quick Notes Plus, you’ll benefit from the ease of using sticky notes, but without all of the hassle of clutter and notes that drop to the floor when you’re not looking.

Find yourself lost in a sea of open applications? Fear not, Quick Notes Plus lets you keep your sticky notes on top of all other apps with just a click. More than just a digital notepad, you can use Quick Notes Plus to easily create reminders of important tasks and appointments. Attach notes to specific websites, documents, programs, or folders, and see them as soon as you open those resources. Still feeling cluttered? Sweep all of your digital notes into folders and keep your desktop clean, all with the power and flexibility offered by Quick Notes Plus!

Please note folks: the home page for Notezilla is

This promotion includes the following:
Quick Notes Plus v5.0 ($19.95)
Notezilla 8.0 ($29.95)
Review Written by Derek Lee
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Dierk Reading the description for Notezilla, it appears that it is possible to Sync "Sticky Notes" between 2 (or more - ?) PCs via a local area network, which is certainly preferable to having to use a "cloud based" server.

However, access from a mobile device (smart phone), is only via your cloud server. Accordingly, No Access to Wifi or other network means no access to your Sticky Notes data.

The IDEAL solution - from an end-user viewpoint - would be the option of buying a version of Notezilla that is designed to run natively on a smartphone (Android, of course!)

Disclaimer: Former PhatNotes user (PC & Windows Mobile PDAs), who still laments that that program never made the jump to Android....
Jul 16 2014 at 1:20am Copy Link
Gautam Jain -
Thanks @Dierk. A native app for Notezilla (Android & iOS) is in development which will not depend on the cloud. But of course it will have the ability to sync with cloud so that you can see your notes on your PCs also.
Conceptworld Corporation - Jul 16 2014 at 1:27am Copy Link
Dierk Gautam Jain -
..... A native app for Notezilla (Android & iOS) is in development which will not depend on the cloud. But of course it will have the ability to sync with cloud so that you can see your notes on your PCs also

Notezilla appears to be something of an "hybrid" application: much more than Just-Another-Sticky-Notes application, but something less than a "Personal Database" app - such as the recently promoted Ultra Recall, or RightNote.

At one time, PIMs - Personal Information Managers - were reasonably popular, and there were a number of viable options on the market. One could argue that this is still true, and that only the players have changed.
Yet there is a sharp distinction in the currently available software: they either remain Single Platform programs, OR they rely upon a Cloud Service, whether for data sync, and/or data storage.

The power of PhatNotes was in the fact that it offered a robust feature set on BOTH the PC and Windows Mobile devices (pre-smartphone PDAs), AND could sync between PC and Windows Mobile via a LOCAL connection.

To the best of my knowledge - and we have looked extensively - there are NO current applications (for the Android platform) that offer the base functionality that PhatNotes provided on Windows Mobile, let alone the ability to also Sync Locally to a PC-based counterpart.

Will be looking forward to seeing what a native Android version of Notezilla looks like, and whether or not it loses features as compared to the PC version.

In the meantime, RightNote remains the most robust PIM / Personal Database we've tested: only the lack of an Android version prevents it from being "Ideal."

Still, will take a look at Quick Notes Plus, just to get an idea of the Look & Feel of the application (currently use another "Sticky Notes" app on the PC), with assumption that it will be somewhat similar to Notezilla interface.

Given the utter lack of competition, a competent Android version of Notezilla, able to locally sync to a PC counterpart, would become an attractive purchase.

Note: When considering suitability as a "Personal Database" or PIM, preference is given to Text-Based data, looking at Input and Organization.

From a personal use perspective, Discrete (or Form Based) data is well covered by eWallet, a very mature application which HAS carried over from earlier mobile systems to Android (and, I believe, iOS), and which continues to offer local syncing between mobile and desktop based versions.
Jul 16 2014 at 11:07am Copy Link
Gautam Jain -
Thanks @Dierk for your insight. It is really helpful.

Syncing over local connection is dependent on various factors (type of device, connection, requires some level of technical knowledge of connecting your device to the PC, requires data cable, effort to connect the device etc). Plus you need to take effort in syncing each device separately. So it makes the whole process more cumbersome.

Syncing over cloud uses standard internet connection that doesn't require you to do anything accept for creating a one-time account. Everything else is automatic.

Plus note that there is a lot of difference between Quick Notes Plus & Notezilla since QNP is an older version of Notezilla. So, if you really want to decide on right tool for your purpose, I would suggest that you try Notezilla too.

Conceptworld Corporation - Jul 16 2014 at 11:26pm Copy Link
Maria Gerber Can not get the deal. I became an error-message by purchase. When I try it once more it says I can not buy this deal twice - but in my purchase-list is´nt this deal and no mail was coming...
Jul 17 2014 at 12:55am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Maria Gerber - The issue you get usually happens when you are trying to purchase from a computer which someone else has already used to participate in the current deal or for example if you try to participate in the promotion using BitsDuJour account A and then log out and try to participate using another BitsDuJour account B.

It also could be that you are using a computer which has an external IP address which was used before to participate in the deal, for example in a work environment where more colleagues share the same external IP address and they all try to get the deal using different computers (our system won't allow it).

I suggest clearing the browser cache and cookies (very important to delete cookies) and then try participating in the promotion again and if you do get the issue, please send us a snapshot at showing the entire page with the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 17 2014 at 1:05am Copy Link
Maria Gerber @Constantin Florea: You wrote cheese: I did´nt use another computer or account or anything! When I make the purchase your system says: "Uh-oh, Something isn't working right. We've dispatched our squad of techies to track it down! " When I try it once more it tells I had bought it... The problem is in your system! No wonder since we have to login to become a deal - it´s a shame! But it need this no longer because I had spent time enough for that! KEEP IT!!!
Jul 17 2014 at 3:44am Copy Link
mahdi ameri Bitsdujour . is a good thing ,fix every problem ,really fast ,all kind of program application you can need for your computer.
Everyday , free program with ( Bitsdujour) Giveaway . Really great . I recommend
Jul 17 2014 at 7:03am Copy Link
Paul joubert I tried to "get free deal" Hangs on "waiting for fluidsurveys website". I did give a negative comment to the question - maybe it,s filtering " them negative waves ".
I don't do facebook - Any suggestionss?
Jul 17 2014 at 8:55am Copy Link
g hudak I have installed this sw and it appears that it is unlocked. But where and how do you registar it. I could not find registration link anywhere.
Jul 17 2014 at 8:57am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @g hudak - To register the application, please use the registration code from inside the receipt email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 17 2014 at 9:00am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Paul joubert - There is no filtering based on survey comments. I suggest clearing the browser cache and try again to go through the questionnaire. If that doesn't work, please try another browser like IE, Chrome, Firefox or Opera.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 17 2014 at 9:01am Copy Link
g hudak I have the code but cannot find where to enter it.
Jul 17 2014 at 9:02am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @g hudak - I see you have already participated in the January 2014 promotion we had for this product. Based on this and based on what you wrote above "I have installed this sw and it appears that it is unlocked. But where and how do you registar it. I could not find registration link anywhere.", perhaps the application is already registered in your case since the January promotion?
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 17 2014 at 9:06am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Maria Gerber - I am sorry about the confusion. It seems your purchase went through. I have just resent you the receipt email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 17 2014 at 10:21am Copy Link
Maria Gerber @Constantin Florea: Thank you! I get it. But I´d deinstall the SW after one look - is not that what I need...
Jul 17 2014 at 11:20am Copy Link
wyndham wales I just bought version 8. I use Notezilla a lot to jot down thoughts quickly before they disappear (or worse they change -- if you're a writer you'd know what I mean). And I also use it heavily to grab snippets of copy from websites. It has actually become indispensable tool for me. At 40% off it was a no-brainer deal.
Jul 17 2014 at 1:08pm Copy Link
Anil Agrawal How does Quick Notes Plus or Notezilla beat Evernote ( I must be missing something here.. Evernote seems to do notes capturing including web page capture and sync across platforms (Android, iOS, MAC, PC/Windows, tablets, etc.) and FREE for several features and 60MB per month data storage...
Jul 17 2014 at 2:03pm Copy Link
Gautam Jain -
Thanks @wyndham wales.

@g hudak, To unlock Quick Notes Plus (QNP): 1. Right click on QNP icon (next to the clock) in the Windows taskbar. 2. Choose "Help->Enter Registration Code" from the menu in order to enter the registration code supplied to you.

@Anil Agarwal, Your question is good. There is a lot of difference between using sticky notes app vs regular notes app like Evernote. It is highly convenient to take notes over sticky notes floating over existing apps, because they don't require you to switch between apps. Using Notezilla (or QNP) you can associate a sticky note with any website, document, app etc. When ever you open the document or website, the related sticky notes come up automatically. Many of our customers use both Evernote & Notezilla side-by-side as Notezilla complements Evernote. You won't believe, but pinning a sticky note on top of other programs for reference & collecting data is very advantageous. Of course there are other thinks link sending sticky notes to other PC's desktop, other contacts etc. Having important notes always in front of your eyes on your desktop improves your productivity compared to regular notes app like Evernote which require you to separately access them.
Conceptworld Corporation - Jul 17 2014 at 11:09pm Copy Link
Watcher1924 Today I'm going to ask something original:
Does it have to be installed/registered today?
Jul 18 2014 at 1:13am Copy Link
Gautam Jain -

No. You don't have to install or register today. You can simply download and keep the activation key with you and use it later.
Conceptworld Corporation - Jul 18 2014 at 1:58am Copy Link
Mappi75 Hi!

What is this with the 1 years subscription modell for syncing devices?

What will this subscribtion cost?

Thanks for the information!
Jul 18 2014 at 3:48am Copy Link
Gautam Jain -


When you purchase Notezilla app for Windows, you get 1 year free subscription to the cloud sync where you can sync notes between your PCs and also access them from any phone.

After 1 year, the subscription would cost $19.95. You will be able to continue to keep notes in sync on all your devices.

Currently we have a web app. So you will need to use the phone's browser to access Notezilla.Net web app.

Native apps are being developed. As of now, you will not find them in any app stores.
Conceptworld Corporation - Jul 18 2014 at 3:52am Copy Link
Laurie Nelson I just noticed that Bitsdujour had my old email connected to my profile, even though I'm receiving emails from them at my new email address. I've changed my email to the correct one, but I've already "purchased" QNP and got a message that the email with my activation code will go to my old email, which I can no longer access. What do I need to do to get the activation code?

Thank you for providing QNP for free. This looks like something I'll find useful.
Jul 18 2014 at 12:44pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Laurie Nelson - I just noticed the purchase for Quick Notes in your Purchases page which means when you resend your receipt email, it will go to the email address on your profile. I have also just resent your receipt email to the email address from your profile.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 18 2014 at 12:50pm Copy Link
d kulumpos No download link appeared. I tried again. It said I had purchased it. No receipt in my email either. Others in this household get software on Bitsdujour. Only one person here can get it, everyone else is told, you already bought it. Please help. Thank you. 7/18/2014 Last week it took over a day to get a receipt.
Jul 18 2014 at 12:52pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @d kulumpos - Since you do get that message it means that someone else has already purchased either from your computer or from another computer which has the same external IP address as your computer. This is a common situation for example in a work place or a house where several customers have each their own computer but are sharing the same external IP address and they are all trying to participate in the same promotion. Our system does not allow this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 18 2014 at 1:02pm Copy Link
Laurie Nelson Thank you so much for the quick response, Constatin. QNP registered right away.
Jul 18 2014 at 1:11pm Copy Link
Susanne Downloaded, installed & registered flawlessly.

I've spent about a half hour playing around with it, definitely like it and will most certainly be using it. I have 4 other Stickie-type note programs installed, but all suffer from too much "cute" & I don't use them. Quick Notes Plus appears to be simple to run & intuitive to use. A simple alarm feature works fine, there are basic formating features, various options for note colour & skinning. It's not the lightest resource user in the stable, but far from a heavy-feeder. I like the fact you can "stick" notes to a specific application -- very handy!

Haven't tried syncing it with anything yet, but so far it strikes me as a perfect little program that does as it's advertised, is well-behaved & useful. Too bad more software companies wouldn't follow this formula.

Thanks BitsduJour, and ConceptWorld.
Jul 18 2014 at 10:15pm Copy Link
Gautam Jain -

Thanks a lot for fantastic review of Quick Notes Plus.
Conceptworld Corporation - Jul 18 2014 at 10:21pm Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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