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Sesame Database Manager PersonalDiscount

Sesame Database Manager Personal

Create Your Own Database Applications

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista (32, 64), 7 (32, 64) and Linux (on Intel)
Sesame Database Manager Personal ScreenshotDatabase Management Software ScreenshotSesame Database Manager Personal, Database Management Software ScreenshotSesame Database Manager Personal, Development Software ScreenshotDatabase Management Software, Sesame Database Manager Personal ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Sesame Database Manager Personal ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Database Management Software Screenshot

Have you been wanting to move into using database applications to organize your data, but are a little intimidated by them? Or you lack the budget to hire a so-called "database expert" to do it for you? No matter if you're a small business owner, department head, or application developer, here's a solution that lets you easily create database applications and get up and running, and it's called Sesame Database Manager Personal!

Sesame Database Manager Personal is perfect for the novice as well as more advanced users. Shortly after launching Sesame Database Manager Personal, you'll be enjoying a form-based interface, query-by-example searching, and a broad array of HTML reports that are easily integrated into your web applications. You can even use the included sample database applications as a jumping off point to create your own customized solution.

Sesame Database Manager Personal includes a highly-functional 'simple search' function that provides a search-engine-style weighted search. across all the fields in your records! It also allows you to both display and search images, to create customizable table views, and to organize your information onto tab pages!

If the complexities and hardships of other database software are driving you to choose Sesame Database Manager Personal, you'll be pleased to know that your new software is fully capable of importing your data quickly and easily!

Please note, folks, that Sesame Database Manager Personal Version is the single-user version. However, Sesame Database Manager Personal Version owners are eligible for reduced upgrade pricing on the multi-user client/server version of Sesame Database Manager, Sesame Plus.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Roberto great to discover "new" software in bits du jour. looks good.

ill take it for give it a try.
Oct 4 2011 at 3:03am Copy Link
Gray Lox From your policy: "Support for 1 month."
How much do you charge for support after this short time?
Oct 4 2011 at 4:06am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Gray Lox: Our official support policy is free support for 30 days for installation issues only. Unofficially, I don't think we could stop our Support crew from answering questions if we tried - and we've never tried. If people have questions, we are generally glad to help. We shift people over to Focused Support (paid) when the questions become "Develop my application for me" or "Totally set up my network for me" or "Build these five reports for me" or things along those lines that don't really qualify as Support, per se. If someone just needs some help with setting up a mail merge, or learning how to sort, or wants to know how to make something blue, we're happy to be of service. We also have a a User Forum where people can ask questions and get help.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 5:50am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Roberto Porcar: Excellent. We hope you get good use out of Sesame.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 5:50am Copy Link
Gray Lox @ Erika Frankel
Thank you for quickly replying.
I'll download the trial, and see if I can make use of it - I'm only a "hobby-user".
When I'll buy it now, can I install/register it at a later time, as my new PC (64Bit) is not set up yet? I will not use it on this old (32 Bit) system.
Thank you.
Oct 4 2011 at 6:15am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Gray Lox: You can install it whenever you wish. It's also fine if you install it on your 32 bit system and transfer it to your 64 bit box later when you are ready. We don't make a pile of registry entries or anything like that, so all you need to do is copy the Sesame directory to your new machine and (if desired) drop a shortcut on your desktop.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 6:40am Copy Link
Gray Lox @ Erika Frankel
Thanks again!
This price is novice friendly, just to learn and explore what I can do with it.
Oct 4 2011 at 6:55am Copy Link
Richard Paris Hi. Does Sesame database personal allow data to be accessed remotely via ODBC or JDBC connectors?
Oct 4 2011 at 8:48am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Not directly.

The Plus version, which provides client/server capability, can accept connections from the ODBC driver or the free API, but the Personal version only runs standalone.

You can export from Sesame Personal to various ASCII formats, which a number of drivers will accept as a data source.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 8:56am Copy Link
Erika Frankel BTW, Richard, if you're interested in external integration, more information about the free API is here:
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 9:00am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Upgrades are free for minor versions. Sesame 3 will be a major version release, so the upgrade won't be free for owners of version 2, but it will be discounted.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 9:29am Copy Link
D H Can I compile the database to native EXE? Does the licence cover for-profit use?
Oct 4 2011 at 2:10pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel @D H: We have no problem with you using your copy of Sesame for-profit. However, if you distribute your application to others or build custom applications for your clients, they must have their own Sesame license(s).

We do not compile to an exe, but there are various options that allow you to remove our menus, provide your own splash screen or startup form, prevent design changes, etc. Since our install is just a file copy, it's also pretty easy to create a custom install that installs your application files along with Sesame and creates the proper shortcuts.

Here is an example of an industry-specific package called TrackerPull (developed by me) which works the way I describe above using a NullSoft install. There are plenty of screen shots so you can see how it looks to a user.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 4 2011 at 2:24pm Copy Link
Roberto Hello Erika.

could you explain the diferent license versions?

for example, one office with 3 employee, witch version suits better?

1 x Sesame Plus V. 2 - Single User Client/Server with Q&A Database Translator
2 x Sesame V. 2 - Multiuser Client Licenses

189 + 99 + 99 ?

do you have an idea about the discounted price for v3?

now im a little bloated reading the manual.. its huge :)
Oct 4 2011 at 4:23pm Copy Link
G. E. Do you also offer the same discount to the Single User Client/Server with Q&A Database Translator download version?
Oct 5 2011 at 12:29am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Roberto Porcar:
There are really only two versions: Personal and Plus. The only difference between them is that the Plus version adds the client/server capability. Personal is single-user standalone only.

For the situation you describe, you could do the 189 + 99 + 99 route, but we do offer a SOHO QuickStart Package for exactly the office you describe. It provides Sesame Plus and a three user license for $48 less than buying the licenses separately.

I don't know yet about the upgrade pricing for version 3. We do try to make upgrades a good deal because we like the product and want people to have the new tools. When we went from version 1 to version 2, I think we charged $39 to upgrade Personal Download Only and $99 to upgrade Plus Download Only.

The manuals are indeed huge. Don't let this special promotional price fool you; Sesame is not a toy. We have installations in over 25 countries ranging from one person's personal book collection to multi-application enterprise-size systems in places like New York Dept of Transportation, Dept of Veterans Affairs, University of Pennsylvania Hospitals, etc. Sesame's got game.

We really dislike the trend toward software that doesn't come with documentation. We get that books are expensive to print and ship, but we handle that by letting you choose between the electronic manuals and the printed books. You only get charged for the books if you want them. The books are nice though. They are spiral-bound, so they lay flat without needing to be held open.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 5 2011 at 6:04am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @G. E.:
No. The discount is for the Personal Download version only.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 5 2011 at 6:05am Copy Link
Roberto Hello Erika,

there are some resources or templates for an invoicing system?

i have seen one here (but looks not updated since 2004, i dont know if it will work).

sorry about asking here, but i think this will be useful for the 90% of customers.

i really enjoy with your software, its adicting. :)
Oct 5 2011 at 7:31am Copy Link
Erika Frankel One of the sample applications is called Sesame Seasons. It includes Invoices.

BTW, one of the cool things about our user base is that there are very very few things that 90% of them do. They like to do things their own way, and they are very specific about what that means. When they say they want to make an invoice, the end result they produce covers a surprisingly large range. We love seeing all the places they take Sesame.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 5 2011 at 7:35am Copy Link
_*_ Erika, can you share what the cost of upgrading will be from v.2 to v.3 after we purchase it here on Bits?

Thank you
Oct 5 2011 at 8:46am Copy Link
Erika Frankel From my earlier post to Roberto Porcar:
I don't know yet about the upgrade pricing for version 3. We do try to make upgrades a good deal because we like the product and want people to have the new tools. When we went from version 1 to version 2, I think we charged $39 to upgrade Personal Download Only and $99 to upgrade Plus Download Only.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 5 2011 at 8:49am Copy Link
Erika Frankel It depends on what the add-on does. The free API also needs to be able to connect to a server.

The API and Extractor are the only utilities we provide at this time. There are some other add-ons created by third parties, like the ones at Most of those integrate directly into a Sesame application and will work fine on the Personal version.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 5 2011 at 10:46am Copy Link
Michael K @ Erika ..... Hi Erika, I note that Sesame is an upcoming promotion on Bits Du Jour and from this "conversation", your timely and comprehensive responses are impressive - thank you!

As you can see from the conversation, there is interest even from folks who don't know exactly how they would use Sesame. From your website I see you offer free online demonstrations and wonder if it would help us all and your promotion, if an online demonstration could be held for Bits Du Jour members?

This would enable use to learn first hand, the program's capabilities and how we might each be able to put it to use even as a "home hobbyist".

The timing could be of your choosing and as we are located all over the world, I'm sure not everyone could attend live but if it were held say a room which is free, it could be recorded and a link placed in this conversation for members to review.

Just a thought for you to promote your software in a way that we can each best relate to and understand.


Oct 6 2011 at 3:24am Copy Link
Roberto good idea Michael.

im playing around 12 hours continue with Sesame, and i feel confortable (now doing jobs with the source code too).

But sure, there will be many tricks that we can learn from a video, to know how a "pro" builds an app from scrach.
Oct 6 2011 at 3:37am Copy Link
Erika Frankel That's a good idea, Michael. At the moment, the demos are geared to a one-on-one model so we can work with people with regard to their specific requirements, but we'll consider prepping a more group-oriented demo if BitsDuJour turns out to be something that works for our product.

Meanwhile, I'm here if there's anything you want to ask about. As a database manager, Sesame is designed to manage whatever information you have. That might be your product sales, or it might be all the individual cars/engines in your model train collection. It's about whatever is of use and/or interest to you.

@Roberto: That's great! Let me know if you need anything.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 6 2011 at 5:50am Copy Link
Michael R. I have some quetions about the API (using from C++):

Is it right, that the API for C++ is a .DLL-file and .H-file with the dll-function-declarations?

Does this also work for x64-Applications (or just for 32bit)?

And: Does it make sense with the Personal Edition of Sesame Database Manager (or only with the Plus version, not offered today)?
Oct 7 2011 at 12:10am Copy Link
Patrick J. Do we have to pay for the documentation?
(Additional Sesame V.2 User Guide, Additional Sesame V.2 Programming Guide)
Oct 7 2011 at 12:24am Copy Link
Roberto Patrick, the manual comes in pdf.
Oct 7 2011 at 12:29am Copy Link
Patrick J. Why they are offered for $40 each?

/EDIT: OK, now I see. The site doesn't tell that this are printed manuals.
Oct 7 2011 at 12:31am Copy Link
Michael K @ Erika Frankel Hi Erika, I have two questions please:

1) Is this version of Sesame compatible with the 64 bit version of windows 7 ?

2) I just bought Sesame from here then downloaded and installed it.. I have not received any serial or key and after a quick review cannot find where one would be inserted in to the program itself.


Oct 7 2011 at 1:38am Copy Link
Roberto 2) read the link from the confirmation order (user downloads)
add your order number and one password, and you will log in to the download area.

go here: User Downloads:
Oct 7 2011 at 2:02am Copy Link
Michael K Hi Roberto,

I think you misunderstood. I have downloaded and installed the program from the download area. What I want to know from the developer is if there is a serial number to be inserted in the program itself to register it.

And I also want to know from Erica at the developers if it is compatible with windows 7, 64 bit version because i got a notice from Windows saying it may not have installed properly and may not be compatible with this version of windows 7.


Oct 7 2011 at 2:14am Copy Link
Roberto sorry, i misunderstood you. I was thinkig you had problem getting the registered version.. and wanted to give you my 5 cents :)
Oct 7 2011 at 2:18am Copy Link
Michael K No problem Roberto, your consideration is much appreciated as always.

We'll now wait to see what Erika from the developer has to say.


Oct 7 2011 at 3:03am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Michael R re the API:
Yes, the C++ API is a DLL and .h file.

The DLL is currently 32-bit so it will not be happy if compiled in a 64-bit application. If you get to a point where you need a 64 bit version, let us know and we can compile one for you.

The API will not work with the Personal version. It needs to connect to a Sesame server.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 5:43am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Patrick J re the manuals:
The Personal Download Only version comes with manuals in PDF format. The additional manuals you see offered are the printed books for those who want them. Sesame has a lot of features and, with over 1000 pages of documentation available, many people prefer to have a real book at their elbow. :)
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 5:46am Copy Link
Patrick J. The word "Printed" is missing on the mentioned site ;-) If the webmaster had added this word, I hadn't to ask ;-)
Oct 7 2011 at 5:48am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Michael K re your two questions:

1) You don't need a serial number and you don't need to do anything more to register Sesame. The Customer Number you received is all you need to download upgrades and get Support.

2) Sesame 2 is a 32 bit program, but it will run fine on a 64 bit OS. The message you are seeing is just Microsoft fussing. We are a cross-platform program, so we don't always do things Their Way. If Sesame runs at all, then the install is fine. Our install is very non-invasive - it's just a file copy except for the desktop shortcuts. There's not really anything to not fail, unless you can't copy files to your hard drive.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 5:51am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Patrick J: Please make sure you are on the dedicated BitsDuJour order form that you get to via the Buy Now button. It has the BDJ logo on it and says "Printed" all over the place. If you are not seeing these things, then you are in the wrong place.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 5:54am Copy Link
Patrick J. The BDJ site ( is ok, but on your offical site ( we only read:

Extra Sesame V.2 Manuals (For all Sesame V.2 Editions)
Additional Sesame V.2 User Guide $40.00 USD
Additional Sesame V.2 Programming Guide $40.00 USD
Oct 7 2011 at 5:58am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Patrick J: Ok. I just wanted to make sure you were using the order form with the discount.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 6:00am Copy Link
Patrick J. Is it possible to pay with PayPal, instead of a credit card?
Oct 7 2011 at 6:10am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Patrick J: Lantica does not have a PayPal account.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 6:19am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Roberto Porcar: I see you've been answering questions while I slept. Thank you so much! :)
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 6:22am Copy Link
Mitchell Kastner Is Sesame a relational database manager?
I see on one of Sesame's small screenshot a tree-structure in the left screen of a split screen shot. What is the tree-like structure for?

In Brilliant relational database manager, which I purchased from BDJ, you can create folders at different levels in a tree-like structure and add records to those folders. So far as I know, no other rdms can do that. Can Sesame dmp do that?

Can you creat queries simultaneously on more than one table?

Oct 7 2011 at 7:42am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Sesame is not SQL-based but it does have relational capabilities. Records can be linked in the regular way - by keys that you maintain, or you can use our Natural Linking where we manage the relationships for you.

The tree in the screenshot is our Commands Menu. We like command persistence, so a context -sensitive menu of commands is always available on the left side, unless you tell it to go away. In Sesame 2, this defaults to a newer button style menu instead of the tree, but you can still tell it to display as a tree, if you prefer.

We do organize records and subrecords in a tree structure, and you can add/search/work with records at any level. I don't know if this is like what Brilliant does. I've heard of it, but I've never worked with it.

We are not SQL-based, so we don't have JOIN in the way you seem to mean. However, we do have commands that can look up information from other tables which we often use to create reports that include information from more than one database. Also, if you have a form with a subform, you can enter criteria in the subform to return only those parent records with a subform matching those criteria. You can also enter search criteria on the parent at the same time. This makes it really easy for a user to do this kind of search. I recently had to implement the same thing in Access and I had to write a custom filter dialog to allow the user to do it himself. Sesame makes this kind of filtering MUCH easier.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 8:06am Copy Link
Edward Atlus Erika - I've looked but can't determine if Sesame can be used to program online forms that get fed into a Sesame database. Can you tell me if it does, and if so, point me to some examples?

Would this require the server version of Sesame?

Oct 7 2011 at 9:42am Copy Link
Erika Frankel The short answer is yes. There are a number of different ways to do it depending on your requirements and what your web server allows. The direct access methods require the server version, but you can manually import data collected from web forms into Sesame Personal.

The most direct method is to use the free API. The API comes with examples of doing this in several programming/scripting languages. More information on the API ins available here:

For simple tasks, you can use Sesame's built=in web server. See pages 451-472 of the Sesame User Guide for a mini-tutorial on how this works.

A common method that works with the Personal or Plus version is to use mySQL or suchlike as the online engine (since it's often already there on shared hosting) and write a bridge. If you need to upload data, export from Sesame and upload/process the data into the online database. If you need to download data, write a script to dump the online data to CSV and import/process the resulting file into Sesame.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 10:14am Copy Link
Mitchell Kastner Erika,

I do academic research and I need to store the records I create in an outline: a tree-like structure that is VISIBLE to me. (The tree and its level represent issues and subissues that I create based on the books and articles that I am researching.) Can I create a visible outline-tree into which I can store records in Sesame? Can I create many-to-many relationships between tables since the authors in the Authors Table write many articles in the Articles table and since an article almost always has more than one author?

Cleary it would be most advantageous to be able to create and Issues Table whose records are represented by the outline/tree I have been referring to. Can I create a query to find a particular Issue written by a particular Author in a particular journal?

Mitch Kastner
Oct 7 2011 at 12:05pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel You will be able to see the structure of your "tables" in a tree format, but if you want to display your actual data in a hierarchy, you'll need to design a report to do so, probably involving some programming to display things as you want them. Especially in combination with a many-to-many relationship, which would require more than one hierarchy, depending on which side of the relationship was driving at any given time.

In general, database designers try to avoid creating many-to-many relationships, since they are problematic in the long term. When we find we have one, we usually create a junction table. So, we would make a table for Authors and a table for Articles and then use a third junction table to match them up as needed.

If I were doing this in Sesame, I'd use Keyword fields. These allow you to put a small, searchable "database" into the record itself. For example, each of your Article records might include a keyword field containing a list of Authors. Each of your Author records might have a keyword field containing a list of Articles. I'm not sure what an Issue is or how the Journal fits into your structure, so I'm not sure how I'd structure that.

I'm not sure we're the best tool for this particular job. You might want to look at something more geared towards outline displays.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 12:25pm Copy Link
_*_ Hello, I purchased but I would like to know if there is a direct download link so as not to have to give information I have already given, and is there an activation code or something that is sent along with the order?
Thank you
Oct 7 2011 at 1:01pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel @M B:
All you need is the Customer Number near the top of your order confirmation.

Your copy of Sesame Database Manager can be downloaded from the link below. Please follow the instructions for New Users.

After logging into your Download account, you will see a list of your download options. The Full Install option for your operating system is recommended.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 1:08pm Copy Link
_*_ Thank you very much
Oct 7 2011 at 1:32pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel You're welcome, M B. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 7 2011 at 1:34pm Copy Link
Roberto hey guys... im doing an invoice database for a vehicle repair shop starting from one template sample, and its really easy to get some custom app for clients with sesame.

just wanted to share.
Oct 7 2011 at 4:33pm Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Question for Developer: Baffled by Order Outcome!

I placed an order for Sesame. It resulted in an 'Order Confirmation' for my Order Number: 1318051089...but nothing else. No real receipt. No serial number. No download link. No email confirmation. DID MY ORDER REALLY PROCESS CORRECTLY?

I have bought many software over the internet and through Bits. This order for Sesame produced the strangest outcome ever.

If my order failed to process correctly, I hope Lantica gives me the opportunity to order again.
Oct 7 2011 at 10:40pm Copy Link
Michael K @ Preston....

Preston, you have a Bits Du Jour "Superstar" rating and so I was really surprised to see your undeservedly harsh post here as well as your comments and rating on CNET. I suggest you consider withdrawing them for the following reasons:

1) I also bought this yesterday and was able to download the software immediately, so it is clearly not the sham, scam or whatever you claim. It merely means that something in your case may have gone wrong that can and will be fixed - I have no doubt of that.

2) Your comments on CNET were written yesterday, the day of the promotion itself so you could not possibly have taken proper steps to resolve the matter and allowed sufficient time for the problem to be done.

3) You describe yourself as a developer and therefore must know that from time to time "glitches' occur and for the most part they are resolved by both parties acting in a rational and positive manner.
How would you like it if one of your customers immediately rushed to trash your work and good name, merely because they experienced a glitch that given a little time you would have resolved?

4) Being a bits Du Jour "Superstar" you must know that Roger and Nico would never leave you in a position of paying for a purchase made here, without getting the software you bought.

I suggest you take a deep breath and reflect if your harsh posts comments were appropriate, which in my humble opinion, they were not.

Make these folks aware of the problem and give them sufficient time to resolve it. In short, treat them as you would wish to be treated yourself by one of your own customers and all will be well - I am certain of it.

I also take this opportunity of thanking Erika from the developers for participating so fully and responsively in yesterday's conversation. And my thanks also to Bits Du Jour for continually bringing us top software I would never have otherwise found and this includes Sesame Database Manager, which as I already mentioned, I bought yesterday without any difficulty.


Oct 8 2011 at 1:20am Copy Link
Alessandro Onorati I just downloaded my copy of Sesame without any problem. Customer number is 2 lines below order number in the received email, I can't really understand the complaints.
Oct 8 2011 at 6:06am Copy Link
Michael K @Preston

I just read back to see there may have been a glitch with your order number but that notwithstanding, I maintain your reviews were unwarranted and the Developer need to be treated with courtesy and given time to resolve any outstanding issue.

You can be sure no one is running away with your $9.99 and that you will get your software bargain!

Oct 8 2011 at 6:09am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Hi folks,

This is Erika. I'm triyng to answer as myself, but I'm getting a server error trying to log in. I'll try again later.
Oct 8 2011 at 9:19am Copy Link
Erika Frankel No, Preston, your Order Number is not your Customer Number. Your Customer Number is your Customer Number. It's a couple of lines below your order number in the confirmation you received.

I'm stunned that you felt the need to trash our very hard-earned CNET rating without giving us an opportunity to get you what you needed, which we are more than willing to do. Heck, we didn't even charge your credit card before giving you download access, so you're the one who has the opportunity to burn us, not the other way around. I'll be in the office on Monday. If you still need your Customer Number, please let me know and I'll send it to you again.

To everyone else, thank you very much for your supportive responses. We work as hard on our customer service and support as we do on the software itself and we're glad that you folks noticed. Thank you also for the comment on the CNET review.

In general, this was a great and fun promotion. We're looking forward to hearing about what you do with Sesame. We're available if you need us!
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 8 2011 at 9:19am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Folks, as always with BDJ purchases, if there's a problem with payments or license deliveries feel free to shoot us an email. We'll respond within hours and work directly with the vendor to resolve the problem.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 8 2011 at 9:30am Copy Link
Michael K @ Preston

Not only did I comment on CNET about the inaccuracy of your review, I also complained to the administrators about your unjustified post.

No one's fault but your own if you don't read the instructions properly and distinguish between an order number and a customer number.

I hope Preston that you have the good grace to apologise to Erika as publicly as you abused her company and also get your post on CNET withdrawn so that we can all move on without leaving a nasty taste.

Oct 8 2011 at 9:40am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson And FYI all,

BitsDuJour is a small company without a 24-hour support department. Just like many of our vendors. If there's a problem in that latter hours and we don't answer immediately, please assume that we're getting some well-deserved sleep. We'll get to you ASAP in the morning.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 8 2011 at 9:41am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Erika

Round of applause!

Re-reading through the gamut of comments from the promotion yesterday, I just want to take a moment to thank you for being incredibly present, articulate, and patient.

Exactly the type of vendor we like to have in the Bits community!

BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 8 2011 at 9:55am Copy Link
Roberto Thanks to Erika for her support, I recomend this software to everybody.

I will give you my rating in cnet too.

Thanks for your kind attention in this offer.
Oct 8 2011 at 12:00pm Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Reply to Developer Erika -- Re: ORDER ISSUE Remains Unresolved

Lantica's Order Confirmation document does NOT provide a Customer Number. That is why I asked if the Order number was also the customer number.

After completion of payment, the only thing provided by Lantica was the 3-page Order Confirmation, which does not contain a customer number, a download link, or a license number. May I forward a copy of the Order Confirmation? Additionally, Lantica did not follow up with a confirmation email. Therefore, I was not given the required info to sign up as a 'New User' at the Lantica web site...and thereby access the Sesame software pursuant to your unique method of software delivery.

As it stands now, the situation remains unresolved. Your reply was merely a rebuttal, not a solution. Therefore, my critical commentary remains justified.
Oct 9 2011 at 10:32am Copy Link
Michael K @Preston.....

Preston, your attitude continues to astonish me. Either you can't read, or I don't know what a solution is.

You accuse Erika of providing you with a rebuttal not a solution and then you go on to say in a high hand fashion, that therefore your critical commentary remains justified.

I invite you to reread Erika's last response to you and in case you miss the point once again, I will reprint the relevant section that offers the solution which you have chosen to ignore in your post above.

Erika wrote to you as follows .......

"I'll be in the office on Monday. If you still need your Customer Number, please let me know and I'll send it to you again. "

Preston, you've been given a perfectly good solution but clearly are still not able to act with grace and revise your belligerent and obstinate tone,

One thing is for sure, I will certainly be reading any of your future conversation comments in a different light. This is not the kind of conduct I would expect from a .Bits Du Jour "Superstar".

Oct 9 2011 at 11:24am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Preston: From what I can tell from your posts, you received the thank you note I sent by hand, but not the automatic order information sent by the online system. I suspect it may be in your spam folder. In any case, I'll send another copy of your download information by hand when I get into the office tomorrow.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 9 2011 at 12:00pm Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Erika -- Thank You for your Reply...but no...

I did not receive your 'thank you' note. And I did check my spam folder for any email replies from Lantica. Nonetheless, I believe you, and I appreciate the courtesy of a personal reply, even if not received.

I just now sent you an email with a PDF attachment of the Order Confirmation directed to the addresses provided at the Lantica site for 'contact us'. Perhaps you can point out where it provides any of the required info for acquiring a licensed copy of Sesame.

I look forward to a satisfactory resolution, thereby allowing me to use & critique the virtues of Sesame rather than just criticizing the inadequacies of Lantica's order process.

Best regards,
Preston 'The Pitbull' Mitchell
Oct 9 2011 at 12:48pm Copy Link
Michael K Preston - There was nothing specious about my commentary.

You made a lot of unnecessary and unpleasant fuss over an easily sorted glitch with your order. No one was going to run off with your $9.99 and to be so unpleasant about it is inexcusable.

I now realize that trying to reason with someone who calls themselves Preston 'The Pitbull' Mitchell, as if that is something to be proud of, is a thankless task.

If I were Lantica or Bits Du Jour I'd have given you the $9.99 back and told you to take your business elsewhere for fear that you'd be a support nightmare and for being generally so heavy handed in your criticism. Lucky for you they they both seem to be more tolerant of your rough handling than I would be.

Enjoy your software, Preston 'The Pitbull' Mitchell

Oct 9 2011 at 2:07pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel Preston: I'd appreciate you sending the pdf to me directly at Thanks.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 9 2011 at 4:58pm Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Erika: TY for your email address...and I will send the pdf of the Order Confirm directly there.
Oct 9 2011 at 9:43pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel I've been in touch with Preston and he should now be able to download the software.

FYI: It appears that the server errors that BDJ experienced during our promotion may have caused the tracking Javascript to intermittently interfere with our ordering process. If anyone else had trouble ordering or downloading, please let us know. We will honor the promotion price and we will make sure you get your software.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 10 2011 at 6:37am Copy Link
Erika Frankel By the way, Preston, I just checked the actual orders that we received and whatever was going on with the server(s) prevented us from receiving your order in any of the three places it should appear. We don't even have your credit card number, so you don't have to worry about it being charged. We're not going to worry about $9.99, so enjoy the free software.

Again, if anyone placed an order and did not receive a Customer Number to download the software, please let us know so we can give you one.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 10 2011 at 8:25am Copy Link
Erika Frankel We've been looking though the BitsDuJour orders and we just wanted to thank BitsDuJour and all of you for a great promotion. I enjoyed your questions and comments.

It was also a lot of fun to discover that we received orders from 19 countries in 24 hours! USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, UK, New Zealand, Spain, Hungary, Sweden, Mexico, Singapore, Israel, Turkey, Australia, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, France, and Belgium.

We hope that you enjoy Sesame as much as we enjoyed making it available to you.

Best regards,

Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 10 2011 at 9:12am Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Public APOLOGY to Lantica & Erika

The extraordinary issues associated with my Sesame order were real. But Lantica did not deserve the blame I placed on their doorstep.

Apparently, some orders were unintentionally sabotaged by server errors on the BDJ side of it all. Thus, I was lead to believe that Lantica was at fault. And thus my poison pen stabbed the wrong entity.

Today, Erika went to extraordinary pains to discover what went wrong and to set everything right. If Lantica’s Sesame software is even half as exceptional as Lantica’s customer service, then Sesame should be outstanding software. I can’t wait to install and try Sesame after work tonight.

In light of new facts, I offer my deepest apologies for my criticism of Lantica’s business operations. And I profusely thank Erica and Lantica for their exceptional assistance and incredible patience.

Preston Mitchell
Oct 10 2011 at 1:03pm Copy Link
Michael K Preston....

I hope you say as much on CNET to restore Lantica's good name and rating.

Oct 10 2011 at 1:41pm Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Michael K: He's told me that he intends to do so. Unfortunately, CNET makes that a bit difficult and he may not be able to undo his actions to the extent that he'd like.

Hopefully, we'll get some more positive reviews to rebalance the blindly-calculated CNET star math. Speaking of which, thank you Roberto Porcar! You're a gentleman and a scholar. :)
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 10 2011 at 1:58pm Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Erika...

I regret to confirm you are right about CNET--easy to post a review but nearly impossible to pull it. I did find a CNET contact address for reporting abusive reviews...and ha, ha, I reported myself. Anyway, I amended my existing review and pray it helps a little.

Again, thank you for your excellent customer support.
Oct 10 2011 at 4:19pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Bitsters! If any of you have positive experiences with Sesame (and I'm sure you will), I'd both request and recommend taking a moment to share them on CNET.

Let's get Lantica and Erika back to the star rating they deserve :-)

BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 10 2011 at 5:56pm Copy Link
_*_ I find it regrettable that one individual which displayed little to no restraint in working through an issue receives a free copy of the program, and then requires time and effort on other people's part to try to rectify, impatient, child-like behavior.
It now requires multiple people to try to clean up one person's mess.
Oct 11 2011 at 4:27am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Folks, I'd consider it a personal favor if we could stop telling Preston about himself. He and I talked; he apologized; he understands why it's a problem to be so quick on the draw; and he's going to pay for the software. I appreciate the support and your concern for your reputation as BDJ members, but continuing to beat the dead horse just isn't productive. Go! Get more great software deals! :)
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 11 2011 at 5:44am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson We're going to give Erika the last word here. Any future Preston-related comments will be magically transformed into wispy internet vapor.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 11 2011 at 10:00am Copy Link
Roberto topic change.

im looking website. they have a montly magazine.

Erika, do you recommend that issues? i asked them to take a look to one before.. i wish to buy all, but looks like a 400$ cost (im ok if they have quality).
Oct 11 2011 at 10:31am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Yes, they do a good job. A number of the people who write for it are part of Lantica and/or Sesame Power Users. You can probably get a sample issue to look at, if you wish. I think an annual subscription is $109.

If cost is an issue, you may not want to get the full back issue library. That would also get you everything for version 1, and a lot of stuff changed with version 2. Seeing the version 1 stuff would give an overview of the product development and much of it is still relevant, so it's up to you.

If you want to see the really early stuff, these same folks used to write The Quick Answer, which was dedicated to Q&A. They started including Sesame articles in March 2001. The entire back issue library is available for free at the link below.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 11 2011 at 10:43am Copy Link
Michael Crosson I was just charged $189 by Lantica instead of $9.99 on my debit card. I am contacting the sales department and will report back here how this serious issue was resolved. Did anyone else get charged the wrong amount?
Oct 12 2011 at 1:45am Copy Link
Erika Frankel I'll call them too. The charge will absolutely be corrected.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 12 2011 at 4:41am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @Michael Crosson: I just got off the phone with Sales. We have not charged your card anything at all yet. We're still processing the pile of BDJ orders. That $189 is not us. Sales will still be calling you though to make sure everything is straightened out.
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 12 2011 at 6:21am Copy Link
Erika Frankel OK, so it turns out that we did accidentally charge Michael's card and didn't realize it because Sales was working down a big list and got two lines mixed up. We spoke to Michael, credited the bad charge and all is well. Thanks for your patience, Michael!
Lantica Software, LLC - Oct 12 2011 at 10:23am Copy Link
Roberto great deal with the insidesesame magazine. you can suscribe and get all the past magazines with a big discount now: https://www.insidesesame....e_form.asp
only 4 days remain.
Dec 27 2011 at 2:02am Copy Link
B User Hello- does Sesame has a path to SQL migration? Did not find information in the website- thanks
Jul 5 2016 at 9:08am Copy Link
Erika Frankel @B User: You can export from Sesame to ASCII, which can be imported by most SQL engines. If you wish, you can also use the File I/O routines in SBasic to munge your data into an ASCII file that better maps to your SQL structure.
Lantica Software, LLC - Jul 5 2016 at 9:14am Copy Link
Felix User Where and How to download TRIAL ???
Link goes to users-downloads!
Nov 19 2017 at 1:09am Copy Link
Erika Frankel Hi Felix! Yes, we have moved things around a bit in the six years since we ran this promotion. Instead of a Trial version, we now offer the Personal version at no charge with a call-in coupon code. Instructions for getting your call-in code are here:
Lantica Software, LLC - Nov 20 2017 at 8:03am Copy Link

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