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Tabbles 5Discount

Tabbles 5

The Ultimate Desktop Tagging System.. Now With Comments on files, Auto-tagging for file content, Sharing, Chrome and Outlook integration!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Vista and above (32 and 64 bit)
Tabbles 5 ScreenshotFile Management Software ScreenshotTabbles 5, File Management Software ScreenshotTabbles 5, Software Utilities ScreenshotFile Management Software, Tabbles 5 ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, Tabbles 5 Screenshot

Let’s talk about document management and getting-things-done for a moment. Right now, you probably think that your system of organization works pretty well — you’ve got folders on your hard drive that are dedicated to certain clients, types of documents, dates, and whatnot.

But how cool would it be, to be able to tag files and search through tags instead? Or how awesome would it be, to be able to write comments on a file or a folder, to keep track of what was done there, when and by whom? And what if a document can rightfully belong to MORE THAN ONE category, where do you put it? Do you make two copies? What if one gets updated and the other doesn't?

Tabbles is a revolutionary new document management system that will help you to categorize and organize your files more efficiently than ever! With Tabbles, you can tag files from your right-click menu in Windows and you can share it with your colleagues too! You can also create as many tags as you need, then assign each of your documents to one or more tags! Did you hear that? You can put the same file into several tags, without the need for problematic file duplication! This is the primary benefit to Tabbles's non-hierarchical and cross-linked structure.

Beyond the ability to place the same file into several tags, Tabbles also excels at describing the contents of your files, folders, and bookmarks. No longer will you have to remember the exact name of a file to find it - just describe the file to Tabbles in an easy and natural way, and Tabbles will find it for you!


But I hear you saying "Tagging is cool, but tagging files takes time! Who is going to tag all this stuff?"... Tabbles will! You can use Tabbles's auto-tagging rules to automatically tag any file docx, xlsx, pdf file that contains the word "Contract" (yes, Tabbles search in the CONTENT of files too!) or any file created in the folder C:\Contracts that is named "_delivered_". You can use Tabbles as an effective data-mining tool to find important and lost documents on your local and shared-drives: you can right click on a folder or a drive and click on "Apply auto-tagging rules", to have Tabbles's auto-tagging rules unleashed on the whole drive!

Outlook, Chrome, Dropbox/Onedrive...

But Tabbles is not only about files: it comes with an Outlook plugin (pre-installed) and a Chrome Extension that will make tagging emails and bookmarks easier than ever - and you can find them inside your tags, along with your files like in virtual file system!

All of this works for files that are saved on your hard disk, your network drives or any file synchronization service like Dropbox or OneDrive: as long you have your files synchronized on a local folder, you can tell Tabbles "this folder on this PC is part of this Dropbox sharing" and Tabbles will know that those folders on those PCs contain the same files, so if you tag a file once, you can see the tagging in all of them (folder synchronization requires Tabbles Pro or Corporate license, see manual here.)

Share tagging and comments with your colleagues

How messy are your shared-drives at work? How often did you ask your colleagues "where is that file?" and no one knows... so that you have to send that file per email, only to find out it's not the last version? With Tabbles you share the tagging and the comments you write on files that are stored on a shared drive or a Dropbox/OneDrive folder. Your colleagues will be able to browse your shared tagging (and vice-versa) and to reply to the comments you added on each file. All of this, is managed by a powerful user and group system, with granular permission control, and well integrated in ActiveDirectory. Tabbles can in fact be an alternative to Sharepoint, to get your documents organized and communicate about them (this requires Tabbles Basic or Corporate).

Tabbles in a nutshell

  • Tag files with multiple tags and find files based on what they're related to independent to their position on disk (can be shared with colleagues).
  • Add comments to files, in a chat-like fashion (can be shared with colleagues).
  • Auto-tag files based on their content, name or position on disk.
  • Tag emails in Outlook.
  • Tag Bookmarks in Chrome (and other browsers, using the bookmarklet).

Please note folks, a license for Tabbles 5 includes all upgrades and support. If the license expires, the software goes back to "Free" mode: it's still working and all the tagging is still there.

After you purchase Tabbles 5, it may be used for 12 months.

This promotion includes the following:
Tabbles Basic - 1 year subscription ($20.27)
Tabbles Pro - 1 year subscription ($40.54)
Tabbles Corporate (10 licenses Bundle) - 1 year subscription ($810.79)

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Dunking "next renew would be for the regular price"

Ah. so this offer is simply a cheap way to get locked in, and then you turn the financial screws. In that light, this is not actually a good deal at all since one is paying(!) to be later blackmailed. You'd make far more in the end if you gave away the first year for free (a business model that works very well for drug dealers).

Yep, you guessed - I am also one that refuses to consider a subscription, and particularly one that doesn't continue at the offer price.
Nov 15 2018 at 2:31am Copy Link
Peter Gabriel I have to agree with Dunking. This creeping subscription system is unfair. At least let us keep a fully functional old version if we decide not to continue with a subscription.
Nov 15 2018 at 4:28am Copy Link
Read MoreSara User The first problem with subscriptions is that with every subscription you subscribe to, you give an incentive to all (!) developers to switch to the subscription model.

And that will bring the second problem: Once the majority of developers will have switched, you will be paying something between 150 and 300 dollars/euros PER MONTH for your software subscriptions if you use many, and expensive programs.

And that will not even cover any of your programs, so that - third problem - you will encounter situations where you will have stopped some subscription since you didn't use that program often enough.

I've got almost 250 programs (among them around 50 freebies, all (!) the other ones are paid ones, my most expensive one being around 800 dollars) on my main computer (which is not mobile, so here you see another, the fourth problem: albeit your paying the subscription, the program is not available since you are not in your office), and if I had to pay annually for most of those 200, between 20 and 200 dollars a year, this would be more than 300 dollars PER MONTH.

That's why users should not pay for ANY software subscriptions: We'd all end up in absolute misery, with bad, bad programs! (Whenever developers will see they get away with the subscription model, for good programs,only bad software will stay with the traditional purchase-update model.)

(Not even speaking of the nightmare of managing 200 concurrent software subscriptions; supposedly, the payment processors of today will overtake that business model, and you will only get 4 or 5 annual software subscription invoices then, for around 1,000 dollars each. Cheers!)
Nov 15 2018 at 10:08am Copy Link
Read MoreDunking Same situation as Sara here: 250 or so installed apps (many more no longer used) of which the vast majority have been paid for. A goiod example of my issue is Vistutin, which I needed for a specific job. That's $499 and I used it for less than a week before the requirement lapsed. I could have used it the other week but the subscription (at $100/yr - that upfront cost is five years) had lapsed so I basically got one week's use out of it for $499. Needless to say, I will use any other solution to a problem that app addresses rather than give that developer more cash.

The other point raised by Sara, that $5 might not seem much but many of them add up, is significant. My work goes through lean periods, and it's because I've already paid off everything in full that I can enjoy using my tools still when I can barely put food on the table.

That's not to mention that, with a subscription, you are at the whims of a developers avarice. Maybe he wants a new SUV - no problem, double the subscription cost and 75% of the suckers will /have/ to cough at risk of losing years of work.

The way this business /should/ work is that you provide a tool and we pay you the costs of providing it plus stuff to live on. Just like when you buy a microwave or chair. Want more money? Make the tool better enough that I want to upgrade, or make another tool. There is no god-given right that says you come up with a single idea in your life and then can milk it forever. Maybe that happens, but it would have to be a stunning idea and I bet that whoever manages it either produces a steady stream of must-have new features (hello Slickedit) or they blackmail users with some kind of lock-in.
Read 1 More Post By Dunking
Nov 15 2018 at 11:30am Copy Link

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