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Virus Scan for UAC-GRABBER

Take Control Over Windows UAC Permissions

UAC-GRABBER 2020 lets you control whether the User Account Control dialog box asks for permission when you run specific applications.

Our virus scan reports this download is 100% Clean Free Download

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UAC-GRABBER Virus Scan Report
UAC-GRABBER Virus Scan Report

What are people saying about UAC-GRABBER

joan collins Braucht kein Mensch - einfach UAC abschalten. Wozu dieses Tool, welches auch wieder nur (unnötig) im Hintergrund läuft?
Oct 5 2013 at 12:20am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hallo Joan Collins
Es ist richtig, dass die UAC Benutzerkontensteuerung einfach deaktiviert werden kann.
Allerdings handelt es sich beim UAC um eine Sicherheitsinfrastruktur des Windows Betriebssystems. Eine komplette Deaktivierung führt zu einem reduzierten Schutz des Rechners. Wenn jedoch das Starten von Programmen bewusst mit der Software abylon UAC-GRABBER erfolgt, hat man weiterhin die Sicherheit durch UAC und den Komfort des direkten Startens von Programmen ohne Rückfrage.

English Translation:
Why you should not completely disable UAC User Account Control?

UAC is a security infrastructure of the Windows operating system. A complete deactivation leads to a reduced protection of the computer. If starting programs aware with the abylon UAC GRABBER, you still have the security of UAC and the comfort of direct starting of programs without consultation.
abylonsoft - Oct 5 2013 at 1:32am Copy Link
RAHUL KINGDON May be i am looking for it for about few days! and i found a shortcut creation way for doing the same!
Oct 5 2013 at 9:14am Copy Link
joan collins @abylonsoft: Reduzierter Schutz - ja, ok. Ich benutze seit Vista-Veröffentlichung keine UAC und hatte noch nie Probleme. Finde diese auch total sinnlos, wenn man bei Programmen, welche man laufend verwendet, beim Start dauernd gefragt wird. Bei "unbekannten" vertraue ich meinem Virenschutz. Meiner Meinung nach hat hier MS (wie bei einigen anderen Dingen) übertrieben - aber das muss jeder selbst entscheiden. Welche Sicherheit sollte mir UAC sonst noch bieten? Ausser mir hat niemand Zugang zum PC...
Oct 6 2013 at 12:35am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @RAHUL KINGDON:
Good luck with your way. We are always happy also about tips and suggestions.

@joan collins:
Gerade im privaten Bereich kann natürlich jeder selber entscheiden, wie viel Sicherheit er benötigt. Es ist leider so, dass eine Erhöhung der Sicherheit den Komfort reduziert. Es muss auch gesagt werden, dass Virenscanner nicht fehlerfrei sind. Das UAC ist dabei ein zusätzlicher Schutz, welcher kritische Aktionen durch Schadsoftware (Viren etc.) unterbinden soll. Dabei ist es unerheblich, ob die Schadsoftware schon bekannt oder noch unbekannt ist. Die Software abylon UAC-GRABBER gibt dem Anwender ein wenig Verantwortung zurück.
Anzumerken ist, dass es wohl nie einen 100%igen Schutz geben wird. Gerade auch der menschliche Faktor ist in vielen Fällen nicht zu vernachlässigen.

English Translation:
Joan Collin thinks that MS at UAC is exaggerated and he trusted in his virus scanner.

Especially in the private sector, may of course everyone decide for themselves how much security he needs. It is unfortunately the case that an increase of security reduces comfort. It must also be said that virus scanners are not error free. The UAC is an additional protection that critical actions (viruses, etc.) should be avoided by malicious software. It is irrelevant whether the malware is already known or still unknown. The software abylon UAC GRABBER gives the user back a little responsibility.
It should be noted that there will never be a 100% protection. Especially the human factor is not to be neglected in many cases.
abylonsoft - Oct 6 2013 at 2:07am Copy Link
Heidi-Ann Kennedy-Fourkiller @Thomas Klabunde
Nice program.

One can never have enough protection, and agree that totally disabling the UAC is just asking for issues. Doesn't matter if you have the best of AV's, one still can get hit by "zero day" infections.

Keeping my UAC up even though using ESET SS6, MBAM Pro, WinPatrol Pro, Zemana Anti Key logger.

Though there are times I find the UAC an issue, e.g. programs that cause the Aero to change back to basic scheme when the UAC dialogue appears.

This is the perfect solution to trusted programs that can cause this issue.
So thank you,
Heidi-Ann Kennedy
Scientific Frontline
Oct 6 2013 at 8:55am Copy Link
bugme That looks like an old Symantec's Norton box.
Oct 6 2013 at 10:44am Copy Link
JMJ Squared This is a convenient software for WISELY changing how UAC behaves without disabling the IMPORTANT added security it provides; easier than creating shortcuts and much, much better than disabling UAC (which breaks other features in Windows, like Protected Mode and Enhanced Protection Mode in IE). I'm going to try it.

Thanks BDJ and Dr. Klabunde.
Oct 6 2013 at 2:37pm Copy Link
John Amrein My email says free today. Where is the Link?
Oct 6 2013 at 4:37pm Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @Heidi-Ann Kennedy & JMJ Squared: Thanks for the explanation.

@bugmenot: This is funny. Feel free to post me a link to the boxshot.

@John Amrein: The action takes place on 08 October 2013. In the newsletter, just a notice is given.

@All: Suggestions and comments are always welcome, even in our support forum ( / German) or Facebook-Account ( / German and English).
abylonsoft - Oct 7 2013 at 4:23am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @bugmenot: Thanks for the references.

I had already looked for corresponding Norton packshots, but I found nothing suitable. However, I think, except for the colors yellow background and red writing there are more differences than similarities.

Would appreciate a corresponding discussion with us on Facebook.
abylonsoft - Oct 7 2013 at 8:32am Copy Link
Heidi-Ann Kennedy-Fourkiller @bugmenot
and the relevance of your links are?
So any box that is yellow is an issue with you?

Frankly I find your links pointless and nothing more then trolling.
Oct 7 2013 at 8:32am Copy Link
JMJ Squared @Heidi-Ann Kennedy - I agree re: bugmenot's "issues".

@bugmenot - You must be a trademark/copyright attorney or are just being a *bug-others-yes* :-)

@THOMAS KLABUNDE - I downloaded, installed and tried to run UAC-Grabber 2013, with mixed but very disappointing results.

-- Installation APPEARED to complete successfully, including the System-Account UAC-Grabber Service; but when I ran the program, it appeared to be scanning for "something", froze-ran-froze repeatedly for MORE than 20 minutes
before I stopped it with Task Manager. During that 20-minute period, UAC-G was using between 45 - 60MB memory. All security software had been temporarily disabled before I began installation.

-- What was it scanning for and is that memory usage normal?
-- I initially thought that UAC-Grabber did something different from creating elevated shortcuts. Your attractive interface seems to show that, in fact, that is all that UAC-G does, like Microsoft's own UAC-Trust and so many others. Since your website, HELP and FAQ did not answer my questions, please help me to understand.

-- Rather than installing a new, auto-start system-account service, is it possible to run UAC-G from Windows Startup Folder?

Thank you.
Oct 7 2013 at 1:39pm Copy Link
Adrian Miller Why wouldnt you just use elevatedshortcut from WinAero, which is free?
Oct 8 2013 at 1:20am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi JMJ Squared,
thank you for testing and commenting.

@ freezing
The "freezing" was reported to us already 2-3 times. On our test systems we could not reconstruct this yet.
When "read" the entries in the Start menu are determined the references and icons. This is usually an action of a few moments.
If this fails to freeze, we can imagine this only by a faulty link or icon. Even though we did not adjust this, but we are currently working on these features and will optimize this for the next version.

@ Memory usage
40 to 60 MB is normal because MS needs to be loaded.

@ operation
How exactly is written in the product description, the software abylon UAC GRABBER offers an alternative Start menu (since Win 8) and (which are listed in the Start menu) generally the possibility to start programs in the administrative context, without this having to be confirmed by the UAC dialog . An alternative to the Start menu is introduced as a tray icon. Thereby has the UAC of Windows not be disabled or adjusted with numerous cumbersome steps. The user can always decide individually.

Should not be understood or explained something wrong, so am pleased to inform us. A contact via our contact form, email or Facebook is possible at any time.

Also suggestions for improving our software or documentation are always welcome. Unfortunately, English is not our native language.
abylonsoft - Oct 8 2013 at 1:28am Copy Link
Ferdinand Don't have/want facebook. Can't find where to answer questionnaire to get this deal..?
Oct 8 2013 at 2:34am Copy Link
Louis H @Ferds...

When you click the "Get It For Free" button, there is a small print link at the bottom of the pop up window that opens.

It reads...

"If you don't have Facebook Take our eleven step questionnaire instead"

Do NOT click on the "CONTINUE" button, but click on the small print link near the bottom of the pop-up window. That will take you to the questionnaire.
Oct 8 2013 at 4:40am Copy Link
Ferdinand Sorted - Thanx
Oct 8 2013 at 5:01am Copy Link
adamsdaddy The server for the questionnaire needs to be reset. It was going really slow (10-30 seconds) between screens and then crashed. 5.03 error Cherokee etc etc.

I hope this offer is still good when I get off work tonight.
Oct 8 2013 at 6:17am Copy Link
InsaneXade This got a laugh out of me. it no sooner started when I got an error My UAC is disabled because I always disliked it and know what I am doing. There is still the exe confirm box but that's it.
Oct 8 2013 at 6:30am Copy Link
Louis H It went really slow, as well, for me, but it did not crash. I did get the license.
Oct 8 2013 at 6:31am Copy Link
Todd Goodsite You can do this right inside Windows can't you!
Oct 8 2013 at 10:08am Copy Link
Quill Pen I could just SCREAM! THis is the second time I've been blocked from drilling all the way down through a maze of pop ups...
I start at the UAC-GRABBER 2013 comments page -

Click the "Get if for Free" yellow button link -

POP UP - a yellow CONTINUE for Facebook people (I will NEVER use Facebook) and the bail out option that USUALLY works:
"If you don't have Facebook Take our 11 step questionnaire instead" - the hyperlink points to something called "" - BUT THE NEXT POP UP IS ESSENTIALLY BLANK save for the product title.

WHY does this happen??? YES, I do block some cookies, not - - just cookies that have no right or reason to block my ability to drill down to my objective, cookies that aid the intrusive folks at google, and facebook and twitter.

This is the second time I've encountered this broken link to the free download page. The first time I really didn't care, but in betwixt I've downloaded several Bits' offers and this time I REALLY wanted to since I loathe the bizarre instructions and hoops Microsoft wants to elevate trusted software!

@ Todd Goodsite - congrats for successfully deciphering the idiotically complex UAC process. I haven't in years of trying to elevate HOSTSMAN by abelhadigital or Photoshop so they can smoothly get past the stupid UAC. I was hoping this software might help but I guess I'll never know.
Oct 8 2013 at 11:12am Copy Link
JMJ Squared @DR THOMAS KABLUNDE - Thank you for your answers and your English is MUCH, MUCH better than my German. :-)

-- I do have many third-party shortcuts/icons in the Start Menu on the Windows 7 64-bit test machine I used. CCleaner reports all shortcuts are valid but, perhaps UAC_Grabber "froze" because there are so many.

-- Please excuse me but 40-60MB Private Working memory is too much. That is more than all my security software combined.

@Adele Michaels, et al - It definitely is NOT a good idea to disable UAC. As ADMIN, do this to avoid the annoying prompts AND keep UAC enabled:
1. START --
2. type SECPOL.MSC --
3. expand LOCAL POLICIES --
5. Scroll to: **User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode** --
6. Right-click --
7. Click PROPERTIES --
8. In drop-down list, choose: **Elevate without prompting**
9 Click your way out.

Now, UAC is ENABLED but you WILL NOT SEE all those annoying prompts.

Thanks BDJ and Dr. Kablunde for the generous offer.
Oct 8 2013 at 11:54am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Quill,

Looks like you're clicking in the incorrect link in the popup. The link you want is for "Take our eleven step questionnaire instead" and that does not point to Cleverbridge.

We use a third party questionnaire that appears in an iframe in that popup, so if you're clicking it and seeing a blank page it's probably that you do have something in your browser that's blocking us. I suggest that you turn off your blocks and try it to see if that resolves the issue.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 8 2013 at 1:14pm Copy Link
Quill Pen Hi, Nico, would that it were that simple. Your assumption is incorrect. I HAVE clicked the "Take our eleven step questionnaire" - I'm not a newbie when it comes to trying to exploring/testing everything on a page to see if it's active (sometimes I even go to Source but advances in HTML have left me behind) and I replicate my steps. If I'm interested enough in something, I'll reluctantly break rule and disable a blocker like Ghostery or NoScript. Considering all the software I've gotten from Bits and this is only the second time I've run into a roadblock, (i.e., it doesn't occur with every software offer) I'm guessing that it's due to a third party who isn't involved with every offer. Still, that doesn't explain why even disabling blockers results in the blank.
FWIW, I mentioned seeing the url to cleverbridge only because it was displayed during that step - at my bottom browser bar during several of my repeat tests, so I assumed it might be the link url since nothing's displayed when I hover over the actual "take our eleven step questionnaire" - a common fail with "hover" I suppose is due to the type of script used to trigger the popup.
I give up. Hope the successful new users write glowing reviews about the software. Have a great day.
Oct 8 2013 at 5:53pm Copy Link
adamsdaddy Questionnaire worked normally tonight. Code took 3-5 minutes to arrive. Installed without a hitch. Just to try it I copied and pasted File POP Ultimate into the UAC-Grabber and it ran without a problem or popping up the UAC warning.

Oct 8 2013 at 7:14pm Copy Link
Louis H Quill Pen, for what it is worth, I have sometimes had problems getting the popup window to load for me. When it does I find that if I switch browsers things self correct. I do not know why this happens, and I do not know if it will be of any help to you, but when it has happened to me it has always been with Firefox. Switching over to Chrome for the questionnaire, for some reason, works fine. This time around it worked just fine for me with Firefox, Win 7 Home Premium (64 bit).

As I said, I do not understand the reasons why this sort of thing happens every now and then, but it does.

P.S. the cleverbridge url is the link for getting the version allowing commercial use. Clicking on it brings one to the order page for getting 50% off today. It is the same link that is currently in the words "UAC-GRABBER 2013" on this page up above in the following sentence...

"Looking to upgrade? Check it out folks, today you can also purchase UAC-GRABBER 2013 at a significant 50% discount. The paid version can be used commercially."
Oct 8 2013 at 7:18pm Copy Link
Phred E I've found CPAU an effective though obscure way to manage UAC constraints.
Anyone else?
Oct 8 2013 at 9:47pm Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @ALL: Thank you for the many comments and Facebook Likes. Feel free to contact us for more questions or suggestions (

All with registration problems or without a Facebook account can contact us personally about our contact-form.

@Adele Michaels: I think this is a .net-error. Please contact me with additional "Details" (Expand dialog)

@Todd Goodsite: Your statement is not entirely clear to me. But if I understand it correctly, then I give you right of course that the settings can also be done in Windows. BUT more complicated or less flexible.
abylonsoft - Oct 9 2013 at 1:11am Copy Link
Adrian Miller I cant begin to tell you how bad an idea this software is. UAC is present in windows for a reason that is valid especially for average users. It stops potentially rogue software from automatically making system level changes. UAC forces you to actually read prompts so you are aware of what the software is doing and who made. Still theres plenty of people who never read these prompts, or incidentally just click next through software installers and continue to infect their systems because they cant be bothered reading. If youre one of those people, this software is for you, you'll probably end up regretting it when you hose your system, but its for you.

Who should decide whats a safe application to allow to run with UAC, you, not some 3rd party.

But if you want to be foolish, go ahead, install it

This is exactly the kind of software that Bits Du Jour should never allow in a giveaway.

Apr 25 2015 at 2:02am Copy Link
Heidi-Ann Kennedy-Fourkiller I have to agree with Adrian Miller; what if a trusted program gets compromised and now has permission to run freely.

Frankly this world is too much in a rush to take just a split second to "click" a simple "allow." I'm terminally ill and find every minute of life precious, yet still can find the time. . . personally better a "click" then spending hours cleaning an infected rig.

Good luck to those that install.
Apr 25 2015 at 5:04am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde I give my two previous speakers right. The Microsoft UAC management has its relevance. But I would note that our software abylon UAC GRABBER the user account control NOT disabled. The Microsoft UAC is still active. So when a program is invoked with no knowledge in the background, the UAC query is still displayed.

Our software, however, is more of a safety because nerved users do not need to disable the UAC. Only when he is sure he can run a program on the abylon UAC GRABBER.

A few more notes.

- In our eyes the Microsoft User Account Control has failed exactly where it was supposed to help. According to our experience, most users don't know what the UAC dialog question means. And for this reason they confim every dialog with "OK", without reading it carefully. It does exactly the opposite.
- The Microsoft UAC does not realize when an executable file has changed.
- As food to thinking, we would like to point out the following point. If we, as software developers have done any bypass for the UAC, then can do viruses manufacturer this also, or?
abylonsoft - Apr 25 2015 at 7:33am Copy Link
Heidi-Ann Kennedy-Fourkiller @Thomas Klabunde
Thanks for the respectful response, and some enlightenment to my ignorance on how the program functions.

I also can see how it might help the "nerved users" from making the worst mistake one can make. . . disabling the UAC.

Thank you for making the generous offer to us Bitsers, yet I also respectfully decline.
Apr 25 2015 at 7:52am Copy Link
Jorgen User Doesn't work on Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit :-(
Apr 26 2015 at 1:29am Copy Link
D.B. Needed something like this. Was considering buying. Then downloaded the free version, and couldn't reliably verify its digital signature (it's self-signed).
Digital signatures are a must today, especially for this kind of software.
There's no way I'd let something unsigned (or self-signed) to mess with UAC!
Apr 26 2015 at 1:53am Copy Link
Roderick Nicolson I've used UAC-Grabber for some time, from a previous offer.I was having a terrible time with win 7's UAC. Sadly, like everything else in windows it does go wrong. UAC-Grabber gave me a way around the nightmare the UAC was causing. Have used it ever since.
Apr 26 2015 at 3:29am Copy Link
Adrian Miller Full respect to Thomas Klabunde for leaving the opening comment of mine and the following one from Heidi-Ann Kennedy up.

Theres a lot of vendors on BDJ that wouldnt.

I spend a lot of time fixing PC's and cleaning viruses and the outcomes of people not reading UAC prompts and information in installers before clicking next, and always train them to read, PC ownership requires a bit of work on your behalf, point and click to me isnt the way.

I do respect peoples rights to choose whether to install this or not.

And cheers again to Thomas for the transparency shown by leaving the first 2 comments up!
Apr 26 2015 at 3:44am Copy Link
b parcons There is no reason to fear or squelch honest, informed and respectful debate on any topic. Better understanding only makes us stronger.
Apr 26 2015 at 5:51am Copy Link
njw This only lets me create a shortcut for progams that are listed in the windows "all programs" folder. There is no way I can navigate to programs that aren't in this folder (unless I'm missing something?)
As I use an alternative menu to the default windows menu, most of my programs aren't in the "all programs" folder. Why not just let us navigate to and choose any program on the PC - or at least allow access to shortcuts already on the desktop.

I also tried to directly execute a program I already had a shortcut for, but the shortcut has parameters and UAC grabber got confused with the parameters.

So in the end it can't create shortcuts for any of the programs I want it to.
Apr 26 2015 at 7:00am Copy Link
Peter User Disable UAC is indeed a bad idee. But I use this prog to let my VPN start-up with Windows (needs admin). Without UAC-grabber I have to wait untill PC runs or I get no connection. The sooner VPN is on the safer, as many progs check on the net the latest status. Had problems before with Man-in-the-middle-attacks. So saving on clicking and SAFER.
Apr 26 2015 at 7:45am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde We always look forward to discussions, especially when they are conducted objectively and respectful. Of course we also know that there are different opinions and not everyone wants to be convinced. For this reason, it is not our intention to want someone to teach. All these are our personal opinions and views.

For example, we see the thing with the Microsoft User Account Control as a failure. Those who sit at the computer with intellect rather fall purely on rare traps and fraudsters. The others who say my virus scanner and the operating system to protect myself, who are easy victims.

Even the signature of software, we have a personal opinion. Anyone who wants to can officially sign his software. Ultimately, it is a good deal for Microsoft and the CAs without it brings a security.

We have already considered whether our software checks the immutability of programs. However, we view this as not so simple. For example, there are almost daily updates for browsers that annoy the Anwernder already. What if we now to point with our software to the fact that this program has changed. I think the user would be even more annoyed.

@njw: There are some shortcuts that we can not resolve with the standard Windows functions. We have found, for example at Adobe, which have very individual transport parameters. In such cases, we will call the shotcut directly. Create itself often does not work. Better copy an existing shotcut. With a specific problem you can contact us directly via contact form or email.

Otherwise, we would like to thank you very much for the great and positive and critical comments and field reports. You are welcome to post more opinions and experiences here at BitsDuJour, on our website or Facebook account.
abylonsoft - Apr 26 2015 at 8:39am Copy Link
CJCotter When I click the desktop shortcut, your program goes through some kind of process, then disappears from the clock tray. To show the icon in the clock tray is enabled in Notification Area Icons. Please advise. Thank you.
Apr 26 2015 at 11:21am Copy Link
D.B. Thomas,

Looks like the design choices you defend severely limit your potential audience.
From my professional experience as admin, power users annoyed by UAC represent only a small fraction of Windows user base.
Most PC owners don't know about you / BitsDuJour, and don't even imagine their annoyances can be alleviated at all.
They will never find UAC-Grabber because they never, or quite rarely look out for new software per se.

Yet many of them have someone else to care about their PCs.
And for us admins it's all different:

1. We DO check code certification paths. So if someone injects malware in your UAC-Grabber and signs it by their own certificate, we will not trust it.
Also, all decent CAs check identities of their customers before creating a certificate for them. So it's much more hassle for bad guys then to create a certificate themselves.
And all their efforts to look legitimate can be thwarted by a single complain. Then the CA revokes certificates in question, sends out an update, and in a few hours that malware is stopped in its tracks. Everywhere. Automatically.
(that's not to say the PKI is flawless: it's just better than nothing)

2. Most of our customers don't trigger any UAC prompts at all (except accidentally or upon a malware attack). Just because they never install anything nor change system settings. We do that for them.
And we're rarely annoyed by UAC prompts. Real admins do read what they say, and appreciate the warning (in most cases).

Usually it's only a problem when UAC is triggered by some quick-job command-line utilities.
There are no shortcuts for them in "All Programs", and there will never be. Yet they don't require "very individual transport parameters".
So if I cannot specify a program by path to its executable, UAC-Grabber is virtually useless for me AND for my customers.

I (and in turn they) mostly need stuff like UAC-Grabber for running something when Windows starts, and for custom batch files.
I.e. for Sysinternals', NirCMD, PowerShell, etc. Not for Adobe (why?), and certainly NOT for a web browser (God forbid!).

3. Not all programs are updated often. It's usually once or twice a month for everything Microsoft, and even more rarely for, say, Firefox on ESR update channel.
"Almost daily updates" would be a nightmare in corporate environments, so it doesn't really happen that often.

Sure enough, checking for code signatures / checksums should be made optional.
And there should be an option for scheduled checksum recalculating, so it could become part of update routines.

Now why you should care about us: corporate sales (and service contracts) are usually the ones that are most profitable to software companies.
Also, there are MILLIONS of home users that happen to have an IT guy in the family or as a close friend.
Convince that guy, and you'll have SEVERAL licenses purchased at once.
Apr 26 2015 at 5:26pm Copy Link
Daniel Gaudet I wanted to confirm that with the commercial license, I can install the software on 2 systems (laptop and desktop) for each license, correct? So for the 3 license version, I can install on a total of 6 systems.

Thanks in advance!
Apr 26 2015 at 5:50pm Copy Link
M M questionnaire option does not work, and I don't use Facebook. Too bad. Any other solution?
Apr 26 2015 at 11:59pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @M M, I am sorry but the promotion has ended approximately 2.5 hours ago. If the questionnaire flow doesn't work for you, this may be because of a third party program which may block some of its functionality like an anti-malware, ad-blocker, pop-up blocker software you have installed.

For a Facebook giveaway there are only two purchase flows you can use: the first is the normal Facebook flow in which you like both pages and the second is the questionnaire flow. Unfortunately there are no other purchase flows to allow participating in a Facebook promotion.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 27 2015 at 2:24am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @M M, I've also just sent you an email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 27 2015 at 2:29am Copy Link
Paul User Get it it's great !
Dec 9 2015 at 2:01pm Copy Link
mirek fertek dzieki
Dec 10 2015 at 4:34am Copy Link
Ayme Great, i want it
Dec 11 2015 at 2:02pm Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen Are you offering a permanent non comercial free license or a 30 day trial period? Please clarify.
Dec 12 2015 at 2:51am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Gunderic,
after registration, the non-commercial license can be used without any time limit. The setup obtained here (BDJ-side) can be installed by the end of February 2016th.
For the non-commercial license we offer a discounted update (not free).
I hope this is understandable. More questions are always welcome.
abylonsoft - Dec 12 2015 at 3:23am Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen Sorry, but it is still not clear; I find your comment contradictory. Is the non commercial licence free, permanently or do you offer it at a discount after a certain period of time. ?
Dec 12 2015 at 3:52am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hello,

We offer about BitsduJour a special setup, which can be used non-commercially. The use of this version is not time-limited.

Differently on our website ( The setup offered there is a 30-day trial version, which can be registered after the trial period.

In the non-commercial version there is no direct prompt to update or appropriate advertising. Only checking if a new version is available, prompts you to update. This check can be disabled.
abylonsoft - Dec 12 2015 at 4:10am Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen Now it's clear. Thanks.

I visited your website and noticed you offer encryption software. I have never found software abel to encrypt emails text, without the recipient forced to download something. only open the message with the password. Do you offer such a software? I am not interested in attachment encryption and the like.
Dec 12 2015 at 4:24am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Gunderic,
Sorry, this kind of software we do not offer.
abylonsoft - Dec 12 2015 at 6:10am Copy Link
mishasin Help!
When I click on “GET IT FOR FREE” button -> then click on “UAC-GRABBER - Giveaway version v2015” -> “Your Shopping Cart” with Auslogics DiskDefrag Pro v4 ($20) and UAC-GRABBER - Giveaway version v2015 ($0.00)!
How can I get download link (and license) for UAC-GRABBER - Giveaway, only?
Dec 12 2015 at 6:36am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @mishasin, There should be a red X button associated with each purchase item in the shopping cart which allows removing that item from the shopping cart.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 12 2015 at 6:40am Copy Link
mishasin @Constantin Florea
Thanks for the quick help; i failed to recognize red X button as such.
Best regards
Dec 12 2015 at 6:58am Copy Link
Paul User It's the cool-est
Dec 12 2015 at 9:18am Copy Link
Rob User Don't know about you other guys but I have not been able to log into my account or purchase any software since the "New" website went into production and Constantine is no longer there apparently.
Dec 12 2015 at 4:11pm Copy Link
R Master It will not let me purchase either!
Dec 13 2015 at 1:00am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Rob User, I've just sent you an email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 13 2015 at 1:07am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @R Master, I see that you did manage to purchase. I just resent you the receipt email.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 13 2015 at 1:10am Copy Link
s User If the registration fails, simply turn off your antivirus for a couple minutes. AVG blocked registration. Deactivated for 5 minutes and it went right through.
May 13 2016 at 3:02am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi "s User",
Sometimes the virus scanners block the installation or registration. Why, I still a mystery to us. The scan on always gives no threat.
abylonsoft - May 13 2016 at 5:32am Copy Link
babis User thanks
May 14 2016 at 3:16am Copy Link
Daryn Bogart @Thomas Klabunde Virus scanners block auto registration because they see an action of the program changing your registry without prompting you to do so.
May 14 2016 at 11:31am Copy Link
Benjamin User Hello, I'm very interested in your program as I'm fed up of these pop-up but as you don't mention Windows 10.. I suppose you don't have a Windows 10 version, do you?
Aug 21 2017 at 12:20pm Copy Link
Jerry Voletto I agree. Nothing is mentioned about Windows 10. Does it work for us?
Aug 22 2017 at 7:42am Copy Link
sakis kom @Beniamin, UAC GRABBER 2016.5 and newer versions, support Windows 10.
Aug 22 2017 at 10:25am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Jerry Voletto,
Yes, the software abylon UAC-GRABBER also works under Windows 10.
Today, however, we can not assume a 100% guarantee for an operating system. For this, the system is much too different. And sometimes the virus scanner or other security software sometimes cause problems.
Just ask for problems. However, I'm not 24/7 online and also have other projects. If I do not have an answer with BDJ here, simply use the support form on our homepage.
abylonsoft - Aug 22 2017 at 10:41am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Here are two tips for the software abylon UAC-GRABBER!
1. A point that is often confused. Use the following icon to create a link on the desktop, which calls the program with admin rights and skips the Windows UAC dialog:

Sorry, but the BDJ comment system deletes inserted images. Here the link:

2. To skip the UAC dialog, the service of our software must be running!
abylonsoft - Aug 22 2017 at 10:44am Copy Link
Benjamin User @Thomas Klabunde Thank you so much for your reply and tutorial. That's very kind of you. Wish all developer were like you.
Aug 22 2017 at 11:31am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Benjamin,
there is no functional difference between the "private" and "commercial" versions. With the "private" version the support is limited and the update prices are higher. In addition, the private version may not be installed on computers that are used commercially.

Our software is NOT a so-called "one-click application" and requires a certain technical background knowledge. Nevertheless, I would say that even users with a certain training time can use the application. As far as we know, the use of the software should not lead to irreparable problems.
abylonsoft - Aug 24 2017 at 5:47am Copy Link
sakis kom So, i install the software and register. I open it. Now what?
I run any other software and i don't see any info window.
I want to inform me if i run any .exe
This is not this use of UAC Grabber?
Aug 24 2017 at 8:39am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Sakis Kom,
so exactly I do not know what you want. With the software abylon UAC-GRABBER, the display of the UAC-questionnaire can be skipped. To do this, an appropriate icon can be created on the desktop or the application is stored in the Autostart area of our software. The software does not recognize when you start any application.
Our software turned off the UAC security feature not generally. The user must be conscious of what he is doing. And only if the desired application as mentioned above in our software, this is also considered.
I hope this makes the functioning of abylon UAC-GRABBER something clearer. Otherwise, ask again. I finish my current work, however, soon.
abylonsoft - Aug 24 2017 at 9:26am Copy Link
John User Well, I gave this program a shot again and I just can't figure it out. I downloaded it during previous trials without figuring out how to use it and I thought this time might be the charm. However, after spending an hour trying to get it to work, I just can't get it.

Abylonsoft produces many fine programs that I use daily, but, for me, this one just doesn't work. I'm not sure if it is the language difference in the Help/FAQ which I have read extensively or the way the program itself works, but I will have to uninstall it again. I do like the idea of having a program that blocks those pesky UAC, but this one just isn't doing it for me.

Thanks for the opportunity to give it a try again.
Aug 25 2017 at 7:17am Copy Link
John Sule I keep getting an error when I register with the Registration Name and the Registration Key provided in the email that was sent titled. I've tried this a few times being VERY careful to cut and paste accurately. Please advise:

"BitsDuJour Software Receipt - UAC-GRABBER - Giveaway version v2017
UAC-GRABBER - Giveaway version v2017 - PC
Quantity 1
Purchased 8/25/2017 3:09:22 PM".
Aug 25 2017 at 9:57am Copy Link
Stephen Warkentien I don't have a clue how to work this program. Besides I never got past "Unhandled Exception"
Aug 25 2017 at 11:26am Copy Link
Hubert CANEVET Can you explain what is the use of the UAC if there are no more dialog boxes to alert you ?
Jun 15 2019 at 2:56am Copy Link
Di Matlock @Hubert CANEVET: "UAC-GRABBER 2016 lets you control whether the User Account Control dialog box asks for permission when you run specific applications."

Sounds to me like its auto-answering dialog boxes only for applications for which you choose to have it do so. So the UAC system will otherwise have all its usual functionality.
Jun 16 2019 at 1:59am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Hubert CANEVET,

Thank you very much for your question.
The software abylon UAC-GRABBER has the advantage that the UAC security function does not have to be deactivated. Because is it possible via
- the software GUI,
- specially created desktop icons
- or the corresponding included autostart functionality
to call individual programs or files without confirming the UAC dialog.
You can do this because you want to save one click. Or because under the given situation it is not possible to confirm the dialog (e.g. no user activity is possible).

@Di Matlock: Thank you very much for your explanation.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

abylonsoft - Jun 16 2019 at 2:24am Copy Link
Toto AbylonSoft makes original and interesting software, with unique features, unfortunately the UI is poorly designed, ugly and not very practical.
A lot of buttons areas are grey on grey and you can't see them unless you mouse over them (Windows 10 x64). I could not believe my eyes when I first saw that !
What about this ugly brown bar, and that "bug" image that is useless and take place for nothing (and is a bit scary: no one likes bugs, and mainly, no one wants bugs in his computer! :) )

And why do we have to open a menu to be able to add a shortcut to a program we want to add? Why not put this option (and others) directly on the main program's window?

Despite it's design's flaw, this program is working well and allows to spare yourself the hassle of UAC pop-ups for programs you are launching often, as it's recommended for security reasons when you have an admin account to let the UAC activated.
Jun 18 2019 at 6:35am Copy Link
GenoK To bypass the UAC using this program one must use the shortcut from the program's menu. The program does not seem to work if one uses another desktop shortcut or a windows tile. One must click on the taskbar icon, then the icon on the
UAC program window to start the program without seeing the UAC window. This program adds another click to start the program when the UAC window only needs one click to get to the program.

A program called winareo tweaker allows one to bypass the UAC no matter what menu is being uses. There are a few black box blips on the screen before the program opens, but the UAC window does not appear.
Jun 18 2019 at 7:23am Copy Link
Eberhard My UAC settings of my Windows10home/v1809 are at maximum. With every logon I used to start the Taskmanager (via the Taskscheduler), which always required me to confirm the UAC prompt. But even when I use UAC-Grabber and put its short-cut to the Taskmanager into "shell:startup", I have to confirm the UAC prompt with every logon. What am I doing wrong?
Jun 18 2019 at 10:19am Copy Link
Sandy The UAC can only be bypassed if you use the shortcut in the UAC-Grabber window accessed at the taskbar.
Jun 18 2019 at 10:52am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Thank you very much for your comments.

@Toto: Ok, of course you can discuss design questions. But first and foremost is the functionality. The beetle stands for the Windows UAC, which in our opinion was a little buggy implemented by Microsoft.

@Eberhard: If I understand you correctly, you put the created link into the Windows autostart folder, or? In our software there is also the folder "Autostart". Drag and drop the program or the file into the autostart folder of the software abylon UAC-GRABBER and try again.

@sANDY: In addition to the tray icon menu, you can also create a desktop icon or use the autostart directory in our software.

abylonsoft - Jun 18 2019 at 11:45am Copy Link
Toto @Thomas Klabunde: design is an important option. A program's UI is the first thing users get in contact with. It should be easy to use and, if possible, not looking bad (at least).

Grey buttons with a grey font on a gray background is not practical, it's making them invisible: it's an incomprehensible design choice, it's forcing users to grope around to find the buttons. Having to open a menu to execute the program's basic functions is a bad thing.

There is a survey on your website for users to tell their opinion about your software. I'm doing it here. If you want to sell more programs and stop being obliged to give them for free on various Giveaway websites you should listen carefully to what users have to say.

For UAC Grabber, it should also be possible to drag-and-drop programs from the Windows Explorer to add them, and move them inside the UI from a folder to another. Drag-and-drop is such a basic function in Windows, and so useful.

And why is the button to register the program named "purchase licence" ? Why is it not called "Register" ? Another unimportant detail maybe, like the unnecessary CAPS used here and there, but all there details put together are making a big deal.

Best regards !
Jun 18 2019 at 1:19pm Copy Link
Di Matlock @Thomas: OK, I've "purchased" it (thank you), and the email offers you two choices: A "free" 2019 version and a "commercial" 2017 version. Where on the abylon site, or elsewhere, is the difference explained, as well as the differences between these and the 2019 "commercial" version?

I gather that I have one month to register whichever one I choose using the registration info provided... but after that I cannot switch? Or transfer to a different machine?

I have a Win 8.1 machine which failed its "free Win 10 upgrade", so one thing that interests me is getting a Start menu alternative to "Start Menu X", which I do have installed already. Are there any known conflicts when running both (if you've even heard of it)?
Jun 19 2019 at 1:51am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @Toto:
Yes, of course I agree with you. Much goes over the optics and the operation is much more important in my eyes. However, we do not always have the possibilities (or resources) to adjust everything accordingly. But if we receive suggestions from users, then we already register this in order to consider it for the future development. But we can't always fulfill all wishes and sometimes it goes into oblivion.

@Di Matlock:
No, both the covermount and the commercial version are from this year 2019. I haven't updated this on the english homepage yet, because I'm just relaunching it (according to our german homepage I had hoped to publish this before today. But as always something comes in between or the effort gets bigger.

The registration can also be done later. Only the setup has a lock and can only be installed until the end of August.

I've heard of "Start Menu X" but haven't tested it yet. So I can't say if there are any problems. But I think rather no.
abylonsoft - Jun 19 2019 at 2:39am Copy Link
GenoK My previous comment was incorrect. I've found that one can just drag a program listed in the program folder to the desktop and a shortcut will be generated that can be used to open the progam without UAC window.

With that said, this program is very useful, but instructions are not quite clear.
Jun 19 2019 at 6:37am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Genok,
yes also with the help we hang back a little bit. When I have updated the english homepage, I will take care of it.
abylonsoft - Jun 19 2019 at 10:19am Copy Link
John User The idea is okay but the program has bugs and it is not practical. Thanks anyway but will wait for version 2025.
Jun 19 2019 at 12:33pm Copy Link
Pavel User Thank You very much to developer and
Mar 29 2020 at 1:54am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Hi Pavel, thanks for the praise. You're welcome.
abylonsoft - Mar 29 2020 at 2:52am Copy Link
Serious Noize Thank you Bitsdjour and abylonsoft for this opportunity. This seems to be just what I have been looking for.

One thing I noticed, and I hope I am correct in this and wanted to ask. I was trying to find a way to browse directly to a file and make a shortcut to it with elevated UAC without the permissions dialog.

At first I could not find a way to do it, then I noticed that if you run the software one time that it will appear as an option to make the shortcut from inside UAC-Grabber. Is this the correct way to do that?

That works great for me, but I wanted to mention that for those who may be wondering how to do that.

Thanks again!
Mar 29 2020 at 7:06am Copy Link
Ottavio Thanks for this very cool software.
I'd like to launch a program with arguments and with administrative privileges, without UAC permission dialog box.
Here an example
C:\Program Files (x86)\R-Wipe & Clean\RwcRun.exe /t "TEST1"
Is it possible?
Mar 29 2020 at 8:10am Copy Link
Thomas User One does not need a licensed Software to do this.
Here is a simple step-by-step description, how it can be done:

At the end, there is a link to the free Winaero Tweaker which can create a UAC Shortcut for free. For any computer you like :-)
Mar 29 2020 at 8:21am Copy Link
Pavel User To Thomas:-
Yes, of course. Way via Task Scheduler is known solution and - of course - Sergey "" Tkachenko is super developer. UAC-GRABBER as "shell for a lot of admin shortcuts" is fast and user friendly way for "basic" or "lazy" users. I like it. :-)
To Ottavio:-
See for example also programs as Hidden Start ( or for example PowerRun or ExecTI.exe - last both are free, second is by Mr. Tkachenko, both are also for running apps as System or TrustedInstaller.
Mar 29 2020 at 8:53am Copy Link
David Rose Great software. Great site for all the free items. I see something not right thou...promotion is 2020, however, when you download it says 2019 version.
Mar 29 2020 at 9:48am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde Thanks for the many comments.

@Serious Noize:
Yes, exactly. There is the possibility to put an application or file in the autostart folder of the software abylon UAC-Grabber.
Or as you describe above about the icon for the selected application to create a link on the desktop. Here the button icon with the shield (Hint with UAC) select.

To achieve this, you should create a link from the program. Then, you can add the parameters in the shortcut via Properties (right mouse button -> Properties). This shortcut will now be added to the program UAC-Grabber via Drafg&Drop or the Plus-Icon, e.g. in the Autostart folder.
Otherwise, I am not sure if the parameters can be added to the desktop shortcut created by our software via Properties. Would be worth a test.

@Thomas User
I know the instructions too. It's an alternative, but in my opinion it's much more elaborate.

@Pavel User:
Thanks for the info. I'll take a look at it.
abylonsoft - Mar 29 2020 at 9:53am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @David User:
The latest version 2020 is offered here. If so, somewhere the version number has not been updated. We would be happy about a detailed description or screenshot.
abylonsoft - Mar 29 2020 at 10:50am Copy Link
Constantin Florea I am sorry about the issue regarding the version number: the installer is the correct one to use (for version 2020), the issue was that the text title of the download was still showing version 2019. That text has also been updated.
BitsDuJour Admin - Mar 29 2020 at 12:27pm Copy Link
mishasin Thank you both, Bitsdjour and abylonsoft, for this useful piece of software.
Best regards
Mar 29 2020 at 8:57pm Copy Link
Ken Stecher Never received email 3x
Mar 29 2020 at 9:00pm Copy Link
R W Windows 8... what about 10 and 11?
Feb 15 2022 at 12:27am Copy Link
Wolfgang Drosdziok siehe Webseite
Feb 15 2022 at 2:19am Copy Link
R W Nein!
Feb 15 2022 at 3:16am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @R W:
In principle, we offer our software in 2 different versions. But here only the software with the framework .NET 4.0 is offered. This is designed for Windows 8, 10 and 11.
Under the following link we have a short explanation:

For further questions you can contact us here via the comments or also via the corresponding possibilities on our homepage.
abylonsoft - Feb 15 2022 at 3:26am Copy Link
Roger McKeon It doesn't download. ??
Feb 15 2022 at 8:56am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! abylonsoft has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 16 2022 at 12:11am Copy Link
dave User @Thomas Klabunde -- I did download it from the website, hoping the registration name and serial in the email would work. It did not. Could you furnish a url to download the BDJ offer outside of BDJ? It won't let me download it again, and the url in the letter with the registration name and serial key always downloads the 0 km file.

Thanks again.
Feb 16 2022 at 1:31am Copy Link
Thomas Klabunde @dave User:
I am sorry, but you will have to contact BitsDuJour directly about this problem.
abylonsoft - Feb 16 2022 at 2:15am Copy Link
dave User @BITSDUJOUR - I downloaded the program twice from the url in the email I received, but both times the file size was 0kb. I downloaded it from the website, hoping the registration name and serial in the email would work. It did not. It won't let me start over to get a new email and download the url again since I had already applied once. Can you help me with this problem? Thank you.
Feb 17 2022 at 2:44am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @dave User, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 17 2022 at 2:51am Copy Link

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