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Usmania CalculatorDiscount

Usmania Calculator

Perform Calculations in Linear Style

for PC 
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Deal Expired...but might be back soon!
Usmania Calculator ScreenshotEducational Software ScreenshotUsmania Calculator, Educational Software ScreenshotUsmania Calculator, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software ScreenshotEducational Software, Usmania Calculator Screenshot

When you need to do some mathematical figuring, what's the first thing you do? Reach for a pencil and a scrap of paper! But unless your brain has reached terabyte-levels of cognition, there's probably a limit to the amount of calculating that you can do manually. That's why today's discount software promotion, Usmania Calculator, gives you the best of all worlds!

Usmania Calculator lets you perform calculations in linear style, just like on paper, with support for normal, superscript, and subscript writing, plus typing support. With Usmania Calculator, you'll be able to perform calculations with numbers of up 36 bases, receiving your results in either standard or scientific format with up to 13 significant digits. Paired with a massive collection of integrated physical constants and atomic weights, Usmania Calculator gives new freedom to your ability to figure complex math problems!

More than just another calculator, Usmania Calculator gives you the ability to save your file or print what you see for later reference - kind of like printing out a chalkboard! A full set of themes lets you customize the look and feel of Usmania Calculator to fit your changing mood!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Frank Stephens This is going up against the free Microsoft Mathematics 4.0
See the Options for additional features. If you're online, it's tough to beat Wolfram|Alpha. Still, people have different personal preferences.
Aug 10 2012 at 12:16am Copy Link
Cliff Knight On top of the gimmicky, absolutely horrid and impossible to read user interface, it will not accept the supplied registration code. The only good news is that I could care less and it seems to uninstall cleanly...
Aug 10 2012 at 2:04am Copy Link
Frank Mohnhaupt The Registrations Code I used from here is invalid...What is to do ?
Aug 10 2012 at 3:00am Copy Link
Read MorePeter Blaise Seriously? No Menu / File / Edit / View / Tools / Help bar?

Have you seen ay computers in the last 20 or 30 years?

Programming for one's self alone, eh?

NRFPTY (pronounced "nerf putty") = Not Ready For Prime Time Yet

I suggest that the programmer sign in here and clear things up if possible.

Waiting ... waiting ...
Aug 10 2012 at 3:15am Copy Link
Usman Raza Licensing servers will be updated after the completion of this deal. Don't panic guys! you will be activated within 2 or 3 days. You have entered registration code, your part is over. Till that time, you can enjoy the free trial. More info: http://www.usmaniacomplex...ister.aspx and http://www.usmaniacomplex...ivate.aspx
Usmania Complex - Aug 10 2012 at 3:41am Copy Link
Matt I hate to be mean, but this is one ugly calculator.
Aug 10 2012 at 3:41am Copy Link
Usman Raza @ Peter Blaise shortcut menu (right-click menu) is there! More info: http://www.usmaniacomplex...tMenu.aspx
Usmania Complex - Aug 10 2012 at 3:43am Copy Link
Read MoreCliff Knight The problem is not the colour selections but rather the overall clutter, shadowed fonts, gradient backgrounds--which all contribute nothing but obfuscation. Add to that the silly animated window controls and overall low contrast foggy "artsy" appearance, and the result is an application that could be used as a fine basis for a "what not to do in application design" master's thesis.

Installation also tried to run a process named Stp15E1_TMP.EXE in the system temp folder, which Bit Defender flagged as a potentially malicious process--and also left a bunch of temporary crap behind.

Other than that...
Aug 10 2012 at 4:23am Copy Link
Little Bear I know there are relatively few comments here but I'm going to have to agree with the unattractive interface comment, and the comments about the licensing procedure used on this product. If we have to wait to get it activated a few days after this Giveaway has ended, then this program is really not worth the hassle or effort. It shows the vendor was not prepared for this Giveaway. Furthermore, there are plenty of free and open source calculators that can do the job here and without the expensive $20 price tag.
Aug 10 2012 at 4:49am Copy Link
Matt Hi Cliff. I agree completely. The color is just the icing on the cake.
Aug 10 2012 at 4:49am Copy Link
Read MorePeter Blaise Thanks, Usman Raza, "... right click ..." to see program controls, but, seriously?

While I appreciate that it takes an inordinate amount of time, energy, skill, and dedication to do any sort of programming, may I kindly suggest that the most important thing about a program is it's functional capability, not the uniqueness of it's interface presentation.

In fact, any software that has a unique interface is doomed to failure simply because we don't want to learn yet another fancy-dancy interface, we just want to use the dang thing without having to be retrained.

After 30+ years in the computing business, I want the next program I have to use to be SIMPLER and EASIER than the last program, not more difficult, different, obscure, arduous, hidden, complex, mysterious, inventive, clever, cute, entertaining -- I have a real life I want to get back to, and I just want any program to do it's job and get out of my way, and speak to me in plain, unambiguous, standard, established, communication language.

The Menu / File / Edit / View / Tools / Help bar is an essential "handle" on any program, otherwise, as I say, you're just designing for yourself, and if that's all the sales you want, then go for it.

What say, folks, should I reinstall and try it, or pass for now and wait for v2?
Aug 10 2012 at 6:13am Copy Link
Read MoreCliff Knight Peter,

For six years now I have been using a calculator named PractiCalc (Google "practicalc" images to see it), which unfortunately is not longer available or supported--that is why I have an interest in something new--this "Usmania" thing is NOT it unless it were to get a major overhaul...

I have installed it twice now, with Bit Defender complaining both times about Stp15E1_TMP.EXE in the system temp folder, and have been unable to get past the interface. I am

Like you I have been at this data processing thing for a long time, got a few years on you though as my first experience was with Dec minis in the late 60s. The thing that the Mac OS brought to the table was that once you learned how to navigate one Mac program you you also knew how to navigate every other Mac application.

Being a Windows guy since version 1, it was that when the Mac crowd pointed this out all I could do was hang my head in shame--that began to change by the late 90s and was pretty much done by the time XP hit the streets--heck even PhotoShop finally got it.
Aug 10 2012 at 6:48am Copy Link
Sweet Soft Sure Pete, if you have a good pair of sunglasses and dont suffer from epilepsy give it a shot hehe.

Usman thanks for the giveaway, there is probably a good calculator under there somewhere but the GUI really lets it down. Hopefully you will continue to improve your tool.
Aug 10 2012 at 6:56am Copy Link
Read MorePeter Blaise Cliff, the Mac is not easier to use, only easier to sell, because it promises to be easier to use.


But underneath it all, everything's based on UNIX, and then, the programmer's interface choices are what people have to live with.

The iPhone is the first engaging enhancement, yet no full-size computer will ever match it because no full-size screen will ever fit on one hand while we play with it using our other hand.

Regardless, if this were a Mac program, there'd be a control menu in the traditional Mac place.

Hiding it under right-click is so non-traditional that the programmer has to come with the program to explain.

Wait, what?

I started supporting others in 1969, by the way, with the IBM APL 360 "personal main frame", having only "played" with the IBM 1130 years before from 1965, and going on to enjoy the IBM 5100 Portable "personal computer" in 1975, hopping on board the PC revolution via ComputerLand in the early 1980s, and I've been independently and professionally supporting folks who use computers ever since -- these boards have a wealth of savvy, eh?.

But even someone with "only" a recent experience of a computer would be put off by the (lack of) interface of this program.

Ever use a restaurant without a menu?
Aug 10 2012 at 7:32am Copy Link
Cliff Knight I never said it was easier to use, just that until the Windows developers began using the common interface it was an advantage the Mac OS held. The best description of the Mac I ever saw was that "For the first week you will be amazed by what it can do, and after that you will be amazed by what it cannot do."

You had said 30+ years in your other post, I know it seems hard to believe, I have trouble with it myself, but the late 60s were 40+ years ago...
Aug 10 2012 at 7:47am Copy Link
Jack Gee Registration Code keeps coming up Invalid.
Aug 10 2012 at 8:02am Copy Link
Stephen Stimac The key doesn't work! I can't activate!
Aug 10 2012 at 8:04am Copy Link
Read MorePeter Blaise Okay, when I click on the atomic symbol, show me the entire atomic table so I can browse, instead of just showing me three elements at a time expecting me to scroll ... endlessly ... looking for what's there!

Same with fx functions and pi.

I appreciate the throbbing buttons to let us know what button our mouse pointer is hovering over, but it's breathlessly distracting!

Please read 508 specifications for visually impaired folks,and offer a "gray-scale" theme with no space wasted on round and shaded buttons -- I call this "dancing baloney", and all it does is scream "... the programmer is having themselves a hoot, please wait ..."

Interesting that the you offer comments from within the program, but if you're going to do that, why not link to a comments AND RESPONSE archive page?
Aug 10 2012 at 1:53pm Copy Link
Cliff Knight "dancing baloney" I like that...
Aug 10 2012 at 2:03pm Copy Link
gargamel loper the key work it very fine
Aug 10 2012 at 3:37pm Copy Link
medi purwoko i't's detected virus in my computer
please help me?
Aug 10 2012 at 3:40pm Copy Link
Read MoreMario Balzic Since I run a win2k laptp, I can't run the program at present, but I did download it to try on my home XP machine later next week when I get back home. I received the email registration. BUT! There is a problem with the downloader...

The download manager you use created a DOWNLOADS subdirectoiry on my desktop where it stored the program! My objection is that it did this without offering me a choice of WHERE to store the download! Or did I miss something somewhere? I did not see anywhere that I could select where the file would be saved. When I clicked on the OPTIONS button, all I got was an ABOUT option which when clicked on, told me about the Regnow download manager...

So, a suggestion: in the future, at least OFFER the user an option of WHERE the program will be saved instead of an arbitrary dcision on your part to create a folder on the desktop. Personally, I prefer an uncluttered desktop with ONLY the FEW shortcuts I want to BE there.

Thank you for this offer. I appreciate developers who share their programs here...
Aug 10 2012 at 3:45pm Copy Link
Usman Raza Thank you all for critics and appreciation. Licensing servers are being updated. Please activate your product.
Usmania Complex - Aug 10 2012 at 8:15pm Copy Link
ted grannell Kaspersky found a trojan agent in this it took me ages to fix the problem it affected all other programmes on my computer
Aug 11 2012 at 7:43am Copy Link
Usman Raza @ted grannell; please see this Usmania Calculator 1.0.1 - SOFTPEDIA "100% CLEAN" AWARD
Usmania Complex - Aug 11 2012 at 8:36am Copy Link
ted grannell The calculators working great now it i eliminated the trojan it was put in by the download program no doubt
I hate it when you can't just download the program direct from official site
Aug 11 2012 at 2:12pm Copy Link
Chris It seems their site is no longer there, I am glad they gave this program away free when I got it.
Sep 2 2013 at 10:56am Copy Link

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